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Everything posted by BadgerB

  1. I went with games I don't know much about yet or want to see a release date revealed, Horizon/FFVIIR/KH3/KH2.8/The Last Guardian/Nier.
  2. I would be surprised if Nomura does not include Noctis in the game, considering he created the character. The whole friendship/bonds theme of FFXV shown so far could fit in with Kingdom Hearts. If Lightning appears in the game, then I think you would find her in the Mount Olympus world with the Gods.
  3. Even if this feature only changed the appearance of the Keyblades, I would still love it. A Keyblade level system gives more incentive to re use older or weaker weapons in order to max out their level and any abilities they may have on them.
  4. Rpg without a doubt. It's satisfying leveling up characters, and other equipment/abilities/stats etc. The games are usually fantasy based and are of considerable length. Action/Adventure genres would take 2nd and 3rd for me.
  5. I like being able to play as different characters, but only in BBS and DDD. I think the numbered games should stick with just Sora, while having other characters appear as party members, we had Riku for 2 in twtnw. I like the idea of fighting against the 13 darknesses while partnering with another keyblade wielder, eg. Lea when fighting Isa.
  6. PotC, solely for a Davy Jones storyline. Davy Jones fits in with the heart theme of KH and the Kraken would be a good boss fight as well. Nightmare before Christmas world, lots of holidays you can visit by going through the trees. Tarzans world
  7. If Zootopia did end up as a world in KH3, they might as well use Sora's original concept design.
  8. As long as I get the game in my hands, I don't care if the game is delayed a couplle of months after a set release.
  9. Hearing "Sora, Donald and Goofy" everytime we talk to someone.
  10. KH2 had 15 worlds, so my guess is about 18 worlds. There's going to be more new worlds than old ones as far as I know.
  11. Spot (The Good Dinosaur) Wreck it Ralph Groot/Rocket Racoon Robin Hood Louie (The Princess and the Frog)
  12. Trailer with release date for Unchained X and 2.8. Kingdom Hearts 3 will probably have a trailer as well and maybe a release year,
  13. The AI mechanics for party members, which was limited in Kh1 and 2, I hope they can improve the gambits/customization.
  14. It's a weird thought, but if they had Guardians of the Galaxy in the game then you could have Gummi Ship missions and boss fights with them fighting along side you. It probably won't happen, but it would be cool to see other people fighting along side you during Gummi Ship missions.
  15. There's a lot of games coming out that I want to get, but my priority list is: Naruto UNS 4 (Technically already have it though) FFXV KH 2.8 Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4) Horizon: Zero Dawn Uncharted 4 The Last Guardian Star Ocean 5
  16. I would love to know how many worlds they are putting in the game, they said there will be more than previous games in the series. I don't need to know what worlds will appear, only a number and I would be sated. At most we have 15 for KH2, so I would guess around 18 for KH3.
  17. All of the Organisation XIII member's somebodies will return in KH3, some of them are obviously vessels for Xehanort.
  18. Sephiroth definitely has to reappear for the 3rd fight, Cloud could return as well and we might see what happened after they left in KH2. I hope they do the designs based on the remake versions for any FF7 characters. I would be surprised if Noctis doesn't appear in the game considering he is Nomura's character. I can see Lightning appearing in Mount Olympus world with Zeus and the other gods, acting as a guardian.
  19. I would want it to be a world solely for the Davy Jones and Kraken boss fights, I don't know if you would have fight them together or as two separate bosses for the world though.
  20. I want to see Master Xehanort's plan involving Kingdom Hearts and the X-Blade succeeding, then hopefully he will be a big enough threat for Sora and co compared to his fight with Terra in BBS.
  21. I think Olympus will introduce the Gods in KH3, so maybe we might see Lightning on Mount Olympus who might be a guardian, similar to her role as Etro's protector in XIII-2.
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