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About Monztamash

  • Birthday 11/11/1981

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  1. I've been having the error -103 install problem non-stop for hours now. I live in NA, so it should work. It never happened with JP KHUX. (uninstalled now) Anyone got a solution for this ?
  2. When you start out though, aren't you're limited with the crappy starting medals ? Would you pull right at start ?
  3. Ha. So true. Any veterans got some starting tips before game is out ? Especially stuff that aren't obvious. (save or spend jewels, material farm, etc etc)
  4. I pray to god when they do eventually localize the game, they include these QoL changes, and not give us a half-assed older version.
  5. Nice job. Well written guide. I'm personally waiting for someone to write a veteran guide of sorts. Some detailed info with top Medal tiers, which Medals to fully upgrade, which Keyblade to focus on, min-max, etc. There's some really good info on this board, but the posts are all over and sometimes hidden deep within threads.
  6. A friend of mine was asking if there's was a way to reroll without re-downloading the data. I didn't bother when I started playing, but I'm wondering about it now.
  7. No matter when they release it, it'll be a huge success globally. The gameplay is pretty fast-paced with some cute art tied to it. I can see this being really popular with the average NA gamer. I still feel like they missed the boat by not releasing it worldwide day 1 on same servers though. Feels like the type of game that only needed a translation, and not a complete localization.
  8. Would they really just drop it in the mobile store without promoting and hyping it ? I remember SE promoting Final Fantasy: Record Keeper pretty heavily before Global version got launched.
  9. I hate it when localization does it. We will be so far behind in QoL features, they'll announce all the new updates as cool new stuff... They should release 1:1 with jp features, then release updates simultaneously.
  10. Two things that's been bothering me with the localization: 1. 0 news whatsoever from SE. None. They have announced the localization a year ago, so why don't they just give some progress report ? 2. Global being so far apart from JP version has always affected a mobile game's content in some way. Missed events, missed rewards, lack of current QoL changes. This is a big reason why Global should've been released alongside JP version. If this was any other typical mobile game, I would've understood. But we're talking about the worldwide mega hit series from both Disney and SE. How is this not a priority ? This isn't one of those cheap F2P gacha game. It's pretty huge.
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