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Endless Thundaga

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Everything posted by Endless Thundaga

  1. Well, thanks to my superiority to evilness, those hoomans were sacrificed
  2. Thats the face that many hoomans have made to me. Incredibly evil
  3. But I can fry. Other things though *Eats the entire leftover pizza whole* Sorry, you're a bit late
  4. I have some leftover super sized pizza. But you can't have it
  5. That would be cool but here's the thing (Ignore the "spam incoming")
  6. Today a bunch of hoomans wanted me to stop swimming. You know what I did? I swam out to open water. I'm so evil.
  7. *Electricity sparks from mouth* INTRUDERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. How so? Is it because of my extreme evilness?
  9. Oh............................ Wait, I control electricity, wat am I doing? *Grabs lifeless body and performs acupuncture* CLEAR! *Body comes back to life* I'm alive again
  10. You see here I was just chillin' on the beach eating my favorite food, Plesioth, and four hoomans came out of nowhere and cut, stabbed, poked, and shot me.
  11. "Heroes"? You mean those dam hoomans who killed me?
  12. I'll just stay in my pool. Let me know when the pizza comes.
  13. Alright then! *Eats the rest of the burned tofu whole* Tastes like one of those fish I like to eat............ but crispy........... I DEMAND MORE TOFU!
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