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Endless Thundaga

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Everything posted by Endless Thundaga

  1. And I'm a Lagiacrus. A big leviathan that wields electricity. Also known as the Lord of the Seas since I lie on the top of the aquatic food chain. I'm also a big azzhole that will kill anything that moves.
  2. *Roars while laughing* MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! OWO
  3. I actually would appreciate cold weather. But I live in FREAKING FLORIDA! Even at winter time when I go horseback riding I sweat a lot.
  4. *Spits an explosive electric orb at the Australian power generator. Now all of Australia has no power*
  5. But you forgot one more evil ingredient.............. Me
  6. Haha! Those Australians will have no idea what hit them! Horrible work!
  7. Well. There goes my chance to visit the Opera House. *Slow claps*
  8. You're a minor? Good! You have to learn at some point!MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  9. Oi! Don't you dare make fun of such a malicious drink, hooman!
  10. *Bullets literally do nothing to me* Tehehe! That tickles!
  11. You're right! I'm far more than evil! You're the Diet Coke of evil
  13. *Falls asleep from the lack of true evilness*
  14. *Lays down and watches the two fight* This is quite evil.
  15. We're lacking some evil today. I'll reboot the evil. EVIL!
  16. Hardly any evil in here today, so I'll show you my typical everyday life.
  17. Utopia responds to the question of what to do next. "According to my knowledge, in order for the two Pokémon, Groudon and Kyogre, to achieve Primal Evolution, two particular orbs must be found." Jynn interjects. "The Red Orb and Blue Orb. I'm sure the Blue Orb is somewhere deep inside Maelstrom Cave. And the Red Orb must be somewhere near the volcano next to Pyro Town. We must keep these orbs away from Team Yami at all costs." Jynn looks around the room to make sure everyone is paying attention. "I want you two to go to Ernesto City to see if everything is okay. Then, I want you to go find the Red Orb." Jynn then stands up. "Don't be intimidated by Team Yami. Just keep your heads high, and we can save everyone in the Tamara Region. You are dismissed."
  18. The screenshot is of Sora fighting Heartless in an area of Mount Olympus that we saw in the E3 2015 trailer, it's just that the camera is slightly angled differently.
  19. *Heads int The base. Sounds of destruction fill the air with occasional roars. Walks out of the base* All clear
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