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Endless Thundaga

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Everything posted by Endless Thundaga

  1. *Watches as the little penguins pass by. Licks chops*These look like delicious little fellers!
  2. *Walks in and investigates* Well, what have I stumbled upon?
  3. Then that would make me a secret service agent.
  4. *Begins to eat all of Florida's alligators and crocodiles, disrupting the ecosystem*
  5. Empire Strikes Back. All day, every day. Rogue One is a strong second.
  6. I heard that Santa's first plan for continental destruction begins in Australia.
  7. *Notices that the windows are broken* Oi! What's going on here?!
  8. I would say Ars Arcanium. It's my favorite ability in all of Kingdom Hearts (aside from Leaf Bracer, Second Chance, and Once More).
  9. *Yawns and unhinges jaws. Then rehinges them* Well. I'm calling it a day. Christmas sucks the energy out of me fast. Stay evil my fellow villains!
  10. *Eyes turn from yellow to red while sparks of lightning envelopes horns. Then roars as loud as I could*
  11. *Snags radio and smashes it, then growls at Philip*
  12. *Releases a large thunderbolt at Phillip's radio* Enough!
  13. Oi! Don't make me use my powers to fry that noise maker!
  14. Master! Everything is clear of goodness! Sorry for my suspicions. Didn't realize you where a rapidly promoted member like myself. I'm the Guardian of the Coalition.
  15. You haven't done much yet other than trying to kill everyone this morning. We don't kill each other here....*Smells a piece of candy in Duck's pocket* Although......... *Viciously snags the candy and swallows it whole*
  16. She ain't acting that evil. It's kinda suspicious.......
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