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Endless Thundaga

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Everything posted by Endless Thundaga

  1. Here’s my final character. Name: Morpha Gallant Age: 23 Gender: Female Appearance: 5’8”, red eyes, long red hair. She bears a large horizontal scar across her face. Wears something similar to Hela from Thor: Ragnarok, only without her horns, and a purple flame patten instead of green. Court affiliation: Umbra Weapons: Carries a single gun. Magic: Morpha uses the power of darkness as her main weapon. She can do just about anything with it. She can even manipulate the trajectory of her bullets, however slightly, and they move slightly slower than normal. Personality: Selfish is one of the only words that can describe Morpha. She truly believes she is at the top. She knows that if she completes her missions, she will live a rich life. She doesn’t truly care about others’ lives. Sadistic is the second word that can be used to describe her. Morpha loves bringing others’ feelings down when she feels they deserve it. Background: Morpha was born to an extremely wealthy family, who severely spoiled her. At the age of nine, she was sent to the Umbra Court to harness her darkness. Sometime in her teenage years, Morpha came across Vivifica member Jynn, who she challenged to a spar of powers, just to try to look more superior. She lost every round, and in a blind rage, she tried to kill Jynn, but to no avail. Morpha came out with a huge gash across her face, and a burning hatred towards Jynn. Because of this act, the Umbra Court has been keeping a close eye on her ever since.
  2. Here’s a more detailed, and revamped Jynn character sheet! Name: Jynn Venas Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: 5’9” brown hair, and blue eyes. Usually wears a black short sleeved hoodie with white lining, black leather gauntlets, and brown pants with black knee-high boots. Court affiliation: Vivifica Weapons: Wields a a sword named Raging Leviathan, a weapon of his own design. It can transform into a scythe and an axe in its base form. When charged up, it will enter an amped state, with the blue blades will release a potent amount of electricity with each strike, and is able to cut through almost anything. However, it lasts only for a couple of minutes (one post), and Jynn will not be able to use this state again until after a couple of hours. Jynn also carries a revolver. Magic: Jynn controls lighting, able to fire projectiles, create storms, and forge weapons with electricity. His powers give him resistance to heat-based elements, like electricity and fire. In addition, he also also has the power of aura manipulation and sensing. With this, nothing can remain truly invisible to him. Personality: Generally quiet, doesn’t often express feelings or emotions to those that are not close to him. Some individuals are intimidated by his presence because of his quiet nature. But behind his facade, lies a heart of gold. Often thinks outside the box, not afraid to go against tradition to help those in need. Background: Not much is known about Jynn’s past, other than he grew up not knowing his parents. The courts noticed that he possesses many talents and powers. It was a difficult process because of this, but because of his aura reading, swordplay came naturally to him. In the end, he was placed in the Vivifica Court, and was a valuable asset. A decade or so later, on his 21st birthday, the Vivifica Court had a new leader, Aislinn. Admired by her leadership, though he would never admit it, he aimed to be the best member he could, completely learning to wield his powers by the age of 23. 
  3. Huzzah! Here comes Aislinn and Pali’s daughter! Name: Lev Noirtier Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: 5’6”, long black hair and green eyes. She usually wears a grey coat and black boots. Court affiliation: Ignis Weapons: Divine Slasher Revolver Magic: Healing from her mother, but she doesn’t possess any other elemental abilities. However, she doesn’t have a full grasp of her powers. Personality: Kind, upbeat, and proud. She never looks for the bad, and is determined to help society any way she can. Lev does not tolerate injustice, and always wants to resolve any issues. She can be a bit quirky at times however. Background: Lev is the daughter Pali and Aislinn, who both had an unsteady relationship between one another. Not long after, Lev’s parents divorced, with Aislinn leaving her behind with the immortal Pali. After sixteen years pass, she left Pali, and lived a life as a commoner, visiting her father from time to time. However, as the days go by, her powers become more prevalent and almost uncontrollable, in response, she decides to join the Ignis Court, perfecting her swordsmanship and making a difference to society, while also learning to wield her powers effectively.
  4. Name: Jynn Venas Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: 5’9” brown hair, and blue eyes. Usually wears a black short sleeved hoodie with white lining, black leather gauntlets, and brown pants with black knee-high boots. Court affiliation: Vivifica Weapons: Wields a a sword named Raging Leviathan, a weapon of his own design. It can transform into a scythe and an axe in its base form. When charged up, it will enter an amped state, with the blue blades will release a potent amount of electricity with each strike, and is able to cut through almost anything. However, it lasts only for a couple of minutes (one post), and Jynn will not be able to use this state again until after a couple of hours. As the story goes on, the sword will evolve. Base Form Revolver Magic: Jynn controls lighting, able to fire projectiles, create storms, and forge weapons with electricity. His powers give him resistance to heat-based elements, like electricity and fire. In addition, he also also has the power of aura manipulation and sensing. With this, nothing can remain truly invisible to him. Personality: Generally quiet, doesn’t often express feelings or emotions to those that are not close to him. Some individuals are intimidated by his presence because of his quiet nature. But behind his facade, lies a heart of gold. Often thinks outside the box, not afraid to go against tradition to help those in need. Background: Not much is known about Jynn’s past, other than he grew up not knowing his parents. The courts noticed that he possesses many talents and powers. It was a difficult process because of this, but because of his aura reading, swordplay came naturally to him. In the end, he was placed in the Vivifica Court, and was a valuable asset. A decade or so later, on his 21st birthday, the Vivifica Court had a new leader, Aislinn. Admired by her leadership, though he would never admit it, he aimed to be the best member he could, completely learning to wield his powers by the age of 23. 
  5. What a journey it has been for all of us. I feel that this RP has made me a better writer, and always was an escape from the stress of reality. It has been fun RP’ing with all of those who participated. Here’s hoping our next adventures go well.
  6. King Jynn and Dawson-After the coronation Jynn takes off his crown as soon as the last guest leaves. As he begins to walk down the hall, a straggler catches up to him. “You’re not going to wear that thing twenty four seven?” It was Dawson. He was not much of a fan of crowds and parties, but he could not miss his best friend’s coronation. Jynn laughs. “No. This headwear is not my style. Plus, I don’t have to wear it. My mother never wore hers.” The Palico looks ahead, as if he was lost in thought. “You know, as hard as it is for me to say this out loud, I’m glad you finally took your place in this world. We need leaders like you.” The two pause near the end of the hall, and Jynn becomes curious of Dawson’s future. “So. What’s next for you?” The felyne crosses his arms. What’s next? He hadn’t really put too much thought into it. But he does know he has one goal in his life. He looks to Jynn. “I don’t know. I suppose I might retire from hunting and pursue a culinary path. I still need to put some thought into it.” But the cat had curiosities of his own. “What about you pretty boy? What’s your plans?” Jynn thought about it for a moment. “Really, all I can do now is keep the Overworld in check, and monitor the restoration of the world below.” Dawson nods. “Fair enough.” He then gets closer, giving off a smirk. “What about you and Alicia? I haven’t seen you two together for days now.” Jynn becomes annoyed by the Palico’s questions. “Dawson, that’s really none of your concern. Whatever happens between me and her is our business.” The cat raises his paws. “Alright, alright, chill dude. Just curious.” He looks out the window. It is getting late, the sun is barely above the horizon. Dawson takes his leave. “Hey man, it was good talking to you. See you soon.” The two part ways.
  7. Bherna Lao-Inheriting Jynn’s Abode bear Mystras A few hours after King Jynn’s coronation, Bherna returns to the abode in the Mystran mountains. It was even more quiet without her father, but Bherna appreciated the silence. She took a seat in Jynn’s old office, and gathers some books that were crammed in the shelves. Though she may be a strong mage now, she was eager to become stronger, but at the same time, both the world below and the Overworld’s relationship must be maintained, so she volunteers to live as a researcher of magic, so repeats of the events that have happened before can be resolved quicker and easier. A guard enters the office and offers her a bow. “Milady, I suppose your father will no longer be stationed here?” Bherna looks up and nods. “Correct. As he is now king, he will live in Kilkis Seres from now on. So, he left this abode to me.” There was a pause. The guard seemed to be thinking about his duties, but soon his eyes returned to Bherna’s. “Very well, princess. My loyalties will lie with you from now on.” As soon as the guard leaves the room, Bherna continues her studies.
  8. Norwegian. I always liked Norse history, mythology, and culture. I still need to visit Norway.
  9. Jynn Venas-Coronation As Jynn heads into the hall, the crowd makes room for him to walk atop a red carpet, leading to the throne. Several people cheered him on, while others stayed quiet, possibly knowing the hardships he faced to get here. Jynn reaches the throne room, and he is greeted by an elderly fey. Almost as soon as Jynn approaches him, the elder opens his concealed hand, with a glowing object in the form of Shiva’s favorite flower. From what the elder says, this object will transform into something dear to the former prince’s heart, but what? Before Jynn places his hand over the object, he pauses, and recalls an important memory. A smile crept to Jynn’s lips before he finally places his hand over the object. The elder continues. “Will you, Jynn Venas of Kilkis Seres, solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Arcana, and the dominions thereto belonging, according to the statutes in Parliament agreed upon, and the laws and customs of the same?" Jynn notices the silence among the audience, all awaiting his response. He pleads to these words. “I will.” The elder asks two more questions. “Will you to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgements?" Jynn nods. “I will.”  "Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the divine laws of Arcana, the true scrolls and ancient texts established by law, and will you preserve unto the sages and clergy of this Realm, and to the shrines committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them, or any of them?" Jynn nods again. “I will.” Upon those words, two tiny wings emerge between Jynn’s fingers. From the feel of the object, it has turned into a Pegasus in a cantering position.
  10. The Incredibles. Finding Nemo is my favorite Pixar film, but The Incredibles would fit the theme of Kingdom Hearts more.
  11. Jynn Venas-Coronation In Jynn’s new room, he sat quietly on the edge of the bed, looking at the window. After all these years, it is his time to serve the Overworld. Not much happened during the three weeks, other than the fact that he has given a public speech about his future. Now it was time to truly be the face of Kilkes Seres and the Overworld. He sighs, and materializes the Leviathan in his hand. He looks at the eye on its hilt. “Well mother. I never thought this day would come as fast as it did, but here we are.” He faces back at the window and stands up. He can already see the crowd awaiting his appearance. He withdraws his sword. A servant knocks on his door. “Your majesty? It’s time!” Jynn stretches, and finally heads to the door, and opens it. The guards and servant bow down to his appearance. “Are you ready?” Jynn nods, and the guards escort him to the main hall, where everyone was waiting. Some of his friends and allies were here, including Bherna and Dawson
  12. Jynn, Bherna, and Dawson Henry leaves Jynn with a smile, before disappearing. Meanwhile, Alicia tries to comfort the upset prince, stating that his actions are not truly his fault. Jynn looks to her and smiles weakly. “You’re right.......” He wipes his tears, the pain of losing someone still made him unhappy, but there is nothing he can do now, other than claiming the throne. “........All I can do now, is to take my place in this world, and be a good leader.” He takes a few moments to lose his tears, holding one of Alicia’s hands. After those few moments, the prince grabs the Leviathan, and gets up off his knees. He takes one last look to the sky, a moment of silence for Henry. He withdraws the Leviathan and looks to everyone. “We all fought valiantly, although, I wish the outcome ended differently. We shall all remember Henry’s courage and bravery, and his sacrifice will not go in vain.” “Helios is right, let us return home so we can get some needed rest.” Overworld, I’m sorry for taking long, but my moment has finally arrived.
  13. Jynn, Bherna, and Dawson The prince lets Odin go once he surrenders to the group. But immediately after Jynn steps away, the Source disappears, taking Henry with them. Jynn immediately tries to run to Henry, but to no avail. “Hen-!” He was interrupted by a pound in his head. Grasping his forehead with his left hand, Jynn endures the brief pain. The sword the prince sacrificed, the Waking Leviathan appears in his right hand, as well as his memories of the promise between him and his mother. Unknowingly, Jynn sheds a couple of tears. As soon as he recovers, Henry was gone, leaving Helios and Aura in distraught. There was nothing the group could do to get Henry back. Jynn started to feel regret, humiliation, and sadness. He may have not made a deep connection with Henry, but this loss still means a lot to him. He drops the Leviathan And collapses onto his knees, with tears running down his face. “All of this......... is my fault. Had I returned to the Kilkes Seres forces sooner, I may have prevented all of this.” He pounds a fist on the ground. “If only I was a less emotional person, Henry may still be with us............” Meanwhile, Dawson and Bherna recover their memories, but were unhappy with Henry’s demise as well.
  14. My Dad got the first game for me on Easter of the release month. I grew up with Disney since my parents are cast members, so they thought I would enjoy it.
  15. Jynn Venas The prince had enough of his father’s struggles. He had no choice but to reveal what is going on, but still holds him down. “Fine. I’ll enlighten you. As absurd as this sounds, we came back from the future. We’ve seen the events that were about to unfold had we not stopped you. You went haywire, you betrayed us. You struck down Henry, and took the Source for your own purposes.” Jynn looks towards Nergal, recalling the events. “As soon as you activated the Source, you somehow fused with the queenslayer into a merciless monster, clouded by the thought of giving the worlds a new start, you wanted to destroy the Overworld, believing you could stop future wars. But we managed to stop you, but we could not restore the world below. That is why we had to traverse back in time.” Jynn looks down to Odin, snarling. “And I’m sure that idea is still in your mind. Henceforth, we cannot allow you to get your hands on the Source of All Life again.”
  16. Jynn, Bherna, and Dawson Elia finally transports everyone to the time Yevgeni possessed the Source of All Life. This time, Yevgeni tries to encourage Nergal to surrender their goals. Jynn quickly looks around for Odin. As soon as he lays his eyes on his father, he wastes no time to subdue him. He rushes with extreme speed, appearing invisible to the naked eye, and emerges behind the soon-to-be-traitor. With a swift hand, Jynn attempts to plant his father’s face to the ground. Should he succeed, he will kneel on Odin’s back, and use his fingertips to create a stun like effect to Odin’s brain. “Nothing personal, father. We just can’t have you causing the trouble you are planning to make.” Yevgeni finally activates the source, and a mystical being emerges, asking for the group’s plight. Jynn would speak up, regardless if he caught Odin or not. “I think all of us can agree on one thing at this point.” He looks around to see if everyone else would rather wish the world below’s restoration.
  17. Jynn, Bherna, and Dawson Elia was set on using time magic to regain the Source of All Life, and everyone seems to want to help out, including Bherna and Dawson. They both hold hands, while Bherna grabs Aura’s hand. Dawson offers his paw to Jynn. The prince seems frustrated. “Using time magic is incredibly dangerous. Especially since Odin and Nergal will be brought back.” He pauses and looks to where Ahriman stood. Risky, yes, but at this point, it was a risk they had to take if they wanted to bring back the world below. Jynn begrudgingly takes Dawson’s paw. “I’ll deal with Odin. Someone must get the Source as fast as they can.” The prince looks to Yevgeni. “Please keep your friend under your control, Yev.” He was ready for what was to come.
  18. Jynn, Bherna, and Dawson Everyone pitched in to finally eliminate Ahriman once in for all. The false god finally could not take the group’s power any longer, and he perishes from existence from the explosion. There was no trace of him, Jynn could not sense his aura any longer. He was truly gone. The prince lands on the ground and takes one last look around. “He’s gone................ we did it.” But he was still bothered by what Ahriman wished for earlier. He mutters to himself. “But......... he may return one day. In some way, shape, or form.” He reaches his arm out, and calls back La Justiceré into his hand. Bherna lands next to her father, sheathing her weapon. “We did it.......” She sits down in exhaustion, while Dawson walks in between the two. He sighs. “But...... how are we going to restore the world below? Is it even possible now?”
  19. Hey man, you do you. I personally heavily disagree. I think it’s as good, or slightly better than Kingdom Hearts II.
  20. Arthynn-Isopolis The world around them fell apart, ceasing to exist as they were thrown into the abyss in between realities. They could feel their powers returning to them, no longer oppressed by the weight that was there before. The energy inside of Arthynn would float in the abyss, eyes glued onto the dying god with flaming wings. Everyone was attacking. It was now or never. "Jynn." He spoke. "I cannot keep us stable any longer. This surge of energy will tear us apart if we continue." He spoke, the lightning cracking loudly. "Let us separate, and finish this once and for all." Jynn understands Arthur’s plan, and immediately separates himself from the latter. Jynn Venas-Isopolis As soon as Jynn separates from Arthur, he spreads his wings and flies over to Alicia. He places his hand on Alicia’s shoulder. “Alicia. If we falter, and don’t destroy him, I want you to know........... I love you.” Upon those words, he turns around and summons eight runes. Each one cackling with black lighting and aura. Jynn spreads his arms, with flames engulfing his hands, absorbing the aura around him to unleash a powerful attack. He looks to everyone, and then to Ahriman. “Your time ends now!” Jynn finally places his hands in front of him, and a powerful blast of aura and lighting shoot towards Ahriman’s chest. The runes release powerful beams of dark lighting towards Ahriman as well. “Everyone, now!” Bherna Lao Bherna glides next to Alicia and Jynn, and prepares an attack of her own. Her glaive spins in front of her, summoning four runes around her. She finally fires powerful blasts of fire, ice, thunder, and light magic at Ahriman.
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