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About Carius229

  • Birthday 08/06/1989

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  1. Except Braig had brown eyes and normal ears when he fought Terra. After that he takes in a piece of Master Xehanort. If we go by just actual fights then you might have to count Terra's two fights with Vanitas backing up Master Xehanort in round one. If we are talking every kind of fight, then Terra beats everyone again. He's been mentally fighting the old coot for 10 years right?
  2. I say the remaining members will be of course the first six we saw. The remaining half will likely be Marluxia,Luxord, Vanitas,Riku Replica,Terra-Xehanort(The present version with a piece of Master Xehanort inside of him),Xion, and Roxas. It dawned on me as I watched KH ReCoded. One scene between Xemnas,Saix,and Xigbar showed they were discussing Xion and mentioned about her being a perfect vessel. They didn't go any further, but I suspect the true purpose for the Replica Program was to have extra vessels for Xehanort to claim. Both Replicas were first suppose to have no sense of self awareness. Eventually Riku-Replica, and Xion both obtained that. Before that had happen I bet Xemnas had Vexen construct the Replicas so that they could be back ups. Marluxia and Luxord will be human again. Terra-Xehanort will be the recompleted Terra, but will have both Eraqus and Xehanort fighting inside of him. Making him a wild card for either the 13 or the 7. Roxas was already mentioned as being a worthy candidate by Young Xehanort. Plus if Xion isn't restored yet he'd join forces with Xehanort to obtain Kingdom Hearts. Using that power would restore Xion.
  3. Plus Xehanort wasn't born around that time. To travel to a time period he needs some version of himself there. Otherwise he can't show up. The only way Xehanort could of possibly done it is if a Foreteller generated a version of him with their Book of Prophecy. Although I don't think such a thing would count as a version of him at the destination. I'd be disappointed if it turned out like that.
  4. I think Sora will be doing some personal training in Traverse Town. That'll be where he kinda starts over from scratch. Making up for his failure to see the trap in the Realm of Sleep. Eventually, Yen Sid will send Donald and Goofy to go get him so that they can formulate a plan. Meanwhile, Riku and Mickey leave to track down Aqua. Kairi and Lea will be training with the 3 fairies and Merlin so that they can be adequette wielders. Though I would like for YMX to be the one you use for tutorials
  5. After just recently playing KH BBS's Secret Episode, I fnd I would like them to keep the Realm of Darkness's eerie theme. Or remaster it again.
  6. The Grand Master, in my eyes, isn't using Xehanort's Keyblade. I believe he crafted the Master's Defender keyblade that Master Eraqus and master Aqua wield. He left and founded the Land of Departure. Or he and his six followers did and then he went poof to who knows where. Maybe the RoD since we never got an answer as to who talked to Sora in the beginning and end of KH I. That may indicate he's been traveling through the RoD this whole time, like Aqua. Or perhaps he's in the Realm of Sleep? Remember in KH DDD Sora stayed in slumber, causing Dream Eaters to appear in the Realm of Light. Riku saw and teamed up with them. The Grand Master created the Chirthy Dream Eaters. For them to appear in the eventual Realm of Light, someone would have to be asleep to allow their presence. As for the traitor, I think it's still the sixth apprentice who wears his black coat. After the conclusion of the Unions and the Keyblade War this sixth apprentice leaves behind knowledge of the X-Blade, the different versions of Kingdom Hearts, a Book of Prophecy which shows Xehanort the future. Hence why he saw the Mark of Mastery exam happening in the future for KH DDD. The fact that Xehanort took the Sixth Apprentice's keyblade is what lead him to let's call it the Sixth Apprentice's vault. We've seen keyblades guide their wielder to where they have to go. Sora, and Ventus show this. So why not Xehanort as well? I think his keyblade guided him to al the knowledge he has during KH BBS.
  7. I would actually like it if Aqua would visit different rooms, and have each section changing from Castle Oblivion into Land of Departure. Making it so that her presence alters each section of the world with Sora accompanying her so that he can give Ven's heart back. Each room would alter to a past world Aqua or Sora had visit so that they can learn about each other's experiences.
  8. A part of me is hoping it starts in Castle Oblivion after the Xehanort and Eraqus cut scene. Only I want it to be Aqua,Sora and co. That way Aqua uses the castle to show all of Sora's memories so she can see what has transpired in her absence when she was away in the RoD.
  9. I expect the return of Berserker Nobodies since they're related to Saix or Isa. But I expect every KH2 nobody will appear. Remember Axel had to fight nobody grunts in KH2. As long as there's Heartless there will be Nobodies. Personally I hope the two types show up at the same time when you visit the world's.
  10. I think the black coat was more important then that. I think the coat is more like a robe to the sixth apprentice. Like how each foreteller wears a hood and a mask. Instead of a mask, the concealment with the hood is used. Xehanort doesn't just fulfill the will of the sixth apprentice. He personifies the sixth in action and clothing.
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