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  1. Because they like pissing people off. lol Seriously though it's probably a difficult process in general, with money, sales, development, time, etc. Not trying to give them an excuse though. smh
  2. Santa Claus doesn't believe in second chances. One mistake and your dead to him. I know Sorry Sora. But like PricessHearts25 said, it's unfair, I mean he save his life for crying out loud. lol
  3. That's really cool, I've watched this movie a couple times and never noticed. I should pay attention more.
  4. 100 bucks and other stuff that I politely accept, but have no need for. But thanks relatives at least you care, (sort of).
  5. lol Thanks for the tip. I'm starting to get that now! Oh and thanks for the welcome!
  6. I see what you mean about their character developments. I was thinking more in their personalities and how they are really different. I wouldn't really expect to see Cloud and Roxas to get along for some reason.
  7. ^I can still play the game tho...right lol You can have KH3 now....BUT everyone is out to get you because you have the game.
  8. I like the heartless, but they are kind of creepy to me. They use to scare the crap out of me especially Darkside. I hate the Gummi Enemies, they were so annoying to me. They were always swooping in and bothering me all the time.
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