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About Miotas

  • Birthday 05/26/1992

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  1. How do I accept the invite? Nothing popped up in the game to inform me of an invite?
  2. I know mine, maybe because I'm an EMT I am motivated to know it haha I'm 110/70. I through in my normal pulse rate which is 65.
  3. Thank you all for the very kind welcomes and offers to chat! Can't wait to get to know you all better in the future more excited than before. You all seem like a very friendly fun bunch. It's funny that many of you know people with my name haha. I am the only Michelle I know.
  4. Hello everyone my name is Michelle. I have been a Kingdom Hearts fan since the first game came out. I have been visiting this site for years. I have been a part of other KH forums and I figured, why not this one? I consider myself a bit of a lore nerd when it comes to Kingdom Hearts (I have way too much time dissecting lore haha) so I look forward to talking with you all.
  5. Hello! I was wondering, are you still accepting people in the party? Also is the group on ios or android (I am not even sure if it matters haha)
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