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    Bored guy
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  1. hope things are alrihght with you

    1. Alicia Maddox

      Alicia Maddox

      Thanks. I'm feeling loads better now.

  2. hey Mag! Long time no see!

  3. Happy new year

  4. Merry Christmas Wes!

  5. I will sigh you contract if I really do get magical powers

  6. I want KH3 to end where sora goes home and sees his dust covered dinner and ******* eats it!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
    3. Xiro


      If they drink expired Elixirs, then why not? xD

    4. sora473


      and then sora dies of food poisoning.

      Why did he have to try the ham why didnt he try the beans why!!!

  7. Hope everything is alright with you

    1. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Don't worry about me ill be fine x I just needed to get away from here of no reason i am just not feeling to good really around somethings this week so cant wait till school is over and i hope you have a nice week ill try to talk to you when i can

  8. So Cloud may possibly come out right after the broadcast. There's gonna be a 10 hour maintenance on Monday and Tuesday (day when broadcast starts) http://mynintendonews.com/2015/12/11/wii-u-and-nintendo-3ds-maintenance-on-monday-and-tuesday/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  9. I honestly would like a KH1 remake with KH2's combat system. the first hasn't aged well tbh...
  10. i hope yoy have a Nice evening x

  11. Watch them release Cloud's moveset in smash 4 in episodic form.

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      This... should be interesting xD

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