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Ken Coleman

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  1. Is there an updated version of the home page? http://www.square-enix.co.jp/kingdom/uc/en/
  2. I agree with KingdomHearts3, these updates mean nothing to us until the west actually gets the game. In fact, as far as I'm concerned they don't count as updates, just new development stages being reached.
  3. That's because this is the first time a KH game was announced with an English release with no other information since the announcement or it's release in Japan. All the other KH games SE kept us updated in-between reveal announcements and Japanese releases, so we always had at least some idea of when each game would be released outside of Japan, with an exact date usually around the initial release in Japan. But for Unchained we have not heard a peep out of them since they first announced it at E3 last year, not even when it released in Japan in September. So no, there hasn't been any sleuthing before because there's never been a real need for it until now.
  4. To those who keep saying we weren't promised a release date, that may be true, but here's the deal: The game was announced at E3, an AMERICAN gaming convention, with a trailer that was in English, all points that say it's coming to America. The mere fact that it has no release date is not what bothers us, the mere fact that it was released in Japan first is not what bothers us. What bothers us is that it was released in Japan first AND has no English release date. The least SE could have done was announce the English release date when they released it in Japan, or even better, announced both release dates at E3, even if it was just the season (Japan- Fall 2015 NA- Winter 2015/Spring 2016). At least then we'd have a vague idea and something to keep our excitement/impatience at bay.
  5. Agreed. Otherwise they're releasing a series of cinematics for a game that no one's played, and people won't be paying attention to the cutscenes, they'll just be going "Man I wish I could have played this." Imagine if they never released Days or Coded, then when 1.5 and 2.5 came out and they still put the cutscenes in there, people would be going "What's this? Was this a game? Why didn't we get to play this?" Now that we've done this poll and had this discussion, watch them announce a release date for 2.8 and then go "Oh by the way here's Unchained." I'd be really ticked at them if they did that but at least we'd get to play the game.
  6. Probably because it's only been released in Japan, and thus is only in Japanese. It has not been released outside of Japan in any English-speaking countries, so it is not possible for you to have downloaded it in English from the App Store or Google Play.
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