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Stellar Mage

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Everything posted by Stellar Mage

  1. I say XionxRoxas all the way! I hate it when people say namine just cuz they would look cute together! Just cuz thier somebodies are soon-to-be. I also hate it when people say that it's like he is dating himself. Once they were the same being but once they separated from Sora they were different people. It's like saying they were never they're own person. They had thier own feelings, thoughts, and personalities too! Namine and Roxas? I have nothing against namine but her with roxas? They barely knew each other! And they probably wouldnt have met if not for Xion. Xion and Roxas makes more sense. they instantly were interested in each other.(not tht way. they just were but im not sure in what way) . They were best friends. Xion gave her existance away and everyone forgot about her. Roxas tried to hold on. But (thxs to riku) he forgot in the end. and she knew it would happen but she did it cuz she thought it was for the good of everyone. Namine only met Roxas briefly and automatically people thought they should get together because of kairi and sora, So my answer to this question must be Xion.
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