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About db256

  • Birthday 12/12/1990

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  1. the reason why -SRK has both the same Rarity and Value as the TAV medal, Also same in game effect. THEREFORE the requirements to obtain this should be equal as well. Nobody is paying for a $4000 value medal and i heard Canada pays even more -unless you dgaf about spending ridiculous amounts of cash on this game you can never have a 100% completion rate on this mobile game that will eventually be discontinued in the future. So they getting the cash and will just leave? - even in Mickey&Broom was released right now, you still wouldnt be able to guilt these medals yup
  2. just to be fair about it its beatable with divine rose jack xigbar a sleep+ and poison+ but guess what, u had to pay to get those sleep+ and poison+
  3. please tell me how to send SENA a message in the game because i need to go off on them asap and its not just about the J/S medal
  4. empty all keyblades, play a weak stage then set again
  5. Well at this point thats not a problem cause, you have 0cost medals, atk prize ups and also 2cost premium 1shot medals. But no matter how "skilled" you are, Broken Jester Paralyze = you lost
  6. Fire Jester is Broken, remove it from the game, not even a joke the Struggle is not Real, its Random thats the problem
  7. they need to stop slacking with all that eztra money they get from the global version
  8. i simply told them this about the jp version vs english version treatment. How can u support the jp version the way you do, when half, if not more of the JP version's player base are worldwide/foreign players. that 10million downloads were us as well. Second, if u guys dont know by now, the 3000 jewel Epic draw is a scam. And before u say no, its the players choice to spend jewels, let me tell u why it is. in the jp version each slot (1-10) can be a super rare medal. in the english version only 2 slots can. thus the ratio that u can draw it is no longer 1/20 times 10, its actually 1/(all the medals in the draw pool) because ANY medal can be in the first slot. the game generates the medals before u see them, thus u will know whats in what slot. epic or not. the ppl who drew 2 sephiroths in 1 draw for example can only be in 2 slots, slot 1 and slot 10. BUT the execption is that is can be in slot 3 ONLY IF the slot 1 medal is a super rare medal. second slot 2/3/4 have a specific pool to themselves (they cant be any other medals besides specific ones) thus why ppl were complaining about too many limit form sora all im saying ia that the player buys based on probability and the probability shown is false compared to whats actually there. Thus desparate ppl spend money to get it. meanwhile in jp, i got sora and friends on only 1 draw, pooh and piglet, and i just got 3d riku and i dont even play the jp like that, i simply log in and BOOM 1000jewels for maintenance, 200 and 500 more for pressing start. 3000 because someone joins a twitter page. NOTHING LIKE THAT FOR ENGLISH version
  9. attack up vs P/S/M attack up is there a different? using say a vivi medal vs a white rabbit medal? also same with defense down, is there a difference?
  10. i think it is, even with Namine and a deck of Roxas', i still dont think its possible, i cant even beat the previous 130 adament missions in 1 turn, i can beat it but not in 1 turnWhat is the Golden symbol that is 1.80 multiplyer in my keyblade slot and how does it work?i thought it was guilt but i have no yellow lights on any medals i have there yet
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