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About cabbage5k2

  • Birthday November 14

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  1. It basically is. Approach it from this mindset, and you'll do fine.
  2. Why isn't Breath of Fire III on the PS Store yet? Any particular reasons?
  3. Wario Land 3, first game I've ever completed. That and Pokemon Gold, original version.
  4. I'm only familiar with the censorship drama and some of the characters, job classes and part of the world, does the gameplay in this entry differ from Bravely Default in any significant way? I remember reading that is was mostly familiar, but that was some time ago...
  5. Name: Shin Age: in his lower forties Gender: Male Appearance: here (note: remove the eyeballs on his body and his head, he only has two) His minion: here Abilities: He shares a connection with his minion, being able to see through it, thus able to see through his eye so to say. He’s able to send this minion throughout the nearby area, about a mile or so, in order to spy and locate particular people… In emergency situations, he’s also able to transform this minion into different weapons, although this damages it, thus limiting its potential for about a day’s time until it’ll be ready to be used again. Job/Position: He’s the prospector, one of the individuals whom locate particular humans, whether they already have particular talents or whether… they will soon. Performance: He plays a mean harmonica during intermissions. Bio: He’s been in the darkwood circus for about a decade now. Thus, if he did have a past, he sure doesn’t remember it now, or at least that’s what he tells people…
  6. I've only ever completed Final Fantasy X, and I also tried to complete that one 100%, but got bored after about 15 hours of straight grinding.
  7. A trailer for this game has been released for about a week now. Seems quite good really, although no gameplay has been shown yet. I truly hope they fix the Ai though, as the previous game had truly terrible Ai for the most part, leading you to literally lead the vast majority of the battles by yourself. Still, the game was good regardless of this, with gorgeous graphics, a good story for the most part, interesting characters, decent music (not truly memorable though to be fair), and a vast world that easily equals the size of Ivalice and Dragon Quest VIII's in terms of variety and size. This trailer indicates that, at the very least, the story, world, and graphics will all retain the same quality. This leads to the questions of the characters (trailers aren't the best indicator of this) retain it too, and if the gameplay (the weakest portion of the original) will be improved. There isn't a release date attached to this trailer, though, so much has yet to be seen.
  8. There's irony in this post (you yourself didn't spoil the spoilers )
  9. I don't think anyone's saying that. Jim and others are saying, instead, that there's room for both turn-based and action-based Japanese RPGs. The existence of both Bravely Default, Persona, and SMT and Kingdom Hearts, and the newer Final Fantasy games prove this I feel. These games tend to sell around 500 thousand anyways, regardless of playstyle.
  10. Don't forget Legend of Dragoon, loved the game, but my god was the voice acting terrible.
  11. @Aqua more or less I was referring to how he earlier became soaked because of the water waves, and was suffering the consequences of that still, although I forgotten that Baymax already took care of that. Still, things work the same . *Floe smiles as the mayor's disposition improved, becoming more cheerful, or at the very least less stern and frustrated. However, they ended up arriving too late for most of the festivities, as the crowd is already dying down and moving towards the cars.* "Hm... that aura from earlier's gone now... eh, I don't think the boy's needed now, what do you say dear? We let the boy run free for the night?" *Floe tilts her head to the left while placing her left palm onto her cheek, a delicate smirk on her lips.* "I don't know honey, the boy's still in trouble you know..." *Daewoo chuckles, lifting his cap up slightly* "The boy is trouble in general. Still, let him prowl the night, he can clean the dishes when he gets home..." *Thomas, to his credit, already begins to head into the crowd, looking back at his parents for a brief moment.* "Ipromisetobebacktomorrowmorningbeforeschool, andpossiblyearlierthanthat. Iwon'tcausetoomuchtrouble,but... yeah, I'll try to be good. Love ya mom, dad, and see youlater!" *Thomas hastily waves as he dashes off into the crowd. His mother waves back gallantly as Daewoo merely nods before turning towards his wife.* "I'm worried..." *Floe places her hand back onto her side as she turns to Daewoo.* "About what...?" "I need to ask the mayor something..." "About what...?" *Daewoo turns back to the mayor, and lowers his cap back downward. Floe merely shakes her head as she clasps her hands into soft fists, not tightening them.* "Would you happen to know if Vincent's in town currently, or Riku, or even Sora for that matter...?"
  12. The final boss theme from the newest Mario and Luigi game (Paper Jam) is pretty great stuff, but I won't link it here, as the game isn't coming to the U.S. until January ;_;
  13. *The trio arrives at the pier, taking their time as they enjoy the beautiful ocean, Floe now cuddling into Daewoo's side while Thomas walks with his hands behind his head, still not thinking about running off... or the fact that someone may bother him about the 101 things he owes them. Instead, he notices how... tense things seem to be, and also how paradoxically relaxed things are as well. Truly nothing is new in Fatefaire, the villains probably won't change much, at least from his point of view. Already, though, most of the villains have found other people to talk to, the usual popular kids, Zephyrus, the Villier kids, etc. Thus he's late, which means, maybe, just maybe, no one will notice him and he can find Dexter in peace. Thomas moves his hands from the back of his head down to his sides, before moving his right hand into a salute across his bow, a comedic looking move, given that he's wearing a felt hat. He sways his head back and forth, looking intently throughout the crowd for Dexter, swiftly finding him, given that he's one of the few people that Thomas has any familiarity. Except... he has a crowd around him... including Zephyrus and the Villier kids, as well as a small girl tugging closely to Zephyrus that he had never seen before, and some other boys he had also never seen before. Perhaps these are the new villain kids that came today.* "Haha! There you are Dex!" *Thomas says this in a soft voice and begins to walk towards him... only to be dragged by his right ear by Floe towards the overworked, underappreciated mayor instead.* "Not today Tommie, you're going with me to help out the poor dear Moogs today. Can't stop running away from your responsibilities forever you know." "Oh come onnnnnn... man..." "Maybe next time you'll tell me where you're going before you ruin another table and fine dinner, won't you Tommie?" *Thomas quickly glances at his mother and sighs. Once again, she won this round.* "Fine fine, let us go." *Floe gives Thomas a quick smile.* "Don't worry, I'll let you run off tonight, as soon as you're done helping the mayor out." *Thomas stops for a moment, looking at his mom with a beaming smile on his face.* "Really?" *Floe nods, relaxing her hold on his ear. Daewoo chuckles at this, the carrot has been successfully placed. He stiffens his hold near immediately after this though, sensing an aura... of what kind though...?* "Hm..." *He looks in the direction of Roxas and company, paying particular attention to a young boy heading towards the car, being led by an older male, probably a brother or close friend, the aura seemingly flowing from him, although he couldn't specify from where it flows.* "Hm..." *Daewoo takes a step towards the car when Floe, looking back at him, coughs gently, trying to redirect his attention.* "Sorry honey, but I promised Moogs that all three of us would be here. I sadly cannot allow you to leave just yet." *Daewoo merely nods to this, looking one last time at the area before looking back at Floe, heading towards her direction.* "... fair enough..." *Floe gives Daewoo a concerned look, knowing he found something... sinister within the area, but swiftly looks back, near bumping into the now frazzled mayor. Thomas scratches the back of his head as he sees him, full knowing that... this isn't going to be fun for him; Daewoo, being fully within his own thoughts at this point, merely gives the mayor an apathetic look. Floe curtsies slightly, flustered at her lateness.* "My deepest apologies for my absence and late arrival sir, been busy finding my son." *She finishes the curtsy and now stands straight.* "I offer my help towards the request you sent us earlier yesterday, alongside that of my son and Daewoo. Is there anything you wish us to do sir?... maybe I can do this for starters... esuna." *A green glow envelops the mayor, curing him of his newfound cold.*
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