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Everything posted by Svard

  1. I'd wager that 2.8 will probably be out by Q4 of this year. Q3/Q4 2017 release seems the likely scenario for KH3, given what's been shown so far between combat and worlds.
  2. Ah, I rememebr my first playthrough quite fondly.
  3. Strange, I thought I did reply to this topic, but I guess not. Kingdom Hearts (1, BBS, 3D) Chrono Trigger Terraria Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles The Legend of Zelda (Link to the Past, Ocarina, Twilight Princess) Star Ocean (The Second Story, 'Til the End of Time) Tales of (Vesperia, Symphonia) The Elder Scrolls Series Age of Empires Series Ori and the Blind Forest UNDERTALE Pokemon (GS, HGSS, RBY)
  4. No real preference here. I've played short RPGs, like Arc the Lad (1st one), Undertale and some others, and have enjoyed them quite a bit. I won't deny that I like longer RPGs, though. Anything I can spend a good 50+ hours on is most wonderful, but really, as long as it has a good story and decent gameplay, it's good enough for me. I think it also just depends on the game itself. For example, Undertale felt like it had the perfect length, and there are some games I've played that felt a little stretched out.
  5. I don't really do anything on Easter anymore, as I live far away from most of my family and they're all scattered. Besides, it just doesn't seem a significant holiday to me on the festive end. I don't usually buy chocolate unless I'm craving sweets. Even then, while I do like my share of chocolate, the only form I really appreciate it is in the form of brownies, cake or peanut butter cups. That's not to say I dislike it in other forms. I just have to be in the right mood, or I have to be really hungry.
  6. Rather boring here. But, such is the life of a bachelor. Holidays are almost always boring.
  7. Two images, since they go hand in hand.
  8. I just realized that it's Easter, and I never even bothered to buy candy for the occasion. Oh well! Onto eating cereal.

  9. You seem like a swell guy. *adds*

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Hehe, thanks! I'm glad I seem like a swell guy to you! Hope we can be good friends! ^_^

  10. Coded here. Days was pretty bad. I did like seeing Axel playing the role 'big brother' though.
  11. Because storytelling is fun. Basically, just tell a story of any random event in your life. If can be happy, sad, funny, maddening, spooky whatever! So, I work at a solar company, and we had to move warehouses about 6 months ago now. Well, a few of my coworkers and I were assigned with the task of getting all of the remaning large pieces out of the old warehouse. One co-worker, we will call him 'B' in order to avoid the use of real names here, found a dead bird in the far corner of the warehouse. My other coworker, 'K', and I were lifting some things into the trailer, when all of a sudden, we see something fly by us! Now, B and K like to play around and have a good time, so they decided to start throwing the bird back and forth. After some some, they stop, and K is on the other side of the warehousse and discovers a long cardboard tube, about 3 inchges in diameter. His first thought, "This would be perfect to hit a dead bird with!" And so, K comes over and tells B to be the pitcher. Myself and a couple others are oblivious to what's going on at first, but then I see the bird's carcass fro the corner of my eye, and hear a *thwam!* Realizing what's going on, one other guy, we'll call 'J', starts laughing and immediately picks out an appropriate song to play for the situation, which was Rocking Robin. Now, K and B switch positions, and upon B's very first hit, the head of this poor, dead bird, busts right off of its body! As the bird had been dead for, probably about a week or so in a cold warehouse, you can imagine that the stench of the thick, black blood in its body is rather foul (hehe, foul, fowl) *puns*. B also managed to get some of the bird's blood in his ear, which left a rather disgusting red, swolen spot on it later. Our supervisor goes over after the task is done, and we've cleaned up the mess. Everyone else has already reported back to the new facility at this point.After he's done with his task there, he returns to the new facility, as well. He went on about how it smelled like rotten meat over there, but that he couldn't trace the source of it. To this day, he is still unaware of the brutal desecration of that poor bird. Anyway, that's the end of my story.
  12. A day with one version of Xehanort... I can't decide between Xemnas or Young Xehanort. *tosses coin* Xemnas it is. Of course, if I could count Braig into that decision, I would probably choose Braig.
  13. The only thing I really hate about Larxene is her antenea/hair. I think that her personality is actually quite suitable, especially given she's the only female member of the Organization. Lexeaus seems to have great respect for Zexion, but not much is expressed beyond that, aside from his dislike of those who fear strength. Hopefully Nomura expands a bit on Aeleus's character in KH3, as not enough is known of him to justifiably dislike him. Vexen, although creepy with that chin of his, is actually among my top 3 favs in the Organization. As for my personal dislikes, well... DiZ/Ansem the Wise - While I do like that he's trying to make ammends, he still irked me a lot in KH2 and CoM with his rather smug attitude. Kairi - Right from the beginning of KH1, I knew I wouldn't like her. She just seemed annoying to me in the first one. In KH2, well, she just seemed rather bland. Who knows, though? Maybe Nomura will actually give her a little more personality in KH3 and redeem her a little, which we can only hope for, given she's a female protagonist. Sai'x/Isa - This here, though, is more of the whole, "the guy you love to hate" kind of thing for me. I absolutely hate that he basically cast aside his friendship for Axel, even if he did fall for Xemnas's whole "we don't have hearts" deal in the end. And his other reasoning behind it was just so cheap and petty. So what if Axel, Roxas and Xion became buds. Sai'x was the one who started getting stiff on Axel to begin with. On the other hand, I also like how cold he is toward Axel, Roxas and Xion, and how he also puts that on Sora. Xaldin - Like Sai'x, he's kinda cold and too much of a stiffler, but without a whole lot of purpose, story-wise. He's always about following orders, which, honestly, made me wonder why Xehanort didn't take him? Though maybe he also bore some resentment toward Xemnas, or something on that end.
  14. I try to be in bed by 11:00 PM. But I usually don't fall asleep until around midnite.
  15. Hm... 20 worlds, eh? Twilight Town Keyblade Graveyard (I assume) Radiant Garden (I assume) Castle Oblivion (I think?) So if those four are included, plus, maybe one or two more non-Disney worlds, then that would be about 14 or 15 Disney worlds in total. This is all just my own speculation though. Having all those world might not be too overwhelming, depnding on whther or not another few are optional.
  16. A deer is born. He meets a rabbit with the worst RLS you've ever seen, and a skunk that smells like flowers. His mom gets shot, a forest fire starts, and they all live happily ever after. - Bambi
  17. October 5th As far as a chart goes, really, I think the best we can do for now is have spoiler tabs for each month, and list each member's name and birthdate in order.
  18. I'd forgotten how terrible the dub in Star Ocean: Second Evolution was. The only redeeming factor is that Richard Epcar plays Gabriel.

    1. Svard


      Even then though, Richard Epcar hardly even sounded like he was trying.

    2. Exiblade7


      I'd honestly accept anything that is in English

  19. *Sigh* I sill can't seem to get over her, and now it seems as though we are becoming distant. Maybe it's for the best. It's my own fault for letting my emotions get the better of me.

    1. Svard


      Damn it, love (if it ever was that) really sucks, sometimes. v.v

    2. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      Why is this sounding really familiar? .-.

      Either way, that really, truly sucks, Svard. :(

    3. Svard


      Probably because it's a common thing. And yeah, it does suck. Moving on is never easy, but you can't grow if you keep holding on.

  20. Why not Corridors of Light? I think that would be my preferred choice.
  21. Thanks for adding me! I love cute little electric squirrel pokemon! c:

  22. Dear KH13 Web Team, First, I would like to politely thank you for your hard work in making this website what it is today. I was wondering, also, if you might be able/willing to add the following options to Profile Customization underBackground Options: Center Background Image Fit to Browser Window With the current options we are given, we may only have a tiled image, or an image that is stuck hanging from the upper-left corner beneath the header and menu. Whle a tiled image can be good for filling the void that may otherwise fill the screen, there are a variety of screen resolutions that people use, and some images of larger resolutions can have a large chunk cut off for those using smaller windows or lower screen resolutions. With these two options, people can even edit their own images to better fit the layout of the forum, or pick an image that will look good on all resolutions. Further more, the "Fit to Browser Window" option should look at height and width parameters individually, in order to better format the image for the sake those using mobile devices, or browser windows that have a greater height, rather than a greater width, and striving to keep the aspect ratio of the image itself. Thank you for your time in reading this requested function, and again, thank you very much for your hard work and continued dedication to the KH13 community.
  23. Wow, really? I've seen a couple movie trailers, but I never would have expected that I would get it that close.
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