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Everything posted by SnowPint7Fourths

  1. I assumed they would have had different teams working on all the worlds at the same time. But I suppose having more people on a set few at a time makes a greater quality game.
  2. After 1.5 n' 2.5 we're announced for PS4 I wasn't expecting kh3 to release in 2017 with 2.8 also releasing in that year. But I must admit I wasn't expecting such a poor development update. "there are still worlds that remain untouched" yeah, it gives us a clear picture but did he really have to say that? Not nice to hear. Even late 2018 looks slightly unlikely with this statement. But it should be december 2018 latest imo,
  3. So here we have young master zenahort playing with young master eraqueez. Wait wasn't the last part the tangled world.. maybe it's all integrated? Highlight of 2015

  4. "the touchpad will be used closely to what the touchscreen was on the 3DS." Will be using the PS4 touchpad after all?

    1. MythrilMagician


      It'll be the first game I play that'll actually utilise the touchpad as just that, rather than just a button xD

    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      Same for me too, I think it's great, go Square Enix!

  5. Aqua is closely my favourite character atm after Riku. The way he acts and the things he says in DDD make him such a cool guy but it's cool to see a strong female lead protagonist who's very level headed and I just get her y'know? I think she will probably be my favourite after 0.2! Sora's cool but he's just coming across all a bit derpy atm, "I'm baaaack!" y'know?

    1. KeybladeMasterBalo


      Riku is a cool guy and all but I still haven´t totally forgiven him... so I'll go with Aqua.

  6. I think there's always the possibility of this but not necessarily at launch with PS4 and Xbox, perhaps a year after the orginal launch it may get ported. I think the opportunity is there if they wish to do so.
  7. My AHHH! contest entry was FLAWLESS!... I had memory, fear, that good for nothing girl sally, perhaps I was missing some ingredients..

  8. Chillin on kh13 reading the forum topics with a cheeky bailey's, so relaxing.

    1. SnowPint7Fourths


      well its actually ballycastle Irish cream from Aldi for £3.75 a bottle, right money saver

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKuqxF9QK-k&feature=youtu.be
  10. Getting the Platnium trophy on both KH2FM and BBSFM whilst clocking up a total of over 250 hours play time.
  11. Mines 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer' because it actually happened walking home from our house Christmas Eve, she ended up in A&E with a Christmas fever and reindeer'agree burns. We ended up suing Santa for 5 mince pies and a scalextric toy set.
  12. News may release in January, it may release in February, it may release in March.
  13. "In 2017 Square Enix are giving you a KH3 demo, a new movie and every KH game on the PS4, more updates for your KH mobile game, tons of merchandise, a worldwide concert and a ton of KH3 news. That sounds great to me!" - Top lad, yeah I agree and all that sounds exciting, I can't wait! However I was hoping Hashimoto was going to get up on stage and give us a pole dance.
  14. Snowpint7Fourths = snow white 7 dwarfs

    1. SnowPint7Fourths
    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      As a joke, when I think pint I think lager or beer

  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOtYlNoSvFc&feature=youtu.be
  16. I honestly think there is a strong chance of kh3 happening at Jump Festa. I just have a feeling since 2.8 trailer has already released.
  17. Very nice. Learnt some new things and interesting things to think about I wouldn't have picked up on myself.
  18. I think the surprise is that he can now do Keyblade transformations through training more in the realm of sleep.
  19. Just tried private messaging you but its not letting me do it on mobile I'll try when I'm back home on PC. I want to talk to you about something mwahaha haha Exactly and correct me if I'm wrong but Sora doesn't even know Aqua is in the realm of darkness for a start because he doesn't stick around for Mickey's story.
  20. "Their situation doesn't change in 0.2 BBS." unless he's completely changed his mind since then. I thought I would mention this since there's a strong presumption she would be saved. (screenshot)
  21. Can we customise Aqua to take her clothes off? ... ..

    1. Solstice


      I could've went my entire life without reading that

    2. Joker


      No but you do a get a swim suit small size for $20 dlc

    3. Joker


      also skimpy kitty outfit to go with the headband as well

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  22. "I'm back!" Like he was talking to the fans directly. "I'm back finally for a brand new adventure! You guys ready?" Oo Sora getting me all hot under collar haha
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