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Everything posted by SnowPint7Fourths

  1. Since the KH calendar releasing the same day as the trailer has 16 months from July, the latest KH3 can release is November 2018? Which is cool I was expecting a December release

    1. KingdomHearts3


      Do not assume that. A calendar release has nothing to do with KH3.

  2. My fitness regime and eating healthy start today! ... oh piece a' candy, oh piece a' candy...

    1. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      Me when ever I diet

    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      It was supposed to start yesterday but I thought there was no point when I still had chocolate left in my cupboard! xD But i'm ready and motivated today

    3. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      Eat the chocolate, diet after

  3. Say lumos into google and it turns your phones torch on
  4. I am coming round to yours for breakfast wow!
  5. They both sound great!! Love the sound of both, mmm hot chocolate!
  6. That's it! I've come up with a new breakfast recipe!
  7. Bought KH1 and CoM novels today. Reading KH1 it's very good and great illustrations!

    1. Kaweebo


      KH1 is good but I honestly consider the CoM novel to be the best version of that story. It doesn't have the needless cringe of the manga, the generally bad gameplay of the games OR older Hayley Joel's voice-acting for still-14 year old Sora.

    2. Kaweebo


      Not to mention, the CoM novel actually acknowledges the existence of the higher-tier magic spells in dialogue like Blizzaga, Firaga, etc. AND has S/D/G's memory leave gradually instead of literally forgetting every Disney world after Traverse Town.

    3. Kaweebo


      OH OH AAAAAAND it combines the BEST of the two versions of the script from the GBA and NDS version, keeping Axel's 'Got it memorized?' line but still keeping in lines like his, 'Give me one hell of a show!'

  8. With KH3 getting at least two trailers this year and FF7R not appearing at E3 this all but confirms KH3 is releasing first.. get in!

  9. Here are my top 10 moments from the new trailer! What are some of yours? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR91v2dL-Ao&feature=youtu.be
  10. I think it's incredible to think how far we've coe with the development of KH3 after exactly 4 years from now. Yeah the game maybe some what still a reasonable length away but I feel our patience is finally going to be rewarded with more frequent news.

    1. Merilly


      That would be amazing. There's still things to improve but I'd be glad if we'd get regular information from now on. It doesn't have to be a trailer each time, just a few tidbits here and there would be enough. To keep the hype going and people interested.

    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      Yeah I agree just little tidbits from here on in and communication until a 2018 would be great. With there being more worlds than KH2 new information around every 3 months would be brill :)

    3. Merilly


      If that's still a thing, though. I know he said that at some point but things seem to change so quickly x.x I'm glad we even get some info here and there and I wouldn't count on a 2018 release just yet either....

  11. Yeah I agree with this now, also with the keyblade silhouette in the new trailer at the end looks like the power form keyblade which was cut out of the previous screenshot. So yeah I think your on the money there.
  12. It looks beautiful!! I think they're finally going to do what HMK said and start snowballing news little by little with the new world reveal and ANOTHER trailer at D23! Go Kingdom Hearts 3!!! Our patience is finally going to be rewarded I can feel it! So happy! Edit: ALSO SORA SKYDIVED!! That's how you make an entrance!
  13. Next KH3 trailer best be like 30 minutes long

    1. MythrilMagician


      *casts a spell on a pig to make it grow wings and fly*



      Seriously though, they won't do something like that

    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      5 woooorld reveals, 4 keyblade transformations, 3 disney characters, 2 seekers of darkness and a Sora riding on a baymaaaax

    3. MythrilMagician


      That was beautiful

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. Square knows the hype behind KH3 is huge and will likely save it for the Sony conference. Sony will probably show KH3 then FF7 remake trailer back to back early in the conference to get everyone hyped or possibly even at the beginning. Then will more than likely end with the last of us 2 as they always seem to end with Naughty Dog. Reason why Square may have released the 2.8 trailer early is because Sony probably couldn't find room for it at their conference due to other titles they wanted to reveal.
  15. Sora wouldn't be in his old KH2 outfit for the KH3 menu, definitely a load of rubbish with very little effort put into it haha
  16. If you had to to choose one world for each event: E3 and D23 Anaheim, which worlds do you think will be revealed next? Mine are: Treasure Planet - E3 (3rd film for Roy Conli) Toy Story - D23 Anaheim (Due to the astro blaster attraction flow ride)
  17. Someone's just knocked on my door 3 times in a row at 1am. I've got a baseball bat under my bed but they'll probably nick it off me and start bopping me on head with it like a whack-a-mole arcade game 20 - 40 - 100 - 250 new high-score by time they've done.

    1. MythrilMagician


      Someone knocked on your door at 1am?


    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      An even greater reason for it being locked then haha

  18. If there was suppose to be a trailer released in April and the delay of winter announcements can you imagine the amount of news they're going to give us at E3 and D23! Like 5 world's announced, summons, tons more attraction flow and Keyblade transformations. The flood gates are about to be opened...

    1. Kingdomhe


      Yeah, if it's true I hope I don't drown in gaming news. Overwatch is already flooding my brain with news. Lol

    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      Just one more month I can't wait! My prediction is treasure planet at E3 and Frozen at D23.

  19. IM BACK EVERYONE!! Hope everyone who has attended one of the KH concerts has had a great time! Ventus in KH Union Cross saaay whaaaaa?! And I'm trying to design a canvas for my wall what do you guys think? (screenshot)
  20. No KH3 news on 15th anniversary makes Lew Lew sad

  21. The response to my kh3 t-shirt is overwhelming everyone can see my bedroom curtains haha

    1. SnowPint7Fourths


      it's been retweeted by kh13 pal

    2. itsDON


      Just saw it, totally awesome looking shirt m8

    3. SnowPint7Fourths


      Thanks! Andrew is a great designer. An actual KH shirt that looks cool rather than having Donald and Goofy on front haha

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  22. Hahaha *whispers back* oh shiiiiit lol In relation to the post, my stance keeps changing on how I feel about the development time. Last year I became rather inpatient because I knew we had to get through 2.8 but now we have the KH Union x which is going to have some huge lore to supplement KH3 and to tie us over. I've got into a mindset of December 2018 release so I feel fine with waiting but that's probably because I feel nice and chilled after having a beer and some rice pudding. Tomorrow I'll have face on again.
  23. I would love to meet up! Hopefully will see you there
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