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Everything posted by SnowPint7Fourths

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsPxW6V2W-8
  2. We need the Osaka team to deliver on fast combos against big enemies and non floaty combat

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      I agree with you both but I really want the combos to be fast and perfect. They look to be a good standard when fighting with minimal 'floatiness'. But if you look at the combos against the rock titan in Soraalam's (dean's) video the combos are really slow when he is attacking the titans foot. Also the combos against bigger Heartless seem to be the same. If you look at the giga's they don't have any stagger so they can easily combo you.

    3. PrinceNoctis


      Bigger enemies not staggering is nothing new. It’s always been the case from what I recall. And, from what I understand, Olympus is early in the game so it makes sense for the combos to be slower (same thing as previous KH games, including KHII). My main complaint with the “floatiness” are air combos and ground to air combos. They seem very “floaty” from what I’ve seen but ground combat looks solid.

    4. PrinceNoctis


      Only finishers usually make the big enemies stagger. Look at KH2’s Twilight Thorn or Kh1’s rock titan. You’ll see what I mean.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  3. I think it's real. This was leaked before the KH3 Premiere event and then we see Nomura wearing a Marvel t-shirt. There's no smoke without fire. It's funny how EA isn't on this list though so if it's fake it goes to show how much the person cares about EA's conference.
  4. All of this feels like such a grey area where anything or nothing could be shown. I think first of all we have to consider why Square Enix is doing this and what are their intentions? What comes to mind is that they want to fix any glitches before the demo at E3. Especially with them making this such a private event, this feels even more private than D23 Japan because we know so little about it. So my conclusion is that Square is using this as a way to hype up fans before E3 when the media reports on the game but at the same time their main focus is using this as a testing ground before E3, because that's where it counts. However if they want to release some info after the event then so be it but I can't see it being anything major with E3 less than a month away.
  5. Thanks guys I'm glad you found it fun to watch! Yeah I understand with some parts that this trailer wasn't going to be for everyone and I knew with the addition of the film dialogue some people would be hot or cold on it. I think the reason for it is because with the trailer being a few months old it felt boring to just include the battle quotes because it's been out for a while now. So I wanted to add the dialogue to spice it up a bit and I think it's a unique take on it. I'm really looking forward to E3 next month and I guess I won't be doing another one of these since the next trailer will be in English!
  6. A few months ago I made an English fan-dub to the KH3 Toy Story trailer and when the D23 Japan news broke I got a request to make one for Monsters Inc. So I finally got round to making this and I'm satisfied with what I've put out! I've decided to take things up a notch and add dialogue from the respective Disney films this time as well as the usual English battle quotes. While I understand the dialogue doesn't necessarily reflect the action on screen I feel it gives the gameplay a deeper sense of fun and creates more excitement! I also had to edit around Boo's dialogue as she already sounds perfect. Hopefully I've done this justice and shown just how fun this game is going to be to play! Let me know what you think.
  7. Hello Everyone! Here are my thoughts for the Square Enix E3 showcase. Kingdom Hearts III will definitely be shown and will close the conference to make the best impact! I feel it will now be shown at the showcase rather than the orchestra a few days prior, here are my predictions for KH3: -A new Disney world reveal (Frozen) -Debut of Big Hero 6 cutscenes and gameplay -A deeper look at Tangled particularly the town area -More Monsters Inc gameplay -Tower of Terror Attraction Flow Ride -Judy Hops summon with Zootopia world announcement for KHUX -English voice acting - A second trailer that reveals the full KH3 theme song and shows Kairi -November or December (can't decide) release date with no specific day revealed just yet Details on the Final Fantasy VII Remake have been sparse since it's reveal with no official trailer released since December 2015. I predict that the remake will be shown but at the Sony conference instead. With Square Enix dropping external companies from the project I believe it has been delayed internally but they will still show a trailer to the same standard that we got for KH3 at E3 2015. We know that Shadow of the Tomb Raider has confirmed a release date on 14th September but we have not received any gameplay footage yet. E3 2018 seems the perfect time to show fans some real time gameplay and start the games marketing push! Dragon Quest XI is scheduled to release in the west on September 4th! Square Enix may showcase the game since the last in the franchise to be localised was Dragon Quest VIII. What's more Dragon Quest Builders 2 is scheduled for 2018! After the great success of the first game another release date seems imminent! At the Tokyo Game Show last year Square Enix announced they we're working on a new shooter Left Alive, scheduled to release this year. A release date with more gameplay and information seems a certainty. Speaking of first-person shooters Square Enix are working on the multiplayer shooter Battalion 1944! The game is set in World War II and is marching towards another 2018 release! Square Enix are developing two games exclusively for the Nintendo Switch including The World Ends With You: Final Remix and Octopath Traveller scheduled to release July 13th this year! It would be worth showing off gameplay for Octopath Traveller and it's fair to assume we will be getting a release date for The World Ends With You! That's eight huge Square Enix games that are going to be released in the second half of 2018! We also know that they are working on a sequel to Life is Strange which will feature a whole new cast of characters, so they may give us our first look at the new setting! Last year Square Enix published a teaser trailer that announced their partnership with Marvel to create The Avengers Project (tentative title). Jumping off the hype of Infinity War now may be the time to show us the first glimpse of what they have been working on! Also in 2017 Square Enix announced a new RPG, Project Prelude Rune (tentative title) that is being developed by their newly established Studio Istolia. The showcase would help to promote more niche projects like this. In addition Square Enix are publishing an unannounced title through the team who co-developed Fortnite although it may be too early to announce anything at the moment. Finally after the financial success of Final Fantasy XV Hajime Tabata has opened his own studio, 'Luminous Studios' within Square Enix! It may be too early to announce his new project but could Final Fantasy XVI possibly be in early development? We know that Final Fantasy XV will have four additional story DLC's releasing in 2019 so maybe we will receive some minor information on the first DLC release. Furthermore they will also have the opportunity to announce any further partnerships or items coming to the game. So that's all my thoughts on Square Enix's showcase! I don't think everything will be shown but when you break it down it's great to see the wide variety of games Square has to offer. Square Enix have been quite busy haven't they?
  8. I have to give credit to Square Enix for announcing this only a month before E3. Knowing them they would have told us day after E3 2017 ended with the way they announce things early, so kudos to them for holding off.
  9. I'm clearly winning by a substantial margin of 7Fourths
  10. Very nice analysis! I really like your writing style it's refreshi.g to hear a more casual tone "They're rocking a new style" and I'm looking forward to more articles from you! I love the mini-games and yeah I'm going to be very addicted to them. I like how varied they all are and to think there's going to be 20 of them! That has me so excited! My favourite so far I think is Giantland or the Karnival Kid.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNaMSkAzsac&feature=youtu.be I LOVE these mini-games and their style I think they're awesome! This game is going to be incredible! This game has already exceeded my expectations and it's not even out yet. I'm really looking forward to playing these mini-games! Also I think the KH3 summon will be Judy hops with a Zootopia world in Union Cross!
  12. Yeah I agree Like I say E3 and beyond is going to be amazing! I think it's a just of matter of waiting until we reach it because once we do it's just going to be six months of happiness and relief knowing that there's no question we are finally going to get consistent news. Something else I believe is when they show the trailer at E3 I think it may be exceedingly long, longer than the toy story one exceeding 6 minutes! Because some people only watch E3 and not the other trailers so Square would not only include the new world they will announce but the other 5 worlds we know of too, including footage finally from Big Hero 6! So to include all that I think we'll be looking at a REALLY long trailer for E3?
  13. Hey guys, happy 16th anniversary to Kingdom Hearts! I would like to discuss today or bring to your attention something that I have noticed for some time. Something that I have noticed about Square Enix marketing strategy possibly since D23 Japan back in 2015. Now it's fair to say you could apply this method to any game developer and other games which also have sparse news or take a longer time to release. But I think we all wanted to just see something, anything for the Kingdom Hearts 16th anniversary. Don't get me wrong I'm not being ungrateful and I don't think it's a huge deal that we didn't receive anything but I think we all just wanted to see - something. I know, "we're not entitled to anything but the game" but I think you are well with in your right to just expect - something. Since Nomura acknowledged the past two anniversaries and this is the year of KH3's release. So I theorise that Square Enix have this marketing 'strategy' where they will bring you to your low and I think this is much more clearer with the non-existent marketing of Final Fantasy VII Remake. Square Enix will announce something early for their business investors and fan hype and then not show the game again for a considerable amount of time until it's polished and closer to release. But what I feel they do intentionally to create greater hype for their games is to bring the gamer to their absolute low. Where they make you feel very disappointed when it's acceptable to expect to see the game at a certain time. My examples are the D23 Japan 2015 fan-event when they eventually showed the KH3 trailer a month later, Final Fantasy VII at E3 2017 and this Kingdom Hearts anniversary event. The fact that Square Enix did not even acknowledge the anniversary this year seems quite odd. My personal take on it, whether it's intentional or not, is that Square Enix will bring you to your low and then when they do show something off your hype and gratitude is alleviated way past than what it normally would be - an excitement whiplash - just because you felt that low. Now my theory is that they did not mention the anniversary because we - may - be getting a trailer at the KHUx fan event next month. That way, yet again, it creates a greater level of hype than what it normally would because we didn't receive anything for the anniversary nor did it get mentioned. So I know my hype and gratitude for KH3 is going to be much higher when they do show it again. I feel as though this is something that I've been wanting to basically get off my chest and this is probably the last opportunity to do so. I don't mean to sound like I'm being ungrateful because the footage they have shown has been very cool but unfortunately due to it's long development time the trailers have been too sparse for my liking. From now on though I believe it's going to be clear sailing until the games release especially from the start of E3. So it means no worries, for the rest of my days, it's my problem free, philosophy. This is just something I wanted to give my personal thoughts on as I feel like the 16th anniversary was the final and most appropriate time to do so after not receiving anything. Thanks for reading!
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjI5S1DeWyo&feature=youtu.be
  15. I think Nomura will give us the updated version of the 15th anniversary artwork. I'm thinking it will be in full colour and the background will no longer be blurry with full detail of whatever was hiding there. Also to clearly reveal the fox on Sora's lap and maybe give us a broader spectrum if anything else is around him.
  16. Rest in peace London. We can't complain because they came to London last year and it's only right to give other cities a chance. But if you asked me whether I would have preferred the orchestra to be in London this year or last year I would have opted for this year with KH3's release. I think it's a tad unfair that LA gets it twice but it's understandable if that's where they're going to show the next KH3 trailer to coincide with E3
  17. We may get a tad bit of news at the Union Cross event but we won't get a new world until E3. As for the 16th anniversary I think we'll get the updated version of the 15th anniversary in colour, the one with Sora on his throne with crown. We may be looking at a similiar ending like FFXV for KH3 expect Sora doesn't sacrifice himself but he's the King of Kingdom Hearts.
  18. This is amazing news! The best written news to come out for KH3 ever! Thanks Aquaberry For your hard work and dedication on reporting all this; this is so awesome!! This gets me excited! ... One of the development team members tried to talk about a certain development aspect, but the audio was censored. To that, Nomura said, “You can’t say that right now.” “The motion is still in progress, we’re working on the one that make a -censored-. I can’t say the name! [laughs]" “There is one world that is distinct from the others.”
  19. Riku now has the Keyblade of Twilight since it has a Mickey head on the keychain. The third key to Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D.

  20. I think it's taking place after the movie because the balloons are up on the scare-floor which only happens at the end of the movie when they discover laughter
  21. Hello everyone! Nomura said at D23 Japan that the development of KH3 is split into three sections. Early stage worlds are 90% complete and the middle stage worlds are 60 - 70% complete. He didn't give a percentage of the final stage but said it was something incredible and that it is bound to surprise everyone. The developers made reference to this last stage by saying three things: "Something he's always wanted to do and put into Kingdom Hearts, ever since the days of working on Final Fantasy" "Everything can be done" and "Culmination of the past" I interpret this as: "Everything can be done" = No Disney property is off limits. "Culmination of the past" = The most successful Disney films over time. Culmination = The highest or climatic point of something, especially as attained after a long time. Nomura said for any live-action films they would be adjusting the 'Kingdom Shader' effect and we have yet to see one. I think this incredible, surprising third stage he is referring to will be entirely dedicated to Star Wars and we will be going through episodes 1 - 6 which will take up the final third stage of the game. It's surprising, it's incredible and Star Wars is an extremely popular and contemporary franchise right now. The timing is too perfect to not include it into KH3. Again I would just like to reiterate on what they said: "Everything can be done" = No Disney property is off limits. "Culmination of the past" = Every Star Wars film up until this point. As for the developers saying it's, "Something he's always wanted to do and put into Kingdom Hearts, ever since the days of working on Final Fantasy" perhaps he has always wanted a Sci-fi setting in the Final Fantasy games and never got the opportunity? But now Star Wars is the perfect franchise for a Sci-fi setting in Kingdom Hearts. However that's just my speculation on this topic, what do you guys think the final third section of the game could consist of? Thanks for reading.
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