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Everything posted by SnowPint7Fourths

  1. On Saturday, March 5th 2016, the floor plan for E3 2016 was released. The floor plan details where each company will have booths set up for those attending the conference and Square Enix will have their booth set up in the same place as last year's E3 in the south hall. Thanks to the NeoGAF forums the layout can be seen here below but please be aware this is subject to change. On March 4th the executive producer of Disney Infinity @John Vignocchi confirmed on Twitter that Disney interactive will not have a booth at this year's E3: Is it possible that Square Enix are planning something Kingdom Hearts related at E3? Do you think both Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue will have a presence at the show? Most importantly are you now excited for E3 2016? Let us know in the comments!
  2. Oh, I didn't know that! I thought it was a worldwide release. I hate it when they do that, I don't see point when it's already in English.
  3. Noticing which Foreteller hits who, this may back up the rebirth theory even more by reminiscing the fight between Aqua and Terra when they fought in their mark of Mastery exam.
  4. I'll be watching it this weekend and will be reporting back on whether it's KH3 worthy Whenever I watch a Disney movie now I'm like, "Hmmm, I wonder how this will work in KH3?" haha
  5. It would definitely make it a unique world if it did get in with what I've seen from the trailers. I might see the film this weekend and see what it's all about. Whenever I watch a Disney movie now I'm like, "Hmmm, I wonder if/how this would work in KH3?" It's almost like I'm actually researching the film for kh13 and not watching it for leisure haha
  6. Just to clarify, I didn't actually mean for the KH characters to make an actual appearance in the TV show haha. I know that is way too far fetched.
  7. How's everyone doing today? Since the reveal of the Big Hero 6 TV series hitting our TV screens on Disney X-D sometime in 2017, I have begun to wonder whether the TV series will involve the plot of Kingdom Hearts III in any way. Since the TV series and the game will both be taking place after the events of the film do you think they may incorporate what is happening in the TV series with the events of Kingdom Hearts III? Do you believe they will both have completely different stories; or that Kingdom Hearts III may even be out before the start of the TV show? Another viable option is that the series may have ended by the time the game releases so will Kingdom Hearts III then be a sequel to the show, or perhaps extend the TV shows plot further to give premise for a second series? If Disney does make a sequel to Big Hero 6 could they incorporate what happens in Kingdom Hearts III and make it cannon in the next film? Or even a small mention of Sora in the sequel would be cool! I am very excited for Big Hero 6's TV series as it is one of my favourite and in my opinion, the coolest Disney film of all time. I'm interested to get your thoughts and speculation on this since Big Hero 6 was one of the most requested films to be in the game. I can't wait to see how Big Hero 6's plot continues due to the TV series and Kingdom Hearts III! I'm so excited!
  8. Thanks guys! I've bought it. About to play it now.
  9. I would love them too, now would be the perfect time to do it.
  10. I have seen the trailers for Bloodborne and some gameplay which looks cool. But is the gameplay entertaining enough for a full play through that's worth the money? I have never played the Dark Souls franchise so would Bloodborne be an enjoyable experience that would successfully introduce me to this type of genre?
  11. I would like to get your perspective on something that's displayed at the end of the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Jump Festa trailer when it states 'Now in Development.' The announcement trailer we got for 2.8 at Tokyo Game Show confirmed the game would release during '2016' in Japan. However the English announcement trailer of 2.8 states 'Now in Development', even though Square Enix's public relation team stated it would be 'Coming 2016!'. Then the second Japanese trailer we received a few months later at Jump Festa states 'Now in Development', instead of the initial '2016' release year. I am aware that Square Enix's public relation team confirmed in the description box on Youtube that the game is 'Coming 2016!', but why does it not say that at the end of the trailer like the initial one did? I am very confident that the game will release in 2016 however it feels as though Square Enix are giving us mixed messages. Is the trailer confirming 2.8 is 'Now in Development' or is the game definitely releasing in 2016? The way I see this there are three possibilities: 1) Square Enix put 2016 at the end of the Tokyo Game Show trailer but then later decided to use 'Now in Development' as a cover up to keep us in anticipation. Almost as if they put '2016' in the trailer but afterwards became conflicted on whether to change this before its premiere. Or - 2) The Osaka team are not 100% certain they can release the game by 2016 and are using 'Now in development' in future trailers as a safety net. Or - 3) Due to the unlikely possibility of a delayed development cycle Square Enix may not be confident the game can be localised internationally by the end of 2016, possibly answering why the English announcement trailer states 'Now in Development'. However the public relations team may believe they can accomplish this. This possibly gives us the reason why 'Coming 2016!' is now only being stated on social media and not in the actual trailer. As mentioned, I am confident that they can achieve a seamless development process and everyone will eventually receive 2.8 during 2016. However the main point I am raising is that it feels as though Square Enix are giving us mixed messages regarding 2.8's release and it makes me question why they can't just state '2016' like they did in the announcement trailer? I would like to know your views on why Square Enix aren't giving us a straight answer for the release year within the actual trailer. Do you think Square Enix are questioning the validity of a 2016 release year due to conflicting opinions and uncertainty within the company? Do you believe they may be regretting giving out the release year for 2.8 too soon? Are they using 'Now in Development' as a mere cover up to keep us in anticipation? Thanks guys!
  12. Looks great! And the fact your showing the island is already falling apart is very creative and impressive. I can't wait to play this it's going to be the best game evaaaa! Lol
  13. Where would you choose to live in the Kingdom Hearts universe? "There are many worlds, but they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny."
  14. As of right I'm planning to get 2.8, FFXV, Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, The Legend of Zelda Wii U/ NX and Rise of The Tomb Raider I'll probably pick up a few more along the way. Maybe The Last Guardian and No Man's Sky. 2016 is going to be a great year for gaming! Let's get hyped!!!
  15. I have added more options to the poll! Feel free to delete your vote and cast it on another option if you wish.
  16. Assuming Young Eraqus and Xehanort are going to be playable characters during the beginning of Kingdom Hearts III, who would you rather play as? I'm #TeamXehanort Disclaimer: The prospect of playing as Young Eraqus or Xehanort is neither confirmed or denied by an official source. This poll is based on future speculation and a fun aspect to allow our members to give their own perspective.
  17. Another piece of cut content for Kingdom Hearts II has been found in the game's code by YouTuber Keytotruth. An unused song has been discovered which seems very reminiscent of the Final Fantasy IX theme Eyes to Eyes ("Stolen Eyes") by composer Nobuo Uematsu. The instruments used for this theme are different from the Final Fantasy IX version suggesting this was used as a placeholder and the initial composition was early in development. You can listen to the unused song below. Click here to view the article
  18. Another piece of cut content for Kingdom Hearts II has been found in the game's code by YouTuber Keytotruth. An unused song has been discovered which seems very reminiscent of the Final Fantasy IX theme Eyes to Eyes ("Stolen Eyes") by composer Nobuo Uematsu. The instruments used for this theme are different from the Final Fantasy IX version suggesting this was used as a placeholder and the initial composition was early in development. You can listen to the unused song below.
  19. But there wearing the exact same clothes Everybody seems to jump on the reborn theory because of the colours of each Foreteller's attire so why not this? I know people are judging it on the voice actors and height of each one but we can't judge Xehanort on this yet. He has at least to have a connection to Xehanort as Nomura stated Ephemera will be present in kh3, so I can see him a as at least a seeker of darkness. I don't think they would introduce such a mysterious character to be a protagonist.
  20. http://kh13.com/news/famitsu-weekly-interviews-tetsuya-nomura-new-screenshots-shown-in-famitsu-article "Though it's already full of mysteries, it will deepen the mystery even further to guess who appears to be the master. Nomura: In “KHx Back Cover”, there is quite a turn. By the way, in “KHx”they have appeared in a black coat." It's about half way down in the interview and I remember reading something similar to that too but in all honesty I can't find it, it would be cool to see that again so we could compare and contrast them.
  21. This is excellent and very well organised, well done! This is really going to help me when I start playing the English version.
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