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SnowPint7Fourths last won the day on November 9 2018

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  1. We need the Osaka team to deliver on fast combos against big enemies and non floaty combat

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SnowPint7Fourths


      I agree with you both but I really want the combos to be fast and perfect. They look to be a good standard when fighting with minimal 'floatiness'. But if you look at the combos against the rock titan in Soraalam's (dean's) video the combos are really slow when he is attacking the titans foot. Also the combos against bigger Heartless seem to be the same. If you look at the giga's they don't have any stagger so they can easily combo you.

    3. PrinceNoctis


      Bigger enemies not staggering is nothing new. It’s always been the case from what I recall. And, from what I understand, Olympus is early in the game so it makes sense for the combos to be slower (same thing as previous KH games, including KHII). My main complaint with the “floatiness” are air combos and ground to air combos. They seem very “floaty” from what I’ve seen but ground combat looks solid.

    4. PrinceNoctis


      Only finishers usually make the big enemies stagger. Look at KH2’s Twilight Thorn or Kh1’s rock titan. You’ll see what I mean.

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