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Everything posted by Kalebninja

  1. Yup, this game looks incredibly especially for a one man project.
  2. Or turkey bacon if he just cant eat pork.
  3. If they rebooted it, I'd prefer it be about the Rebirth Teen Titans, if you dont know about it, it consists of a teenage Damian Wayne, who's seems much more likeable than before, Black Kid Flash, Raven and Beast Boy are still there and remain teenagers and Starfire is still on the team but a a bit older than the rest I'm really liking their redesigns here is some artwork of them, the comic hasnt actually released yet so these are some of the only pictures of them. Robin Kid Flash Beast Boy Raven Starfire The main antagonist is Raz Alghul rather than Deathstroke but they can always throw in an arc for him to introduce Ravager. I would like it better though if they didn't follow the comics exactly like how the original show did so they can make it more interesting. They could expand the team, alter some ages, and if they removed the weird way Damian talks he's basically just like how Dick was in the original show. It could be like the old Teen Titans but, based off the recent animation, also explore their lives when they take the costumes off. I just dont think CN is ready for that right now so the only way I see it happening is Adult Swim or Netflix.
  4. This right here, play em both. Also The Tomb Raider reboot games Inside a fantastic new indie game The Metal Gear Solid games. I recommend MGS 3 then MGSV:GZ and MGSV:TTP you don't need to play any other game to understand those two (Though I recommend playing 3 before V) but I hear MGS4 and MGS2 are good. You also should play Metal Gear Rising, separate from the Solid games and much more action oriented like KH. Furi another new Indie game And lastly Asura's Wrath is a must play although the real ending of the game is DLC.
  5. That moment when you're the only one excited for the processor. That is if its the Tegra X2 because whether it uses the X1 or X2 will make a huge difference.
  6. That would be fantastic if it looked like this, I just hope she has a new keyblade, hers and Axels keyblades are abit ridiculous compared to the other keyblade weilders.
  7. If the in game item is an outfit than sure but I wouldn't want a weapon or item that would eventually be too weak. If it wasn't an outfit then a Ps4 theme, the FF themes are fantastic.
  8. I think if she shows up by herself it will be the real lightning traveling from her world like she did in the FFXIV event and not some alternate KH version of her.
  9. Riku looks dope just an improvent. Hopefully he looks like that and nothing like in 3D/2.8. As for Kairi he clearly ditched that stupid giant zipper design but sad that he kept the same color scheme from 2. Overall just hoping it looks nothing like the KH2 outfit. I'm still very worried over how they looked in the 2.8 trailer, though I can only assume they'll look better next time we see them just like the first time we saw Sora in 3 to his second appearance. Also those are clearly the real 7 guardians lol.
  10. Why detective pikachu? Literally no one wanted this and I can't believe that Pokemon's big return to theaters is for a live action Detective Pikachu... Afraid this is the 90s Mario all over again.
  11. I agree with her and trump , no one's arguing to kick out Muslims that are already citizens but to put a temporary halt on Immigration until ISIS is taken out, we need to stop trying to be politically correct for every single situation, it's impossible to identify every person involved with ISIS so the only option would be to continue to slowly take them down which will take years possible over a decade and in that time how wise would it be to allow them to waltz right into our countries because people are afraid of being politically incorrect. I feel i need to clarify that I am not claiming every Muslim supports ISIS or even that most of them do, I myself live in a Muslim neighborhood and have Muslim friends, the fact is though that tough decisions need to be made at a time like this.
  12. well the anime is suppose to be Danganronpa 3 so i doubt it.
  13. Well in the war they're fighting keyblades are whats needed, if he helps them fight the seekers of darkness he needs a keyblade to be effective, say he fights ansem chakrams arent going to do any good against him. Also it's likely he's the seventh (the other six would be Aqua,Ven,Sora,Riku,Mickey and Kairi) since it's not a guarantee they will get Terra back since his body is inhabited by xehanort
  14. lol, so not only did nintendo unintentionally create Team Rocket but now there's an actual full time Pokemon trainer.
  15. Criminals are using lures at pokestops to rob GO players, did the the game just inadvertently create Team Rocket?

  16. it's a pretty wild assumption so i just doubt it. If he traveled into the future wouldn't a version of himself have to be there? And he'd have to leave his body behind too so how could he train Xehanort/Eraqus to be masters?
  17. Lmao, Eggman just ruined one of my favorite pieces , fantastic. First time I heard that song was here: Skip to 0:29 very different situations, lol.
  18. Im pretty sure this will still have many videos, before it was just arcade games but now they arent limited to that.
  19. Awesome, this absolutely confirms that Pikmin 4 is an NX exclusive and likely a launch title, unless they do a surprise announcement and have it on Wii U by the end of this year.
  20. I don't see why, the only entry an IGN reviewer has given lower than an 8 was KH2, which got a 7.6 (that's a good on IGN's review scale) which IMHO I think it deserved. They've actually been pretty generous to KH games like Re:coded and DDD giving them an 8 & 8.5 and i didn't think they were that great at all. I'd demand the same thing honestly, KH cant keep bouncing around anymore .
  21. Wonderland, they can make the world so much more interesting.
  22. This is my list exactly, though i really liked 358 it was only because of the cutscenes, the gameplay was terrible.
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