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Everything posted by Kalebninja

  1. So if you've played the game you know that if you get to the end and have a high amount of war points you are given 3 huge choices for the end of the game. Now i already knew which one i wanted because it was obviously the best ending however i decided to get a little awesome before i finished the game. The AI hologram kid that gave the options was standing next to me as i was about to choose and i decided to do that thing everyone likes to do and shoot the npc, which normally does absolutely nothing.... except this time it did. I got a fourth unmentioned ending which was very much the worst ending you could get..... now i have to do that 2 hour final mission all over again.....
  2. You're question confuses me, the multipart thing they are doing with FF7 Remake and the episodic model they have with Hitman are two very different things. The reason they are calling the remake episodic is because the original 7 was a single game however with Kingdom hearts there never was a KH3 so there would be no reason to call it episodic it would just be 3,4, and 5. As for Hitman the way they are doing it is releasing one big hit a month with some side missions for half a year which couldnt be done with kh since it doesnt play by missions. Also Being episodic isnt something that is decided midway through development, games have to be built from the ground up to be episodic.
  3. Disney treats Kingdom Hearts well and they've gotten quite a lot of the original voice actors to do the voices in Kingdom Hearts. I mean they got the original, THE ORIGINAL, voice actor to play Alice (original movie was 1951). And we've already seen that most of the voice actors for KH original characters are big name celebrities so I'm sure for any new characters they'll go all in. btw I just took a peak at the VA list and Mandy Moore, the voice of rapunzel, has actually done VA for kh before as aerith. The imdb list is insane EDIT: i completely misread that title. They should but its iffy with Willa Holland because when she finished VA for Aqua and moved on to playing speedy on arrow i believe she wasnt really planning on going back to VA.
  4. google say preheat your oven to 375 Fahrenheit and you can throw them in for 8 to 10 minutes.
  5. I havent really binged on netflix since Breaking Bad but i did binge the 6 seasons of Community on Hulu and Yahoo #andamovie EDIT: oh yeah i binged Season 1 and 2 of The Backlist as well.
  6. I dislike her but, I agree with her to an extent. What she does is attack absolutely anything that is done against a female character and any game that features a female character that needs to be saved by a male. There is an issue in the industry where females are way too often treated like objects and that issue has actually gone down significantly over the past couple of years. When you look at gaming over the past year there are way more female characters taking a lead and a lot less of them are sex symbols. I really dont like the way she approached things but it very much was her, and others like her, extreme actions that got the message spread across the industry, E3 even got rid of booth babes. Of course though the issues still exist and they're actually mostly coming from japanese developers which i think everyone's seen by now how thats changing quickly too, with games content being edited out and DOA xtreme simply not being localized.
  7. I'd ask about kairi. if she'd go back to actually having a personality like in kh1, if they'll ditch the lame pink for the OG purple, if they'll cut her hair make it more red again, and if they'll change her incredibly ugly keyblade.... I really hated Kairi in KH2 lol.
  8. It doesn't work for me, I cant click any answers.
  9. The thing about reviewers who gave it a 10/10 they werent biased towards the previous entries in the series, you dont review a game based off of other games you do it based on what the game provides. The world felt correct for its setting only thing for me is that Afrika should've had more animals. Also about Venom snake i dont know why everyone keeps calling his identity random because he is actually the big boss who is killed in mgs 1 while the real big boss is the one we play as in 4.
  10. Nope, i don't want any armor or the glider i never liked the whole armor thing and its not like its common for keyblade wielders since it was only aqua, terra, and ventus that ever wore them. The gliders a no too because i like the gummi ships.
  11. if they were to have an multiplayer mode theyd hire more members for the team. besides that the story is already done, scripts are written before development begins and since they are almost 4 years into development everything in single player is surely set in stone.
  12. 0_o That actually never crossed my mind, i wonder if they would kill mickey my mind would be blown if Disney let that pass.
  13. Wait until you get into a random conversation i always thought it was weird when you just stroll up and act obvious.
  14. it looks nothing like his shadow though. the shadows hands are at it's sides as well rather than behind their back.
  15. Considering how Eraqus spoke about him it sounded like they trained together or that he at least knew him before his retirement so it would be cool to see him in the beginning.
  16. Im tempted to do the game on proud mode first because we all know how the secret endings go but im afraid that if i do that i'll end up running into some boss thats too hard and have to spend forever grinding. I had no problem playing KH1 and 2 on proud but when the Osaka team came over and made BBS some of the battles and bosses were so ridiculous i had my rage quits and i played it on standard too.
  17. None of the above. Stitch already had a world in BBS and it's already been said that they won't make worlds for neither Bambi nor Dumbo. With that said my choice is chicken little.
  18. I absolutely hated him in DDD i really miss his personality from KH1 and i really hope they make him more of a person. He got real dense after that game.
  19. Film rights, they can make as many movies as they want but they can never use the IP in games, TV, or any other format except through films. Ubisoft owns the rights to anything gaming related even though they haven't used the IP in a while
  20. SPOILER I always hated lightning as a character. She just seemed so ridiculous going from a soldier to a rebel to a l'cie to a warrior of the goddess to the harbinger of death for god to the goddess of death and back to a completely normal human, she was just all over the place and at the same time she pretty much remained the same exact character.
  21. Can you screenshot the area where it shows who owns the IP? All i see was that the movie was produced and distributed by Disney so it still seems Ubisoft owns the rights to the games.
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