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Everything posted by Kalebninja

  1. I gotta say either my PC or PS4 but I have 6 out of 8 of those and I do enjoy them. (no Vita/PS3)
  2. Withhold judgement, can't just assume it'll be bad when we've seen nothing of it. Even if it is bad, who cares, it'll be interesting to see at least.
  3. I'll hold my judgement but i do not trust them with KH 3 and I know without a doubt that If the original team had been given this game then it would be better than what we'll get. I did not enjoy either games they've made as much as the numbered titles. They've put too much faith in a handheld developer and that's what worries me.
  4. The Souls series The Witcher 3 Mass Effect series Undertale Resonance of Fate Paper Mario series Tales of Series <- Kind of the junk food of RPGs Pokemon Series The Last Story Lost Odyssey Pandora's Tower two series I haven't played but I really need to are Valkyria Chronicles and Ni no Kuni, they both look really good and I'll be getting the VC remaster in May.
  5. Because the FF characters exist in KH and that's really all the reason there needs to be, but I'm sure there'll be another debacle at Radiant Garden since it's such an important place.
  6. I was actually just thinking about this, While Terra initiates everything and Ven is the reason Sora has a keyblade I feel Aqua is the main protagonist of that story.
  7. I've done twenty odd quests and I'm just fed up at this point, It's just so boring, but I'll finish it anyway.
  8. I find weebs incredibly annoying, they're definitely the equivalent of Otaku. I have no problem with people being interested in japanese culture and entertainment, but I personally know people who were obsessed and came to school legitimately acting as exaggerated as anime character and saying random words in Japanese. They were so disconnected I didn't want to be around them.
  9. I want the theory to be completely off, because if its true then Kairi is Ava and she'll have a freaking pink outfit again. #WhitenPurple
  10. I wouldn't say over confident, but he was simple minded and really didnt know what was going on most of the time. Thing is that game destroyed his character and the goofy, simple minded character he's become is a lot less like able than he was in the first two games, and that's because the writers changed.
  11. All i care about is getting through it for the story, I don't like the game and Nomura should have never made it. It just further complicates everything by having one of the most lore filled games as a cheap mobile FTP and if it's something as important as the beginning of the KH timeline it should have been in a console game with more emphasis put on it. They're too many non numbered games that hold crucial story and lore at this point and it will only damage the series. Besides my issues with the games existence, it's overly-simple and repetitive but i do appreciate all the art and music put into it.
  12. As a duo sure, but as the goofy over confident kind, please no. I honestly do not want their relationship to in anyway resemble those two except for the duo part, they've avoided being cheesy about the two of them thus far.
  13. They said each part would be the scale of 13 so that would mean each game is around 40 hours in length which is as long as the original game was so you're getting a full current gen game at the length of the original. If they make 3 games all at 60$ each you're paying 3 times the price yeah, but for 3 times the length, graphics 3 generations ahead of the original, and a better battle and cinematic experience.
  14. LOL what?! The only KH game that sold more in japan was BBS, the series is most popular in the states.
  15. I mean they can hand it over to another group to port rather than spend time themselves doing so, and if its a sub par port they can fix over the course of a few months which is what happened with Arkham Knight. At this point it sounds like they wont work on the port until the game comes out and it'll release 6 months to a year later which is definitely not desirable.
  16. I don't get why they cant just put a quick port for PC, they have about 6 months months an that's more than enough time to make a decent port, Even if its not a good port at first I really don't care just put a warning. Batman's port was trash but because I have a good PC I was still able to play 1080p 60fps ultra with a little lag when driving the Batmobile. I'd like to play the game at the best it can be but I cant force myself to wait any more than an extra month. They're outta their minds for wanting to sell 10 million but not having even planned for a PC release.
  17. Gargoyles, Motor City (Even though i didn't like it, it could translate well into a world and they can make up something interesting), and Gravity Falls could work. Darkwing Duck also but as a character in disneytown. As for Gargoyles, If NY would be too weird they could change their story a little bit and the Gargoyles could have been sent to Traverse Town instead.
  18. Youtuber giancarloparimango11 started a livestream of the Pokemon House show which, according to its description, was suppose to air a first look at Pokemon Sun and Moon. Turns out it was just the first TV airing of the teaser we got back in February. The stream had over 40,00 viewers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlgczxOr1Ow&ebc=ANyPxKq4IzIIJ9z4jkIXgqNaxZl4dHxFNDIEgdClxpEE4rxor0LdhKkdBUrecMzvwTaW-dLelWqGu7k5iAw1FKXUk9eGu9wpzQ
  19. A non human, Kingdom hearts original characters have all been human, up until Chirithy of course, which i still think is a stupid character, but they need to expand their races because it doesnt make sense because non humans are clearly able to wield keyblades (Mickey) and be corrupted by darkness (Baymax) and theres a whole universe out there that can hold different races. Also more female villains, I still cant believe that out of all the original villains there's a single female and she was the first of the O13 to die.
  20. This is what disappoints me though, they got a handheld developer to develop a AAA home console game. And it doesn't help that the battle system was broken in both the games they developed.
  21. YES, half a year of silence, and the premiere date comes out of left field.
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