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Everything posted by Kalebninja

  1. I wouldn't want the same forms if they come back. I'm upset that Osaka team decided to out in their stupid shotlock system, it better not be in place of drive forms.
  2. Both, Those that had great stories from their original form should it retold and for those who already had their story told it would be a great way to bring them back.
  3. Theyd have to go through the trouble of writing an original story, and if its the quality of the filler storm games i doubt theyd sell well especially after how poorly revolution sold.
  4. Im confused. The only Naruto games they've been making for the past 7 years have been the storm series and the final storm game is finishing the story of shippuden. What makes you think they're going to continue when there is no story to do?
  5. I have no doubt we'll be playing as several characters if not all the lights. Also since there may be a multiplayer mode we may get to play as everyone like in 358/2
  6. I have no doubt they'll be a full trailer at E3 regardless if 2.8 is out or not. I also feel 2.8 will be out around that time, unless its team is really slacking.
  7. Boy I wonder how they can top the whole story of naruto, there was just so much happening in the background that didn't come to light until shippuden. Hope this means the games will return after a couple of years into the manga.
  8. you may also notice that Twilight town is still very unfinished. this is why we keep seeing the same little area https://gyazo.com/85be87adebe447a67f31466da0088167 look to the right, the path to the sandlot is empty. ​ ​
  9. we only officially found out like an hour before the trailer. And you cant always assume because we still haven't seen that cable town they showed in one of those events.
  10. i didnt fall into any trap. forget about the hype this trailer would still not be good by any means. I wouldn't care if we didn't get this trailer because it didn't add to my excitement. I'm even more pissed they made us wait almost two months to see the same exact unedited trailer they showed at d23.
  11. Okay I'm thoroughly disappointed with the trailer. We learned nothing new from it, all we got to see was it in motion and a couple of cool moves. Time to wait another terrible 6 months for a trailer and probably no release date again..... EDIT; for those that think I expected a release date for 3 don't be crazy I was talking about 2.8.
  12. are you disagreeing that that there will be a kh3 trailer because that's already confirmed through the twitter picture, it shows both 2.8 and 3 so it will appear.
  13. I didn't imply jump festa was today for a star wars reveal, I'm implying that they are showing kingdom hearts because of what today is. Kingdom hearts doesn't always show up at Jump Festa, they didn't need to show it.
  14. That expectation really had no weight because it was a Disney event so of course star wars was going to be their. But today of all days to release a trailer, the day of the world wide release of star wars... That can't be a coincidence.Also when I thought a star wars world was going to be announced then it was because i thought it was the last time kingdom hearts was going to show up in the year and since this is basically the year of star wars and there's so much hype if that was the last event they HAD to show a star wars world.
  15. My theory is... His mom didn't like his kh2 clothes and made him some new ones.
  16. Whoever it was, it sounded like the mom from dexters lab... So it must be his mother.
  17. Can't believe even here people are just jumping on the hate bandwagon. Take a look at a part of the interview and see if you're still angry now. It would have been impossible and I doubt anyone wanted to wait until the NEXT generation of consoles. "Q I got it. And I heard it’ll be multiple parts. Kitase-san Yes. The reason why we haven’t gave a go for VII remake is that it’s extremely hard to remake FFVII with the current technology, and to be honest, we hesitated. Remaking FFVII in HD without losing the original’s “density” requires more than one part. Nomura-san If we were to put it in one part, then we have to cut many parts and deliver it as a digest. Nobody wants that kind of game. Plus, users can explore many places in Midgar where they couldn’t in the original game. Once we decided to remake VII, we will develop those details and more. Of course we have to cut some parts from the original, but users can expect the VII world that only VII Remake can deliver. We estimate that, with the quality of those details, the volume of the game will be larger than the original after all. You may worry about the schedule, and we want to provide the game as soon as possible. Making it multiple parts is the line we drew to deliver the game."
  18. Been a FF fan since X, and I went back and played most but I really don't care for it to be turn based. Why would I want to stand still and press X to fight sephiroth when with today's technology we could have a more immersive battle in real time. Imagine if KH was turn ba- look at chi, would you really prefer every KH game played like that instead of fighting in real time?
  19. AAAAW snap, Samurai Jack returning for a new season next year on Toonami.

    1. Xiro



  20. Oh heeeeeeeeell no. I use to watch the show with my mother but it got so cringe worthy with its bad writing and horrific CGI. Then they went on and made mulan, a 100% straight character, gay just to make their lgbt audience happy. I cant respect an adaption that does things like that with the only intent to be controversial and attract viewers.
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