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Everything posted by Kalebninja

  1. I mean we got BH6 which is a Marvel property, Toy Story and Monsters Inc which are Pixar, but Ghibli is where you draw the line? If you can tolerate those because they're owned by Disney now i hope for your enjoyment you can tolerate Star Wars when it comes down the line. Heck we'll probably get the Runaways at some point in the series.
  2. The last boss was complete BS, it took me 3 hours on proud because of its attacks you cant dodge in phase 2 and its combos that can stunlock and instantly kill you. We better pray they are receiving assistance from the original team for KH3.
  3. Done with the X-Keepers only one that doesn't act like a whiny buffoon is Alam.

  4. I'm gonna kms waiting for XV, so close.....

    1. Joker


      The very least youll get to play it soon, I still gotta wait till sometime possibly late next year

  5. I was almost sure it was going to be Abraham, however, the recent episode of Talking Dead after FTWDs finale completely changed my mind. Kirkman's explanation for the big death in FTWDs finale was that when they kill off a character they try and make it someone that would affect everyone on the show and if that reasoning were to transfer to TWD it wouldn't be Abraham because not enough characters have a deep connection. There's also the fact that for the Talking Dead episode after TWD season 7 premiere they're going to have all the cast members that were in the scene and have a crowd of 2,000 fans. Its going to be a huge character that dies and likely between Daryl, Rick, Michonne and Carl. There's also the possibility of it being multiple characters if that were the case it'd be huge to kill both Glenn and Maggie.
  6. I hope its not her new outfit, still hoping for some purple/white.
  7. Seems no one brought up the age gap, Aqua's clearly somewhat older than Ven even though they're friends the way Aqua and Terra spoke to Ven in BBS made it clear they were older than him and have more of a younger brother relationship.
  8. Shadow Hearts definitely, though from what I know about the Chrono games I'd be highly interested in a new modern entry or a remake of the original.
  9. Not a chance, the ps4/Xbox versions have serious issues PS4 pro won't fix that.
  10. I believe Hulu shows eventually get released on DVD/Bluray, their flagship show 11.22.63 just got released this month. About 5 months after it finished airing. Edit: but then again it's probably more cost effective to pay for 3 months of Hulu and get access to all the shows rather than pay $25 for the one show on dvd.
  11. Yesterday it was announced that Marvel's Runaways comics would be getting a TV series on Hulu by the showrunners of Gossip Girl and The O.C. Info from Wiki "the series featured a group of six kids whose parents routinely met every year for a charity event. One year, the kids spy on their parents and learn they are "the Pride", a criminal group of mob bosses, time-travelers, dark wizards, mad scientists, alien invaders and telepathic mutants. The kids steal weapons and resources from their parents, and learn they themselves inherited their parents' powers" It's currently unknown if the show will maintain the original comics cast which consisted of From left to right: Molly Hayes, the daughter of telepathic mutants, is a mutant whose powers include super-strength and invulnerability. Alex Wilder, the son of mafia bosses, was a child prodigy at strategic thinking and planning. Nico Minori, the daughter of dark wizards, is a witch capable of manipulating magic. Chase Stein, the son of mad scientists, steals his father's flame generating/manipulating gauntlets called "the Fistigons" Karolina Dean, the daughter of alien invaders, is a solar-powered alien. Gertrude Yorkes, the daughter of time-traveling criminals and someone who isnt in the picture and may not even be in the show, Old Lace, a genetically engineered dinosaur from the 87th century, Gertrude's pet. Here's my Fancast. Molly - Play by Malina Weissman Alex Wilder- Played by Tyler James Williams Nico Minoru - Played by Malese Jow? Not a lot of young asian american actresses, i feel theres probably a better pick Chase Stein - Played by Jason Till Karolina Dean - Played by Ellen Fanning Gertrude - played by Mae Whitman
  12. MGRR had MG in its title but was also absolutely nothing like previous entries it was a hack and slash. Whats even so generic about it? You've literally seen nothing but a teaser trailer yet somehow are capable of judging it that deeply. The amount of ignorance spewing out of everyone's mouths today because they like Kojima and Dislike Konami's leadership is annoying I think everyone forgot the hate was suppose to be towards Konami's president and execs not towards their dev teams give them some slack. Maybe wait till we've seen some gameplay or even hear words come out a characters mouth before putting it down. Btw I dont recall many zombie games having giant robots and Wormholes.
  13. Lmao "the community", it was tough between the gameplay and characters, but I chose the characters, their designs are just so fantastic and memorable. KH1 Sora, Riku and Kairi are some of the best character designs in gaming history.
  14. I strongly agree with these as well, Prisoners and Death Parade were really depressing. I also forgot Xam'd: lost Memories and Kyousogiga. Also i know these arent anime but if you havent watched Avatar and Korra get to it, there are 113 episodes (61 & 52) waiting for you. Strongly agree with these as well, Prisoners and Death Parade are depressing. Also forgot Xam'd and Kyousogiga also even though they arent actually anime watch Avatar and Korra if you havent there's 113 episodes combined.
  15. Hunter X Hunter (2011) - though only about 14 episodes are dubbed since it's currently airing on toonami. My Hero Academia - Brand new and dub is perfect. Fate/Zero - i never watched the dub so idk but it's a great anime Erased - dont know if it's dubbed, fantastic though and brand new Eureka Seven / Eureka Seven AO - watch them both, love both dubs and anime Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, dont watch the original version watch Brotherhood first and if you want more than watch the original. Has a great dub. Death Note - great dub Code Geass - Horrific dub Beyond the Boundary - never watched the dub You cannot go wrong with any of these though a warning, Code Geass does have 2 scenes with upper body female nudity but i think theyre edited out in the dubbed version.
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