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Everything posted by MasterLorX

  1. for the Story I choose Sora's since it is CoM main story But for the gameplay definitely Riku, since it is easier and I definitely not like the horrible card gameplay CoM has
  2. I'm not totally sure but if Kairi managed to live normally for a year evem if Namine was alive perhaps Sora could have coexisted with Roxas with the only "problem" of them sharing the same power (just like Xion and Roxas in days)for Vanitas "fake body" you might be right because if Sora got a new body because of Kairi's light maybe Vanitas god a brand new body because of Ven's darkness but as I said once a new body is created there's no difference between it and the original ones, so Vanitas new body is as real as Sora "fake body" and both are as real as any other person body
  3. honestly I don't understand why you want to underline the difference between this "projected body" and the real body, to me there's little or no difference at all, if I want to create a statement to explain this situation I'd just say "in the KH universe in some particular circumstances a body is magically created for someone's heart to enter it and to let him be alive" however it is not clear what this circumstances are.also if you think about this, it is actually the heart that shapes the body, this means, for example , when Kairi restored Sora in KH1 giving him a "fake body" Sora's heart actually shapes this fake body and there's no pratical difference between his old one(Roxas body) and this new fake oneIn fact the only reason Sora had to fuse with Roxas was because of CoM events, IF CoM hadn't happened Sora could have normally continued to live his life in the fake body without the need to fuse with Roxas (with the only drawback of having half of his power)
  4. maybe I'm just overthinking but look at this: http://www.google.it/search?q=Kingdom+hearts+2+dusk&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-j9uria3LAhWFXiwKHaEyD9oQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=640#imgrc=bVs_vK7x-RgEDM%3Awe clearly see a zig zag mouth and the zipper around the face makes me think Dusks are SOMETHING inside a suit, and that SOMETHING is the Dusk true form, if I'm right I hope we see this in KH3that face is quite creepy btw [tension rising intensifies]
  5. here's a theory I've made about this:if you look at the nobody enemies we fight in KH2 they seem to be a dark body in a suit (just look at Dusks) this made me think Xemnas has the power to shape them and to make different types of nobodies, each related to a particular org. member (Samurai and Roxaa for example).Basically I'm saying that we never saw the real form of a nobody (I suppose their true form is simply a dark humanoid creature btw,) and that Xemnas shapes them to make them more powerful, even because I don't think the nobody symbol(the inverted white heart) just magically appears on them, that is the "xehanort mark" and this makes me think their shape was artificially created by xemnas
  6. I get it, Nomura logic XDbtw, thinking again about this he probably originally had 50% light 50% darkness, xehanort needed balance to create the (fake) X-blade
  7. Thank you :)but so does this mean Ventus originally had a lot of darkness in his heart and few light, this would explain why Vanitas' heart was stronger at the beginning
  8. heartless are made of darknessriku can shape darkness, he decided to copy Sora's silhouette and the keyblade silhouette to show him how much he was good at shaping darkness
  9. hey Flaming Lea, I was thinking something about Vanitas, when Ven's heart was splitted Ven went in a coma and was saved by Sora, but why Vanitas didn't have the same problem, even his heart was incomplete how was he able to survive with his fragmented heart if his other half, Ventus was not?
  10. in the journal his entry is in then 'heartless' section, and if you think about it a heartless isn't necessary the heartless of someone, in some conditions heartless can born from pure darkness, like in the RoD.riku in KH1 had the ability to summon and create heartless that's all
  11. it is a pureblood heartless made of pure darkness, riku summoned the darkness and gave it Sora's shape and apparently he also gave it a "mind"
  12. keyblade are linked to hearts, you need to have a heart to weild a keyblade, heartless and nobodies(not 100% sure about this one) don't have hearts so they can't
  13. you mean "Nomura always finds a way to bring dead important people back" this is the right statement, but you can't deny the existence of death in the KH universe (in fact some of the Disney villain died during the story)
  14. only Maleficent was able to return, but she's a special character so I don't think we can say there's no death in KH just because of her.In KH you normally die if you're struck down or because of old age, otherwise xehanort in BBS didn't need to possess TerraIn my opinion when you die in KH your heart normally goes to the real KH and stays there unable to come back, eraqus heart(or maybe only part of it) is now inside Terra, he would probably reappear briefly to say goodbye before disappearing forever
  15. are you really sure they can talk? because if it's true I don't even know what to think about themhowever their aspect is very similar to that of the heartless and dark chirithy talks of them being swallowed by the darkness, normally when someone gets swallowed by the darkness he becomes a heartlesscould they be special intelligent heartless?
  16. if the translation is good I think those 3 creatures are just the heartless of 3 keyblade weilders (don't know if pureblood or emblem heartless)I believe the player and Skuld are shocked by this because the heartless they normally defeat are "illusion" created by the book of prophecy (I'm assuming they know about the book however) or maybe they are simply shocked because they didn't know humans can "become" heartless
  17. for the story it is when Aqua is with Ansem in the RoD and they talk about Sora for the gameplay it is the final part of Xemnas last fight since he begins to shoot all those laser to Sora and Riku
  18. okay no problem, however at this point I wonder if we actually understood each other point
  19. Nomura just said he invented 3D story as he went he didn't say the idea of 13 vs 7 as the only way to get KH was invented at the same time of 3Das said, I don't know if you're wrong, you don't know if I'm wrong
  20. you too have not proven much of what you're saying, but there's no problem I'm making assumption and you too.Personally I prefer to think the artificial KH were just ways to become more powerful not attempts to achieve immidetaly his ultimate goalagain the problem is lack of information
  21. this perfectly explains BBS but since he fused with terra he had a lot of time, so initially he didn't have to be quick and you said it too he always knew the correct way so this means KH1 and KH2 were not hasty attemptsbtw it's difficult to be objective when defending our own ideas , someone else should read all this stuff and say what is more plausible for him
  22. ok I admit this reinforces your theory but still no one EXPLICITLY said ansem and xemnas though those KH would work as substitutes or that xehanort only understood the true way to achieve his goals just before KH3D
  23. ok I get your point, honestly I still prefer my version but I have to agree your theory is at least possiblejust two more questions:-when do you think xehanort realised the KH he previously summoned/created were not useful for his plan?-I understand Nomura wrote 3D later, but are we 100% sure the 13 vs 7 stuff was not written earlier? I find it strange Nomura just invented this for KH3D and KH3
  24. ok so this is the part we don't agree, you say they thought those artificial KH would have been perfect substitutes for the original KH, instead I'm trying to say they already knew they were just artificial copiesthey had 10 years, do you really think they only realised at the very end their artificial KH weren't going to work for xehanort's (still unknown) plan?they have probably always known it
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