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Everything posted by MasterLorX

  1. Castle of Dreams, Dwarf Woodlands and Enchanted Dominion in this exact order, which is the same order you go to them in BbS, I believe it is not a coincidence Nomura decided the first world Aqua sees in the RoD is CoD(lol), the same she first goes in BbS
  2. I understand you, in fact in my example about Mysterious Figure I gave a 10% on sound, I believe too that when playing battle quotes and weapons clashes should be there to create the "atmosphere", just music should have the main part and the sound should be in the background not the opposite
  3. Hello guys I was listening to some KH boss-fight music and realized it is a shame that when playing the music gets covered by game sounds and battle quotes. That's why I think new KH games should have an option to choose how you want to mix up music and sound Seriously, Who would not like to battle Mysterious Figure with 90% Dark Impetus(love it) and 10% sound
  4. What you've said is possible not certain, I think it is just easier if Xehanort was referring to Terra in DDD, I'm not excluding what you've said from being revealed in KH3 but at the moment your theory is based too much on possible situations that were never explicitly mentioned in previous games
  5. I believe Terra is still after Xehanort's influence otherwise we would have seen him (as a free person) in DDD but as you know he doesn't make any appearence, and it wouldn't have been difficult for Xehanort to capture him again since they were both reborn in the same place Terranort became Xemnas and Ansem, I think this place is Radiant Garden btw
  6. Hi guys as you may know after Ansem and Xemnas were destroyed in KH2, MX and Terra were reborn as separate people instead of returning as a single person(Terranort) and in KH3D Xehanort told us Terra is still under his possession. So do you think Terranort will return in KH3 or the old MX and Terra will continue to live as separate beings? I believe that MX will eventually fuse again with Terra in KH3 to reform Terranort to both become stronger and lengthen his life span
  7. Good theory, I believe too that the MoM ended up possessing the 6th Foreteller, it is implied by Xehanort Keyblade (which has a goat-lion hybrid on it, not a goat/ram) however if it's true the MoM survived for many years transferring his heart in young vessels I think it is not because he lost this power that he didn't possess Xehanort. I think he tried to possess him making Xehanort come closer to darkness, but in the end he became too strong so when the MoM tried to possess him he managed to escape and killed his master and "inherited" his Keyblade
  8. Hello guys as you know Blank Points was one of BBS secret ending but I still want the scene with Aqua and Ansem to be in KH0.2, it is my favourite cutscene and I really want to see it in Unreal engine and who knows, if they actually put it in 0.2 maybe they'll show more of the dialogue between Aqua and Ansem
  9. I agree but it would still be shocking to see her dying in Xehanort arms similarly to Xion and Roxas
  10. C'mon let's be real, Aqua is in the RoD and Ventus is still sleeping in CO (confirmed by DDD ending). Obviously MX was talking about Terra when he said he had another person on his side I don't know why but it is implied that for some reason when Terranort's heart(Ansem) and nobody(Xemnas) were destroyed Terranort didn't return as a single being, but instead the two person who formed him, MX and Terra, returned as separate beings (and this actually goes in Terra's favour) However I believe that since the problem of oldness is still there for MX he's going to put again his heart into Terra's body
  11. are you suggesting Xehanort's big plan is to use the power of kingdom hearts to make Eraqus change sexual orientation?
  12. No that's not what I want, but since the KH series likes '2 boys and a girl' trios this is not something we can exclude from happening and I have to say that even if I'd like to see other reasons behind the old man's actions this would be a shocking plot twist
  13. well Kairi's grandmother was still alive during BBS, maybe I should have explicitly said that this girl dies in a bad way, and the real reason behind Xehanort's actions is he wants to bring her back
  14. Hello everyone The idea behind this isn't mine and you've probably already thought about this how much would you be shocked if in an hypothetical KH3 prologue with young Eraqus you discover he made a friendship trio with Xehanort and a GIRL and you see Xehanort relationship with this girl being something similar to Sora's and Kairi's You already know where I'm going with this... Personally this would shock me a lot and would make me see Xehanort in a different view so, what's your opinion guys? EDIT: what I really mean is that this girl dies at a certain point (that's why she doesen't appear in BBS) and Xehanort is so upset about this that decides to find a way to bring her back and realises he must obtain the X-blade and Kingdom Hearts to do it
  15. I believe the MoM was originally an old man and basically wanted to live longer (like MX in BBS) or maybe he is a young man and just wanted more power so he fused with the 6th Foreteller
  16. I like the idea behind your theory but I find it very improbable the events happened in the way you said, also this theory doesn't connect well with the 7 deadly sin concept However reading your theory has made me more convinced of the possibility a theory of mine is true: in this theory what happens is the opposite of what you said, the MoM (related to Xehanort) and the 6th Foreteller (related to Sora) merged together and became a single being: the black coat guy we see in the trailer. This explains the two different personalities the guy shows And if you want another proof just look at Xehanort Keyblade, it has a Goat-Lion hybrid on it, a creature that is formed by the merging of two separate animals in case you didn't know: Goat represents Lust and the Lion represents Pride, the two deadly sins that are related to the MoM and the 6th Foreteller
  17. I'm not sure about this anymore I've just read Nomura confirmed the black coat guy is the MoM: http://kh13.com/news/famitsu-interviews-series-director-tetsuya-nomura-about-kingdom-hearts-hd-28-final-chapter-prologue-discusses-progress-on-english-recording he didn't say something like "the 6th Apprentice also has a black coat" and this reduces the possibility
  18. OMG why do I discover this only now? I'm sure Nomura is referring to the dream which shows a black coat guy talking to all the 5 Foreteller I think the guy in this scene is the 6th Foreteller not the MoM, he just seems so young... (I believe the MoM is an adult man) at this point I believe the 6th and the MoM are probably plotting together to cause the Keyblade War and this is why they both wear the black coat I'm also quite sure in the end the MoM will betray the 6th and will steal his body in order to live longer
  19. I like this, maybe the whole time going back is an anomaly of the world based on the presence of a clock tower and Aqua takes advantage of it with the power of the keyblade, I'd like to see other worlds that have been consumed by darkness and arrived in the RoD to see how time works within them, unfortunately I don't think we're going to see other places in 0.2
  20. in this list I only considered the greatness of each game Story 1)BBS (it's here mainly because of plot twists, emotional scenes and Aqua<3) 2)KH2 (not so distant from BBS, I don't care about Disney worlds having little relevance, one big critique: they should have made Sora reunion with Kairi and Riku more emotional) 3)KH1 (still don't know why but KH1 has the most "magical atmosphere" of all KH games, Story is good but the plot is simple compared to other games) 4)DDD (I liked the plot twists and where this game brought the KH story, but 3 complaints: dream eater are awful, time travel explanation PLEASE, I wanted to see more about TAV) 5)CoM (the mysterious atmosphere of this game is awesome) 6)358/2 (it would be the 5th if they'd showed more about the other members of the Org. and if they had put every important dialogue in the Movie) 7)Coded (the only KH to have a not-so-intriguing story, the only great part was the ending)
  21. loool well actually I think I'd have done it too, but regardless if it's the most intuitive thing to do, what I wanna know is the reason(if exists) it worked
  22. Hello everybody I didn't imagine to write this so early: 0.2 SPOLIERS proceed ONLY if you've already watched the new 0.2 demo I know this is a fantasy game and questions like this may not have an answer at all, but I still wanna know what you think about this However (personal opinion on this topic)
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