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Sora Beloved

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About Sora Beloved

  • Birthday 02/24/1991

Other Information

  • Member Title
    The only thing that wins is the truth
  • Gender
  1. Yo friend! Long time no see!

    1. Sora Beloved

      Sora Beloved

      Yo! Yeah, long time no see!

  2. Hey friend!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alicia Maddox

      Alicia Maddox

      Doing great! Got accepted into the school I want, now I'm waiting to hear back from the department.

    3. Sora Beloved

      Sora Beloved

      Cool. Glad to hear that. I hope you'll have fun

    4. Alicia Maddox

      Alicia Maddox

      Well, let me give you a quick update. I didn't get into the department, but I'm still going to attend the school under a different major for the fall to take some basic classes then re-apply for the spring hopefully.

  3. I always thought Unreal Engine was perfect for Kingdom Hearts and Luminous Engine is still in development as Final Fantasy XV as.
  4. What do you mean by multi-layered character, ladydualwieldin? Ahahahahah Pangoro "Sen"
  5. Thank you in advance. It's just my curiosity, I'm going to buy this game, but I'm too curious about his story.
  6. Merry Christmas Sora!

    1. Sora Beloved

      Sora Beloved

      Merry late late Christmas to you! Alicia and happy new year.

  7. Are you ok? Long time no talk

    1. TheEightMelodies


      Hey! Sorry I haven't been on for a long time. Just had a lot going on and needed a break from the internet for a while! How are you?

    2. Sora Beloved

      Sora Beloved

      Sorry me too. I'm ok, anyway

  8. Happy late late late birthday, sorry. I had problems with the Internet

    1. TheEightMelodies


      Thankyou! Sorry for the late late late late reply. I really appreciate it though!:D

    2. Sora Beloved

      Sora Beloved

      Don't worry. I did it late too ;D

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