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About OVRalls

  • Birthday 10/10/1996

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    Extra Sauce Please!!!!!
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  1. Reaper <--> Marluxia Dresses up like the Grim Reaper? <--> Carries a Scythe? "Death Blossom"? <--> Flower Motif?
  2. I noticed this when watching an Overwatch speculation video about a new Hero (Sombra). There's this green tent thing in one of the maps shown in it and it has a Kingdom-Hearts-shaped heart symbol over it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg86SU8WKN8 Pause at 0:30 and look to the left of the video.
  3. Hay sorry I am a little late but welcome to the site

  4. Did somebody say my name? Anyways, about KH3 Sora, I've already seen comments on how Sora would give Kairi a nosebleed with his new looks, hairstyle, and his fantastic *cough* cleavage *cough*. So if anything, I'd say they're equal.
  5. Yeahhhh. This series got way more males than females... If you don't count the Twilight Town Trio, there's about five female KH characters (includes Larxene) total.
  6. Ok, so this has been on my mind for a little while now and it's starting to bother me. I got a friend who's told me that he used to have a crush on Kairi and talked about how he still thought she looked "hot" in KH2 ((which kinda bothered me every time he talks like that since I'm afraid of whatever gross jokes or sexual remarks he may pull out of his mouth, like he does when we joke around about anything else)). Anyways, I started to notice how other KH fans have talked about the same thing. Some of them are talking about how Sora's hot, how Riku's hot, how Lea's hot, how Roxas's hot, etc. etc. I won't lie, but I agree that there are A LOT of good-looking characters in the KH series. But anyways, I guess I got two questions that's been on my mind: Which KH characters do you think are NOT hot? And which KH characters do you think ARE hot?
  7. Does seem to make sense to me. Looking back, things do kinda add up to that.
  8. I think he wanted to thank Namine because right after he woke up, he saw Jiminy's journal that read "Thank Namine", which may have been on his mind for a long time. Did that kinda answer... part of your question?
  9. Honestly, I never saw Sora as ordinary ever since the end of KH1. It just felt like the concept of an ordinary boy was just completely removed from Sora after the end of the first game. I mean, what characters like Yen Sid and Ansem the Wise said about Sora makes it seem like he's not as ordinary as he was in the first game. Calling him the "Key that connects everything" instead of finding THE ACTUAL "Key that connects everything"? Portraying him somewhat as a messiah chosen to fulfill a duty to save everyone who is hurting? Should an ordinary boy be portrayed in such a way instead of just finding someone else that can be portrayed exactly like that? The answer is no. Because of this, I don't believe Sora is ordinary at all if he's able to be THIS (Key that connects everything) or THAT (One who is chosen to save those who are hurting). Also in DDD, compared to Riku, Sora has managed to connect to anyone just instantly. Even Neku, who is an extremely aloof firetrucker that blasts loud music in his ears because he hates people. No one from TWEWY was able to get him out of his shell so quickly like Sora could. Riku had trouble connecting to people instantly (I don't have much to say about him right now. I've seen the game and cutscenes, but I just don't feel like talking much more about Riku), but I guess that's because of the Darkness but still. It's almost like Sora's heart just automatically connects to the hearts of others. This paragraph may have some points that anyone here could use to counter my points, but anyways, Roxas had pointed out how Sora's heart was connected to so many others, whether they were of Disney or Square Enix, or both (KH). Ansem the Wise had pointed that Sora may be able to mend hearts and even bring back lost ones from the brink of existence. In my perspective, I feel like the concept of an ordinary boy for Sora has been damaged enough to convince plenty of people that Sora is not ordinary. No longer is he the Batman of the Justice League (I'm not saying he's not awesome anymore. If anything it's his personality that makes me think he's awesome), but rather something just a little bit bigger.
  10. A year late and I don't know how anybody here feels about this topic right now... Anyways, I never saw Sora as ordinary ever since the end of KH1. It just felt like the concept of an ordinary boy was just completely removed from Sora after the end of the first game. I mean, what characters like Yen Sid and Ansem the Wise said about Sora makes it seem like he's not as ordinary as he was in the first game. Calling him the "Key that connects everything" instead of finding THE ACTUAL "Key that connects everything"? Portraying him somewhat as a messiah chosen to fulfill a duty to save everyone who is hurting? Should an ordinary boy be portrayed in such a way instead of just finding someone else that can be portrayed exactly like that? The answer is no. Because of this, I don't believe Sora is ordinary at all if he's able to be THIS (Key that connects everything) or THAT (One who is chosen to save those who are hurting). Also in DDD, compared to Riku, Sora has managed to connect to anyone just instantly. Even Neku, who is an extremely aloof firetrucker that blasts loud music in his ears because he hates people. No one from TWEWY was able to get him out of his shell so quickly like Sora could. Riku had trouble connecting to people instantly (I don't have much to say about him right now. I've seen the game and cutscenes, but I just don't feel like talking much more about Riku), but I guess that's because of the Darkness but still. It's almost like Sora's heart just automatically connects to the hearts of others. This paragraph may have some points that anyone here could use to counter my points, but anyways, Roxas had pointed out how Sora's heart was connected to so many others, whether they were of Disney or Square Enix, or both (KH). Ansem the Wise had pointed that Sora may be able to mend hearts and even bring back lost ones from the brink of existence. In my perspective, I feel like the concept of an ordinary boy for Sora has been damaged enough to convince plenty of people that Sora is not ordinary. No longer is he the Batman of the Justice League (I'm not saying he's not awesome anymore. If anything it's his personality that makes me think he's awesome), but rather something just a little bit bigger. Also, I would like to say that I agree with the theory that Sora is connected to Kingdom Hearts. I saw a video about it anyways.
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