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About minamoto

  • Birthday 02/10/1994

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  • Member Title
    KHUx: 源 | unicornis
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  1. Sorry, I just saw this right now - you're already in a party.
  2. We still have room and we'd love to have you, but you'd have to leave your current party to join us - I understand if you'd like to stay with them though!
  3. hello everyone! I've started another unicornis party on the NA server to continue on this party - just drop your user ID here or look for us under lightkeepers! I'd love to play with you all on NA invite sent! yes, pass it on!
  4. It's definitely not Cyrillic or Japanese; I speak Russian and I don't see anything recognizable in there. I doubt it's Greek either; a lot of the Cyrillic letters were cribbed from Greek. My money's on it being completely made up, but whether or not it's a cipher or just meaningless symbols is still up on the air...
  5. It increases the level of your ability by +1. it's essentially the replacement for synthesizing a base medal with an identical medal of the same rarity, which can be useful for rarer medals that you want to activate guilt on.
  6. yes, you'll need a chi account. note that the only linking you can do is in regards to your avatar's appearance; nothing else can be transferred between accounts. and yes, that's it exactly! axel is only available until the end of this special organization xiii limited box. you'll have better chances with a 10-pull rather than solo yolos. may rng be kind to you
  7. while the symbol for sleep (スリプル), paralyze (パラライズ) and poison (ポイゾン) are all the same, they're all separate skills and one medal can only have one of them at a time.
  8. the +1, +2 etc don't refer to what the ability does, they refer to how advanced the ability is. a medal's ability will gain +1 for each step up in rarity; so Vivi at the 1-star rarity would have attack up; 2-stars would have attack up +1 and so on and so forth until you hit 6-star Vivi who has attack up +5. each +1 to the ability's level will increase the damage multiplier and sometimes change the number of hits. it doesn't matter as much for buff medals because the buffs are fixed and the amount of damage they deal is negligible, but for more offensive medals this can be pretty important - for example, Blizzard Raid only deals 1.43x damage across three hits at +4, but 1.47x damage across eight at +5.
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