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Toño Zuñiga Sanchez

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Everything posted by Toño Zuñiga Sanchez

  1. This is the best day ever! New kh news-kh2.8 and.... we get Champions league today!! I love this friggin day

  2. No yeah, I'm not saying 2.9 is a real thing, i just think its gonna be the demo nothing inportant just the demo, but you know how in Kingdom Hearts they love to name everything, so tey are gonna call the demo that, but it's not an actual game, just the demo
  3. Yes !! finally, so with this can we finally say that Kh2.9 (if it does exist)is actually gonna be a demo for kh3 (nothing story line based) and that with this announcement, the next game we get (you know, in terms of story line) is gonna be Kh3 ???!!!
  4. Im really looking forward to Star Wars being an actual world for KhIII, Jaja its gonna be amazing

  5. I would have to say I´m worried about marvel being part of KHIII (not so much about Star Wars),but my biggest fear is: Atlantica coming back :dry: :sad:
  6. ok, im new here...how do you comment a post, i cant comment!! Jaja -.-

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    2. Oli


      Pues para responder a un topic o a un post, lo que tienes que hacer es irte al final del todo y escribir en el textbox que te sale. También puedes pulsar el botón quote de debajo del post dD cualquier usuario para responder a esa persona

    3. Toño Zuñiga Sanchez

      Toño Zuñiga Sanchez

      Hey, muchas gracias, ya vi como Jaja. GRACIAS EH

    4. Oli


      No hay que darlas :P Si necesitas ayuda en algo más, no dudes en preguntármelo o por mensaje privado o por el chat!

  7. Correct me if im wrong, but couldn´t the seven guardians of light ... be the seven princesses of heart??

    1. Ienzo88755


      7 guardians to protect the 7 lights/ the princesses

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