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TsuyuKusa Neshiro

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Everything posted by TsuyuKusa Neshiro

  1. Anyone good with findind certain types of clothing. I have a picture of what I'm after just message me if you can help.

    1. Forever


      Mmm..I like clothes! What are you looking for?

  2. With the upcoming release of Assassins Creed Syndicate, I was wondering, whom would you affiliate with the Assassins (Nothing is true, everything is permitted.) Or the Templars (May the father of undertsnaind guide us.) and why?I affiliate with the Templars or as they would be known now of days Abstergo. I just find that my own beliefs rain with theirs, they no one can be truly free and that otder must be preserved, instead of everyone be free and do as you wish (I find chaos if that happens) However I don't particularly believe in any deities but lets not get into religion here lets keep it strictly about the AC universe and perhaps other games that tie into it (Watch_Dogs).
  3. I think if I ever had to work together with my crush I'd atleast be able to talk to her...
  4. My Gamertag is TsuyuKusa N though I only have an xbox one.
  5. I expected this from the start, I even said it before it happened.
  6. Anyone with either send me a request.PSN: Terra_TsuyuGamertag: TsuyuKusa N
  7. I'm extremely bored so if anyone wnts to talk message me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lea12345


      I want unchained X too

    3. TsuyuKusa Neshiro

      TsuyuKusa Neshiro

      Like can they PUUULEASE release it in english already.

    4. The Deathdealer

      The Deathdealer

      That would be nice but I would like a PC Version of Kingdom Hearts 3 instead

  8. Add me on PSN once you get higher we can do raids and stuff.
  9. Anyone lvl 40 with atleast 180 light on ps4? IF so send me a message at Terra_Tsuyu and we should play together. Please have a mic so we can communicate.
  10. I would say a month or so more if it was Alpha testing, but it was beta which meant at the time it was already quite a ways in, with the recent release in jpan it makes me think it'll be this week (more then likely when 2.8's english trailor goes up).
  11. They were beta testing it already in NA months ago.
  12. I mean it does make sense, they release the 2.8 trailer and then KHUX in the same day, why say "Hey, heres this game, that contains this movie of X" but not have unchained X released yet?
  13. I'm just trying to make sense of what happened to all my money...oh yea...games...
  14. Eh, the only two that seemed to fit for me were the one for ursurus and leoardus.
  15. I atually fixed my over charged itunes account today in hopes of a UX release this week.
  16. I'ma take a guess here and say it'll be like FF XV and if thats the case then it's fine in my opinion and it could mean the same as FF XV where we get an update with more stuff. But who knows till we see. so 1-4 hours probably. I'd love for it to be a 10+ hour game but I don't see that happening. Either way I'm gonna preorder from square with overnigth shipping and get the CE if they have one.
  17. Personally I would love a full game as Aqua set in the realm of darkness. But I'm hesitant to believe the V2 will just be a short episode like final mix had at the end of it. But hey if it isn't then sweet. All new keyblades (hopefully) based on the words that have subcummed to darkness. The hype train is here, all aboard.Edit: I do know that Kotaku claims its a short episode game, but I kinda wanna hold that with a grain of salt till more info comes from Square, also thought of a another question, do you guys think BBS 0.2 will just be an upgraded graphics with flowmotion of bbsfm secret episode or entirely new? Cause as I recall the secret episode was entitled as "A fragmentary Passage" which is also what the "new" game is titled.
  18. Feel free to assume my internet sucks, but a reinstall of the app seems to have fixed my issue.
  19. Yea I just relealized after posting this I forgot to follow my old post so I got the info on Chi, as for the rror message everything downloaded, but after the intro with granny and choosing my faction it just won't load passed the loading screen.
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