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Meiru Hamu

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About Meiru Hamu

  • Birthday 05/13/1989

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  1. Okay i've left the old guild. Name: Meiru ID: 1501913 Also please add my friend too. Name: Angela Id: 829259 Thanks
  2. Um let me know if everybody or there's enough people already joined in this new guild. And then I'll leave the previous guild and post my ID here . Thanks~
  3. Are you there? My friend want to join too. Id: 829259 Name: Angela
  4. How about yours? Can you login/play the game? Ah weird it's suddenly working now lol. Though to bad I couldn't play it for the whole day yesterday Q.Q
  5. I think the maintenance is just over. It was doenloading the new content but then failed because of this connection again.
  6. Seriously I keep getting this since yesterday for the whole day. Is it just me or does anyone else got this too? My connection is fine for playing other games though. Just what is this QAQ??
  7. Tried it but I can't read japanese QAQ" I don't know which one is the option for mail them about recovery data. But thank you for the help QvQ I'm still so sad though. I tried to new game again. If I dont get Cloud in my 3000gems first try, I wont probably wont play it again Q.Q I mean i probably wont play it again. Sorry for the typo. I really had fun though playing with you guys QvQ
  8. Do you know the web site of it?I guess it's the same case with Tales of Asteria, I lost the data too.But a friend of mine could help contacting Customer Support.But I don't know for the KHUx one QvQ"
  9. I made another account.. but oh no my Cloud Q.Q I really miss him... Well you can always use my Cloud anyway I won't online often since I'm still hurt after losing my account Q.Q But add me. ID: 1501913 Name: Meiru Please add me again for now QvQ
  10. Sorry guys. I might be unable to play KHUx again QvQ I broke my phone...I mean my iphone begin to bootloop, and if I haven't backuped my data. So I think I will lose all of my game data after I restore my iphone... So I'm sorry that I can't play again QvQIt was fun playing with you guys before.If I might restore my iphone and my id and data is still there, maybe I can play again.If not... well good bye QvQ -Meiru
  11. I'm a Fujoshi from Indonesia xD~!

  12. I'm a Fujoshi from Indonesia xD~!

  13. I'm a Fujoshi from Indonesia xD~!

  14. I'm a Fujoshi from Indonesia xD~!

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