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Seyin95 last won the day on November 14 2018

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About Seyin95

  • Birthday 12/25/1994

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  1. OI want Nomura to be totally free and not feel tied down to anything. I loved the Dark Seeker Saga and I was happy with what we got in terms of lore, but now is a fresh start. In terms of a darker game, the stakes need to be there. My biggest gripe was that you didn’t fear for the main vast, yes bad things happened, but there was an assumption it would be sorted out. We need a valid reason to fear the antagonists. In terms of worlds, no issue with Star Wars or marvel done well. As long as they are fun, that’s what matters. I never enjoyed Beauty and the Beast as a film, sure did enjoy Beast’s Castle for an example.
  2. I’ve done a Ven and finally woken up from slumber. Can’t believe it’s been 4 years…

  3. Oh it’s good to be back! I’ve seen a lot of Endor talk. What if it was Nier? We could see other SE properties in unreality.
  4. I like your proposal, however all I'll say is watch the beginning of the Final Battle Trailer and pay attention to who and 'what' can be seen, thus confirming a certain set.
  5. Finally! After years of guessing and predicting, we finally have Cable Town, I've waited so long for this moment and it's brilliant
  6. Keep going Xehanort! Add a few more tears and push the lights to the brink and I can't see Sora being 'alone' too much, how I'd like this scene to play out is for Sora to break and give in to his emotions and when he is about to be defeated, a hooded figure emerges and the Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades to appear, then switch to Roxas being playable for a battle, before Sora regains his composure and is ready to commence, this is followed by the oblivion and oathkeeper falling to the floor and disappearing and Roxas fading away.
  7. I saw the whole purple star as more symbolic than having a direct meaning, especially when you consider the previous entries openings. However, whilst stars represent worlds, they also represent people, what would be interesting if he saw his own star and thus learned of the events that will happen.
  8. Thanks for the heads up more than anything, I've heard a lot of whack 'supposed leaks', but what you've said is whilst unfortunate, not gut wrenching to see like Character A is a nort and Character B dies etc. We have to be vigilant though, as anything is fair game now.
  9. I have accepted the darkness, it was the only way to escape the endless Christmas songs... 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Seyin95


      feel slightly for a poor retail worker, we've already had a month of it already, the Realm of Darkness calls



    3. 2 quid is good

      2 quid is good

      Ooft good luck mate, so glad I don't work in retail anymore

    4. Heather Chandler

      Heather Chandler

      I feel your pain, if your store is playing anything like some of the stores around here are. Same three or so songs, over and over. 

  10. After rewatching it a few times, it does look like this battle is more symbolic of the role of Xemnas in ruining the friendship of Roxas etc and thus forced the battle we saw in KH2. I agree with you about the songs, whilst I do prefer this to Chikai, which I still cannot warm too, it doesn't have the same affect Simple and Clean or Sanctuary had. That being said, the trailer seemed well edited and perhaps flowing normally, the song might change my mind. The eye debate is an interesting one as it propels many theories and could play credit to a few 'leaks'. I'm in the air on this one, whilst the silver eyes did look cool, I like the iconic yellow eyes. My issue is, I want the yellow eyes to remain a Xehanort characteristic and having him a puppet or under the influence of someone else, cough MoM cough, just seems too cliche.
  11. This was confirmed during E3 by Nomura in I think a famitsu interview and Brendan Docherty in various interviews too.
  12. Ended up tracking the information down from a rather helpful fan on twitter, I agree with what we've stated so far and it does seem to be more fan fiction than anything, I mean I'm sure all of us can try and write the final battle one way or another. That being said, I did enjoy aspects of the supposed plot and would not object to those parts. Other than that things seemed a bit on the messy side, even for a KH title. In relation to the leaks etc, it's up to people how they handle them, my stance is 'incorrect, but interesting until proven otherwise.' The difference between the MI leaks and this was credible images and not purely some randomer writing something up.
  13. What even was that? 

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