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Everything posted by Arigaran

  1. OMG! Where can I see his quote?! This is a dream come true if it's real!
  2. Just give me Mother Gothel as the final world boss and I won't mind if they include a pudding Heartless boss fight if they want.
  3. Maybe they'll play the Orchestra version of Don't Think Twice during the Orchestra, with the cinematic at the background.
  4. If there was still any doubt, Big Hero 6 is mentioned in Square's latest Premiere Event Press Release: http://press.na.square-enix.com/releases/1182/celebrities-and-industry-vips-among-the-first-to-play-in-the-kingdom-h
  5. If that's the case, the "even more" part still leaves room for speculation.
  6. https://gamerant.com/kingdom-hearts-3-playable-character-sora/ He said up to five characters can Join your party, even more. Considering Baymax and Hiro could very well be a single character to make space, Five is the perfect number to include in BH6. Could also be for the final fight with the Seven Guardians, or even a final boss sequence in Toy Box that has you team up with Jessie and Bullseye as well, idk.
  7. Well, as far as I remember, he just said it briefly in a single interview. There's a difference between that and actually giving BH6 a full conference at D23 2015, Concept Art, a Trailer with Roy Conli, and even a Press release on Square's site. More reason to believe they won't just scrap an entire world with all of that still floating around the internet. Can't wait for it, either. It's easily my most-expected world, and we haven't even seen any of it yet.
  8. KH13's coverage of the Making of Video that was only shown to attendees of 2018's D23 Japan said that footage of Baymax was shown: http://kh13.com/news/exclusive-making-of-kingdom-hearts-iii-video-was-shown-at-the-kingdom-hearts-fan-event-includes-footage-of-tangled-emphasizes-worlds-in-kh3-to-be-more-lively Still, I did not see any other news source even mention Baymax, and the article doesn't really elaborate on that (and his mention got overshadowed by Rapunzel and NPC's), so take it with a grain of salt unless someone can confirm they did show Baymax, or until we get to see San Fransokyo ourselves in the near future.
  9. Ansem and Xemnas are there probably because Twilight Town is a dual world, by the fact that it's not in the Light or Darkness, but the In-Between. Just like how Ansem and Xemnas are two pieces of two different beings (Xehanort and Terra), but not really pertaining to specifically one of them. As for other Organization members, I'd say Luxord fits the Princess and the Frog, seeing how the Shadow Man also uses cards to alter time (the future/destiny of those he deceives). Saix truly fits in Big Hero 6, also being a man who lost his "brother" (Axel) and went down a dark path (just like Hiro almost did). Xigbar might fit into Frozen by the fact that, like Hans, he once was a man who deceived royalty (Ansem the Wise/Anna) and tried to obtain his goals by pretending to be a good guy to the kingdom (also, let's not forget we could see Elsa's fight scene with him replacing the Crossbowers, which would be dope). And...yeah, those are the only ones I'd envision.
  10. Pretty sure Nomura said in an interview around December that there'll be some sort of mechanic in KHIII that will revolve around the Dream Eaters... Not sure where, though. I'll look for it!
  11. It could be the same situation as with the Summons, some like Dumbo and Stitch were obtained without visiting their home, while others like Tinker Bell and Genie are obtained after completititon of their worlds. I do hope this is a clue to the possible Toy Story World.
  12. If Vanitas returns, then I think, or at least I hope, he'll have his Unversed at his side once again. He's not a nobody, so, I think that having a Nobody based on him would be... unnecessary. Same with Ansem, he already controls the Heartless. Who knows about Young Xehanort, though, he can no longer control Dream Eaters outside their realm. I think that only Nobody beings should have other similar nobodies to command, being of their own nature.
  13. Oogie Boogie Confirmed to be part of the New Organization XIII! Seriously, though, I really think the dice is a giveaway to Luxord's appearance. Seeing some things only, like the Moon (Saix) in the chessboard, hints to few of the old Organization's involvement.
  14. Rapunzel is pretty much confirmed to have long hair in order to use it as a weapon while being a Party Member, so, I guess it's a retelling of the movie just like in the old games, or maybe there's going to be a different... whatever reason to why she has long hair again.I'll be mad if they do't put Mother Gothel as a Boss, though! That's what I look foward the most, though I don't see how she'll have abilities worthy of an encounter... She simply gets corrupted by the darkness and uses new powers? Clayton and Shan-Yu both somewhat did it in the numbered games before!
  15. Mother Gothel is bound to appear, because, well, every single world at this point has (at least) shown off the antagonist of its respective film, so I think it's certain, I just hope we actually get to fight her, unlike Frollo, CLU or the Evil Queen. Same with Hades, but Yokai won't be anywhere to be seen if they just leave it at Baymax as the villain, unless they pull an unexpected twist or something.
  16. The Red/Skull card merely gives him combat moves, it doesn't make him evil at all, the only reason he attacked Callaghan was because Hiro commanded him to do so, it's not like he went berserk like some people think, he wouldn't have attacked Yokai if he wasn't told to, he just followed orders. The Green/Tadashi Card is more like his consciousness, without it, he's nothing more than a robot with no concern for others, a mindless, normal machine. It would be interesting if Dark Baymax is actually a Heartless, though, I like that theory, but I don't know how it'll play out.
  17. Ok, this might be a little long... :tongue: I think it's possible that Hiro will be with you during the fight, but only to accompany you in the new Baymax's back, I don't think he'll actually do something, other than to spew battle quotes, to directly attack either Dark Baymax or any Heartless present in the brawl (Jack Skellington could do mystical magic naturally while being in your party, though, so who knows!). That said, I think it's possible that there'll be at least two fights against Dark Baymax, just like in past games where you fight normal and powered versions of Disney villains, and the first one could be pretty much straightforward, a normal fight on the ground. Perhaps it even takes place on Krei's Silent Sparrow facility at the mysterious island, as that's the only place where a portal to the dimension Original Baymax was left in is, while damaged, still located, and maybe that's where we're introduced to our corrupted healthcare companion and where we fight him for the first time. Maybe he just uses the attacks we've seen him do in the movie (Shooting his fist, normal punches, flight, etc.), aside from possibly gaining Microbots usage in this phase (clearly he can manipulate them judging by the concept art). Later on, some time and missions after this encounter, the second fight would probably take place, finally, in the skies of San Fransokyo. Flight mechanics are almost a given, and as I said, I think we'll get to be with both Hiro and Baymax, though the former would just be with Sora in the robot's back. I really, really hope that the Big Hero 6 join the final fight against their former friend and member, to make it all better... though, sadly, I see this unlikely, as none of them other than Baymax can fly. Maybe they're on the Blimps and aid you as non-party members everytime Dark Baymax is stunned and retreats there, or maybe they find a way to actually transport themselves even at that height, like the very end of the film shows us just before the credits. Though, thinking it all through, there has to be someone behind all of this, other than Xehanort or perhaps even Maleficent (some people say that his new "horns" and even his shoulder pieces resemble Maleficent's, but who knows... although seeing her rise to power once more through this could be very interesting). How could the Dark Baymax return to the city without a proper portal? Is it even possible for the Heartless or the Organization to just make him "teleport" back into his original homeworld? If the portal is really necessary for him to come back, there had to be someone who knew how to repair the remains or create a new one, maybe the final fight in San Fransokyo will be against both Baymax and someone else: A KH-original antagonist or, if we keep this in lines of the film's canon only, someone like Alistar Krei or even Yama, who might also control Dark Baymax's microbots. Perhaps we'll even see an ultimate form for Baymax or the real antagonist, like with Oogie or Ursula, maybe every existing microbot assemble once more and we get a final fight similar to the one in the movie. Probably the portal won't be adressed too much, though, and there'll be an explaination other than these. That's just what I think :lol:
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