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Everything posted by XionRoxasSora

  1. Probably Xemnas. He looks and acts pretty cool. After is defiantly Xehanort.
  2. Etajbar... Apparently I'm an Egyptian Dragon. ETAJBAR: PROTECTOR OF THE PHAROH'S TOMB Death is granted to all who dare to seek her treasures hehe :tongue:
  3. Well he killed them... But got resurrected... KINGDOM HEARTS IS TURNING INTO A COMIC BOOK!!!!!
  4. I got Twilight Princess HD!!!!!! :D

    1. WakingDawn96


      Trust me, you either will or will not be disappointed. I personally love the game, and I haven't even finished it yet! :)

    2. Exiblade7
    3. catmaster0116


      A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage. Go and do not falter, my child! (Hero's shade)

  5. Happy Birthday Sara!!! (Such a pretty name!!!!) Hope you enjoy it and have a great time!!!!! I'm Like YAYAYAYAY!!!!! And Your just so happy that tears stream down your face!!! JK Your probably like Welp anyways have a really really really good Birthday!!!
  6. ITS SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! :wub: I can't STOPhehehe
  7. I think yes to all of them. They are too big in the story of Kingdom Hearts (all together) to be removed totally.
  8. Elsa was supposed to be evil at first.. sorry it's so big I couldn't find a smaller one...
  9. Hey whats up girl!? Thanks for adding me! :)

    1. Yessie Maltese

      Yessie Maltese

      You're welcome. ^ω^

  10. The reason I love Kingdom Hearts SOOO DAMN MUCH is mainly for it's story. For example, when I play games I ultimately play for story but gameplay adds to the experience. Plus I'm a reader (I know a shocker) and when I read books there is no illustration just words, so I'm pretty much used to the aspect of "story" itself. Did that make any sense?
  11. Can someone bring the water because Demyx is on fire? I'm not really good at this :mellow:
  13. tsk tsk is Square-Enix trying to troll us...again? Their name should be changed to TROLL-Enix!!!
  14. That's sora for you.... anyways it looks fantastic keep up the good work!!!!
  15. I picked Dearly Beloved because I just get so many mixed feelings listening to them (especially KH2's Dearly Beloved it just makes me so happy when I close my eyes and take it all of the gorgeous melodies in! ) and then 358/2 Days Dearly Beloved is just so sad especially with all of those low instruments. It's just so PURTY!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways if Dearly Beloved wasn't on this list It's probably be Vector to the Heavens/Dirge of the 14th (whatever YOU call it) because it's practically Xion's Death song...
  16. I forgot another one.... How bout Narnia? I know it's "real life" but it's a very underrated disney film.
  17. Command boards suck.... I like winnie the pooh sooo much better...
  18. nice!! I love Roxas (as you can probably tell by my Username but you know...) and so this was a great analysis on the character. :smile:
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