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Everything posted by XionRoxasSora

  1. Wait. So there will be no KH3 in E3?

    1. Exiblade7


      yeah, probably not, but at the end, we'll honestly never know what they have in store for us until the event actually happens.

    2. XionRoxasSora
  2. Me, being a nerd, read until I fall asleep. But not before completing my nightly ritual of brushing my teeth, washing my face, putting cream on,etc...

  4. XionRoxasSora

    Xion Lives

    P.s- If you click on the drawing, it will become clearer!
  5. XionRoxasSora

    Xion Lives

    This is Xion and I drew her after listening to Xion Lives by Project Destati for the new album Darkness. Why? Because it is so beautiful man! I was going to post the drawing when Darkness came out, but it was taking to long so I just did so today! Hope you like her !!!!!
  6. Captain America: Civil War is such a good movie! It's my favorite Marvel movie so far! You guys should go and check it out!

  7. I wish we could choose more than one!!!!!!!!! But I decided that ever since Guardians of the Galaxy came out, I would choose star-lord Why? I have a crush on him But after probably, Black Widow... Why? She can kick some guy butt! GO BLACK WIDOW!!!!!
  8. lol when he sees the medals of himself he's gonna be like "what the heck?!"
  9. ITS ALMOST E3!!!!!! :D FINALLY!!!!!

    1. Christmas Past

      Christmas Past

      Wow I just realized that it was May :/


      But still Hype!

    2. Exiblade7


      True, but it's not going to be as good as people think it's going to be

    3. XionRoxasSora
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. omg!! HILARIOUS!!! more like 2030!
  11. Yea i saw that long ago. Its pretty hilarious!
  12. I already know what happens/who wins but if they follow the comics there should be a huge twist at the end!!
  13. XION XION XION XION XION XION!!!!!! I was so inspired by #XionLives that I'm drawing Xion and and posting the drawing when the album comes out!!!!
  15. I can Listen to Roxas/The Other Promise forever... You just close your eyes while it's playing and just FEEL what the music has to offer. The grief, sorrow, confusion, etc.. you can all feel it as you listen as if you were Roxas discovering you aren't supposed to exist; or the grief after you killed Xion; or realizing that you aren't who you thought you were... It's just so pretty and emotional.
  16. Welp! It's been a while since i updated this so yea...

  17. Mine is super weird. I would want to be able to go into any book, movie, game, etc.. and go through what the main character goes through in that book. For example, I would be Bilbo Baggins on his adventure to Erebor or Frodo to Mount Doom you know stuff like that. Why? Because I WANT AN ADVENTURE!!!!! I mean how cool would it be to travel through Middle-Earth or defeat Organization 13? I know it's not really a "power" but I would love to have it... Yep that's mine! Unique right?
  18. Nothing. The only thing she made me want to do is kill her. I mean she sucked but I guess it sucks being the only women in Org. 13 (not including Xion).
  19. Oh the feels OH the tears! :'(!!

  20. If it gets a postponed release date that keeps on getting pulled back further like Final Fantasy XIV or Zelda Wii U JUST GIVE ME THE GAME 2) SoKai not being confirmed I mean come on! 3) Spoilers 4) KINGDOM HEARTS JUST BEING A DREAM OR IN A CHILD'S IMAGINATION.... PLEASE NOOO!!!!!!!
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