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Everything posted by XionRoxasSora

  1. cuz why not? Maybe the characters look better with short hair... i like xion with short hair
  2. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 is part of 2.8 so yes. yes i am expecting that they show it. if they didn't i would be extremely disappointed.
  3. I have finals on thursday and friday.... :(... (think happy thoughts happy thoughts....)

    1. Gamerazor247
    2. XionRoxasSora


      This song played in I Am Legend...that was a sad movie... :(

    3. venxas24


      At least you don't have any Saturday );

  4. my jaw has dropped!!!! That looks stinking amazing!! can't wait to see kh3's artwork!
  5. nice!!! now the long wait to Kh 2.8 and Kh3
  6. I would still like to know what place the others were in.
  7. That would be simply amazing! Maybe the last one they'd release is like Dearly Beloved or something! Cant wait to hear the music in KH3! now you got me hyped
  8. sigh... where are you Unchained X? Where thou are you Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer? Sigh

    1. keyslinger


      Yeah where is Unchained X?

    2. XionRoxasSora


      its hidden in Square-Enix's vault of stuff they never share with the rest of the world... :(

    3. keyslinger


      That would not surprise me. I love to see behind the scenes there.

  9. I live in CA... I have had enough of heat! Give me the Rain!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I am kinda disappointed.. i mean i was really rooting for Sora... But its surprising that they only put one of the apparent smash ballot winers into smash... I honestly wasn't even expecting Bayonetta...
  11. Omg that was horrible! Kingdom hearts is a disney game so it's gonna have cheesiness... and I think some of the lines are kinda cute...
  12. I honestly believe that sora has a high chance of getting in!!!!!!!! SORA!!!!! SORA!!!!!!!!
  13. i have been going to your forums lately and i hereby do decree with my good name that you are indeed correct about you having a DIRTY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ​And are pretty funny but lets leave that out for now...
  14. ummm that girl has problems..... she needs a therapist...
  15. I have gotten so used to Sora. But second would probably be Roxas followed by Aqua
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