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Everything posted by XionRoxasSora

  1. Riku's alright. i prefer Sora :tongue: :smile: :smile: i mean look at that smile!!! he's adorable!
  2. wait a second... i thought that was all Kingdom Hearts was...
  3. looks fine to me.. but then again i am not into graphics as much as I am into story
  4. sora looks adorable!! I just want some plot details! Give me the Story well some of the story
  5. i wasn't disappointed i was just over hyped. I just wanted some new things included like some plot details because we've been getting nothing but gameplay since 2013...
  6. hey did anyone else notice... DONALD ISNT DOING SHIT!!!!!!

    1. Emrys


      Frikin yuya beating me to the punch. Well played

    2. Soul_Seeker


      Well...to be fair, Sora never really needed that much healing throughout the trailer.

    3. Soul_Seeker


      Oh, you meant the AI. Well, it's not like they've completed the party AI yet so don't expect to see too much help in the trailers.

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  7. i know but we've only gotten gameplay... i am gonna sound salty but They didn't even show us the scene with all them together having a moment...
  8. should i take piano lessons? I mean I love the sound and it's just a beautiful instrument...But i dunno should I?

  9. This is amazing. Made me realize how selfless and considerate Sora is and strengthens my like for him. no wonder he's one of my favorite characters! He's so adorable!!
  10. Hey guess what? I am playing The Other Promise tomorrow for my Piano Finals!!! I am so nervous!!!

    1. Gwynbleidd


      Good luck!!! Great choice too!

    2. XionRoxasSora


      Omg i got a 98 out of 100! But i was so nervous i was literally shaking!

    3. Xiro


      w00t! 98 sounds pretty good

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  11. not as much Hype as i want tho... don't wanna be let down...
  12. Welp that's not at all creepy!!!
  13. Omg my background.... hahaha

    1. XionRoxasSora


      Hahaha who doesn't like Sokka?! :D

    2. venxas24


      This may have just inspired me to rewatch the last airbender again, its been a while. so thank you : )

    3. XionRoxasSora


      u should! Its a great series!!!

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  14. u know those possessors and how they could control a door in KH2 well maybe they could do that to pots as well! DUH!!!
  15. also most of these ladies wield some sort of weapon...And we all know that long hair can get in your face and distract you when in combat.... So THERES THAT!!!!
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