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About XionRoxasSora

  • Birthday 02/03/2000

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  1. how come we aren't getting ANY Kingdom Hearts info/trailers while D23 is going on?!?! isn't there supposed to be a HUGE Kh event going on there right now?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. XionRoxasSora


      You're right Youthful Z. But it's just that this month was supposed to be kingdom hearts's month to shine. I mean everyone was just so hyped for November to come because of the supposed surplus of Kingdom Hearts news. I know November just came but it's hard to not be a little disappointed...

    3. MythrilMagician


      Don't get hyped. It always seems to lead to disappointment.

    4. lostmemory123


      Except when the hype is real. Than it becomes orgasmic. I mean that only happens like five times out of ten but its great when it does.

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