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    Solstice got a reaction from ocean's rage in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore   
    Fair enough, I can respect that.
  2. Like
    Solstice reacted to SweetYetSalty in I thought I would never say this but…   
    I was going to answer but It would mostly be what Movies798 already said. But I'll do it anyway XD
    1.) Basically everything Movies798 said. The notes that created Xion still exist. The Xion in the KG was essentially a 2.0 body. 
    2.) I don't understand this question. Namine had nothing to do with the Replica Program and none of Xemnas's personal plans ever needed her. Namine was a Marluxia project for his own goals.
    3.) Because Replicas were the Organizations biggest pet project outside gaining hearts. It might seem redundant now because literally everyone has a Keyblade, but back in the early days of KH Sora was the only Keyblade Wielder around, so cloning him for that power was smart. If one Sora breaks down for the Organization another takes it's place to keep the job going, just like in a office building with multiple computers. And when Organization XIII got rebranded in DDD and KH3, the Replicas surpassed Nobodies in terms of importance. The only reason it didn't take off with the original Organization is because Vexen was killed early.
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    Solstice reacted to Movies798 in I thought I would never say this but…   
    1.) Vexen had already created replicas (puppets) for the Organization 13 during his time when he was Nobody, and he already written his notes about his research before his death in Chain of Memories. Plus, Vexen created Riku-Replica so it makes sense that he already created Xion. He's a mad scientist after all. And Namine said that after she put Sora to sleep in Twilight Town most of his strongest memories of Kairi were leaked, and they found it's way into Xion. That's how Xion is connected to Sora because she was original faceless puppet until she unknowingly inherited Sora's memories. And because she inherited Sora's memories Xemnas had plans to use her as a fail-safe.
    2.) Xemnas was only using Namine due to her connection to Sora because her ability to control Sora's memories. He was using Namine as a way to make Sora a puppet, and make him his slave as one of vessels for Master Xehanort. Plus, Xemnas put Marluxia in charge of Namine after he assign him Larxene, Vexen, Zexion, and Lexaeus to Castle Oblivion. However, Marluxia had plans of his own. Marluxia began using Namine for his plans to control Sora's memories and to take over Organization 13. Marluxia's plans was to use Sora his puppet to take control of Organization 13 and overthrow Xemnas in Chain of Memories.
    3.) Like I said in Question 1 Xion was created as a fail-safe just in case both Sora and Roxas were not useful to Xemnas's plans for the Organization. Xemnas's plans was to use 13 members of Organization 13 to become vessels for Master Xehanort. They were going to divide Master Xehanort's heart into 13 pieces, and place them into 13 vessels so they can turn them into Xehanorts. Xion was created as a back up plan if they fail to use Sora and Roxas as Master Xehanort's vessels for The Real Organization 13.
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    Solstice reacted to AeroBlitz in KH General Chat   
    Kingdom hearts is a video game
    It's also light
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    Solstice reacted to SweetYetSalty in Fixing Kingdom Hearts - Why “Good Enough” should have been left alone   
    If Kingdom Hearts had stopped at 2 I probably wouldn't even like the series that much. KH1 remains my favorite but I found KH2 a underwhelming sequel during my first years with the series. I may not like everything that happened in Kingdom Hearts but it's insane nature is one of the reasons why I love the series as a whole.
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    Solstice reacted to Dustin Lübbers in Fixing Kingdom Hearts - Why “Good Enough” should have been left alone   
    I agree with you part of why i always liked Kingdom hearts so much is that the way it presents itself other games can be compared with other games  only Kingdom Hearts is like kingdom hearts 
    The only reason i would like to see a reboot or a more Traditional sequel by which i mean regular story telling is out of curiosity but thats really it i would never want the series to give up on its Special trait
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    Solstice reacted to ocean's rage in Fixing Kingdom Hearts - Why “Good Enough” should have been left alone   
    is it a good point or just another boring point made by someone who wants to "improve" the series by making it generic 
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    Solstice reacted to ocean's rage in Fixing Kingdom Hearts - Why “Good Enough” should have been left alone   
    and why should we care?
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    Solstice reacted to Zero Impulse in If Kingdom Hearts started using Square Enix franchises for worlds, which one would be your #1 pick?   
    100% there needs to be a The World Ends With You world KH
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    Solstice got a reaction from Dustin Lübbers in General Chat   
    Good afternoon, how is everyone doing?
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    Solstice reacted to Double OKP in Kingdom Hearts union cross ending (spoilers)   
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    Solstice reacted to ocean's rage in Kingdom Hearts union cross ending (spoilers)   
    i find it extremely disappointing that the player becomes xehanort 
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    Solstice reacted to SeanKeyBladeMaster in Memes Chat   
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    Solstice reacted to jbmasta in Which character(s) do you think has the most tragic backstory?   
    Roxas. His existence was sheer happenstance and yet seen as unsuitable even to exist by some. He was manipulated and used by Xemnas for his ability to use the keyblade, Axel's companionship with him meant only to make him more self-sufficient for missions and less zombie-like (which backfired big time). Even then Xion was designed as a back-up, eventually draining his strength and meant to erase his existence altogether. He lost trust in Axel and was forced to put an end to Xion without realising until her death, and in fighting to regain his life was stripped of his memories and used by DiZ, who treated him as sub-human and expendable. His last ditch effort to get back existence led to him being forced to admit defeat to Sora, accepting his fate.
    Xion. Created as a puppet, a replica designed to be a contingency in case Roxas didn't work out. Her growing confidence undermined she wasn't even declared fit to be seen in a group of Nobodies, a class of being already looked down on for just existing. Going through an existential crisis upon learning of her origins and begging her best friend, one of her only friends, to kill her so she couldn't be his demise, then completely forgotten to the point not even someone who specialised in memory manipulation could do anything, and knowing this would be the case.
    This one may be controversial, but Terra. Raised at the Land of Departure with only Eraqus and Aqua for company as far as we know (he was in his late teens when Ventus joined them), seeing the former as a father figure. Aqua shone despite Terra being just as good as her, and he didn't have an outlet or someone to talk to about his insecurities or the growing darkness inside him, which he knew Eraqus and Aqua wouldn't understand. Taking into account one of the short stories he also lacked the sweet tooth the others had, another connection he didn't have. Take out the context and it does sound like it could be applied to real life, a favoured sibling or student and the other is afraid to talk about their concerns, making it more tragic.
  15. Like
    Solstice reacted to Moogle13 in Which character(s) do you think has the most tragic backstory?   
    Namine is also a contender, depending on what we're calling a backstory. I'm gonna assume that the whole of CoM can be classified as her backstory, considering that was when she was created.
    Namine is frequently called "witch" and eventually ends up calling herself that, even though it's evident she doesn't like it. Marluxia literally threatened to kill her, as well as using her as a human shield against Axel, and he and Larxene see her as a tool to be used. Her early life she was held captive by the Organization XIII, and was consistently threatened, gaslighted, pushed around, etc. Namine was all alone in the world and took that chance to replace herself with Kairi in Sora's memories - before her good nature and conscience made her reveal the truth to him, eventually leading to Sora picking his old memories and Kairi over her, leaving Namine, once again, alone, until Riku shows up. Even then she still had DiZ to contend with.
    Of course in Days and KH2 the sadness isn't over for her; but I'll leave it there because this was just for character's backstory. So if CoM counts as a backstory, Namine has got to be one of the most tragic, even though she didn't have to endure it as long as Marluxia/Aqua/Xehanort did.
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    Solstice got a reaction from 2 quid is good in ITS TIME FOR MY QUIDLINGS TO RETURN   
    The electric squirrel has arrived O.o
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    Solstice got a reaction from Joanie in Last Post Wins!   
    Youre a clever one
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    Solstice got a reaction from Joanie in Last Post Wins!   
    Is that a jojo reference.
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    Solstice got a reaction from MarincoJib in Last Post Wins!   
    Well, the game pretty much stook youtube over for a few months. Everyone and fheir mother obsessed over it.
  21. Like
    Solstice got a reaction from Joanie in Last Post Wins!   
    honestly same.Enjoy your night.
  22. Like
    Solstice got a reaction from Joanie in Last Post Wins!   
    Proably not.
  23. Like
    Solstice got a reaction from Joanie in Last Post Wins!   
    it wasnt bad, but scott needs to let it die.
  24. Like
    Solstice got a reaction from Joanie in Last Post Wins!   
    Well, the game pretty much stook youtube over for a few months. Everyone and fheir mother obsessed over it.
  25. Like
    Solstice got a reaction from Joanie in Last Post Wins!   
    He really hit the bricks when he fell in love with Cawthon's mediocre horror game series.
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