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Everything posted by Solstice

  1. Drawing keyblades is hell. Took me several attempts to get the basic keyblade right.

  2. According to bing NOW EVERYTHING IS MALICIOUS

  3. Going to be honest. Since i dont have money for play arts kai figures, i just name gi joe figures after the characters.

  4. Two words. Riku four.

  5. Happy "nothing in my life decides it wants to work today" day

  6. If pokemon ever got a dark type gym, i want the leader to be xehanort just cause.

    1. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      DARKNESS - Every line of his dialogue.

    2. Solstice


      And his pokemon have names relative to his different versions

  7. Welcome back to another episode of darkness. I win!
  8. Welcome back to another episode of darkness

  9. Kingdom hearts, you have activate my trap card, the game.

  10. Got a discord now. Sylveon#1223, if you wanna add it , i guess.

    1. Ancapikitty


      I'll add you. :) I'm DWMarianne#3341 on Discord


      I'm in two KH servers if you'd like to join those. ^_^

    2. Weedanort


      Don't mind if I do x)

      Le Weed#5276, just for you to know that I added you

    3. Solstice


      The reason im doing this is because my activity on KH13 is near zero, but sure, ill add you both.

  11. Tails is mine, even though i stopped playing sonic a while ago.
  12. Irony. Friends tried to cheer me up, but the thing that made me happy was a picture of roxas hitting a dab

  13. *looks at ps4* sony, can you PLEASE at least lower the cost to a more reasonable level before KH3 releases?

    1. Solstice


      Cheapest one is $299.99 plus tax

    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Feels like a PS5 announcmeant is coming soon though, it's been five (six?) years since the last console.

    3. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Not to mention that the Switch is already here. Gonna maybe be this or next E3 I'll bet

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  14. Kingdom hearts is memes.

  15. Normal is the setting on a dryer.

  16. Theres a few more iveseen that arewnt on the list, so ill put them here. Giratina and the sky warrior Kyurem vs the swords of justice. Arceus and the jewel of life.
  17. FFVII remake looks good.

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