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Everything posted by Solstice

  1. Google i would appreciate it if you stop sending me shipping mangas.

    1. Smithee


      Are any of them unintentionally hilarious?

    2. Solstice
  2. One piece isnt that bad. I have the GBA game and its nice. And roxas only comes with oathkeeper? I guess beggers cant be choosers.
  3. Thats it! "What is it sora?" Ive come up with a new recipe!

  4. Was checking out made in abyss.Now im just going to log off.
  5. This tablet is testing my patience like no tomorroq.

  6. So, one kf the new keyblades is named shooting star according to square enix. *,du du du du du duuuuuuuu*

    1. Joanie
    2. Solstice


      It's late nd im awake

      Staring at the wall

      Open up my window

    3. Xiro


      perfect meme

  7. Also. Im bisexual. :P. Have a good night

    1. Joanie


      Hey, same dude! :P

      Good on ya for coming out. I refuse to say anything to my family.

    2. Merilly


      Good for you, I guess?

  8. I want to write a poem using nothing but kingdom hearts references.

  9. Remembee kids. Recycling is good for the enviorment.

  10. So instead of buying the play arts kai figurines, i justg buy cheaper action figures and givd them names of KH characters.
  11. Well. Its not really xehanort. Just a really old looming action figure called xehanort.(Its hard to put a KH fan on a budget)
  12. Only the winner can summon it.That being said, once you do summon kingdom hearts, you get to go to this arena surrounded by darkness and fight Xehanort.
  13. A good pandering a day keeps the gen1ers at bay.

  14. Yeah, and it could be so if one wielder falls another picks up the keyblade of the fallen and fights with it.
  15. Itll be like the keyblade war! if only eight people participated
  16. You can wear them (or in my case, create a 4 v 4 battle)
  17. Just a small box of 8-10 miniature keyblades.
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