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Gothraven Dovegrace

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About Gothraven Dovegrace

  • Birthday 10/31/1995

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  1. Maybe i could be Ollete or fuu lol jk i would love to read about the rp but my vote is.. To be in one but i see there isn't enough room for everyone. So i'll be a reader.
  2. Hey i have to op out of this Rp and may or may not be back. Sorry Schedule problemos
  3. Hey guys i can't continue in this RP Schedule Problems it hard to even touch my computor with family her and its the family Pc so yeah i hope everyone understands.
  4. Merry Christmas!

    1. Gothraven Dovegrace

      Gothraven Dovegrace

      Sorry about it being late but Merry latemas!

  5. my internet will be off soon So see you guys later! if i can keep it on i'll be back!

    1. Soravids


      Best of luck man. :)

  6. Usagi met eyes with Doctor Kraus and locked in when he said play cards. She crossed her arms and puffed her lip. "I Don't want to play cards," She said with a slur "thats For Old Dying Queens. And i'm a fresh Queen Slash Princess Slash Knight Slash All of the Above!" She had her hands at her hip with one thumb pointed at herself, smiling. She Point at the Jenga Box that was at the Top of the Tv. She Was majorly lacking in height and Dr.kraus was the Definition of tall to her. "Jenga! Junga! Jingi! Jange! Ha!" She sang as she drew near and nearer and came to a halt at Jenga Box. She turned and looked at Dr.kraus. Beckoning him to follow Closely "Get Close Or the Lava Floor will get you and the Trasher!", Of course the Doctor knew she was Speaking of the Janitor, Mr. Earl. Whom she was not very Fond of. She got close to the tv and Tippied herself to reach for the top. all her efforts were Futile and bore no Fruit Or jenga in this case. ~(That will kill you little girl, then i'll make a meal of you like nurse Betty Silly Girl!)~ She could hear the White rabbit murmuring, and since the doctor knew her so well, he'd know that this was the look she got on her face before she went Deep into her Wonderland Psychosis. She turned Slowly, then back at the Jenga. Then Just Pattered away back to her room to see that shade was awake. "Hi shede -Er- Shid -Um- Dobby Flaggin!! Yes Dobby! Hi Dobby!" She said staring at shade from across the room.
  7. R. Ryker;Roaming The Underworld. Ryker was used to roaming the blight of the underworld. Walking through a town the people looked shady like, some of them looking at him, some even giving side glances. Even to the point some seemed like they wanted to rob him. he avoided all of them. a girl strutted up and stammered "You lookin for a be warmer, huh hun?" she said with a raspy smokey voice. she began to cough profusely, so She used her Shaw to wipe her mouth then continue smiling. "Uh, No Sorry. I think i wouldn't Fit your Type" He said while keeping his hands up in the air. "Everyone's my type, For a price" She said as she winked, and Smiled. She barely had any teeth and the tooth she did have was covered in lip stick. "You see that" She pointed at her tooth, "Dis my eaten tooth" . "My point Exactly." He Said in Contrary. The Dirty street lady just spat at his feet in spite and left after 'graciously' touching his shoulder. He shivered And scurried to the nearest bar to duck the view of that Lady. " Ya'll Come back Soon, They always Do!" She said In a shrill and rasp. She gave him a fear that was Grotesque like fungus and unfurled like an infection. When he Entered, The air was Filled with Cigar and ash, the floor slick with Bourbon. Glasses Clinked and overturned whiskey nestled on the basis of the Storey. as it poured out it Splashed, it drizzled to the floor and a poor maid tried to Restore the upkeep of the Finish. 'how poor of a job that is? the Foundation of the Works was build upon ugly. She'd work her life away to clean the foul stench the Establishment Exhaled.' He thought nodding his head in Despair For the poor Waitress. The jabber filled the room. How intoxicating the Rumors and Filth Speak Contain the cliche of the Speak-Easy. The Aroma would have been different if that Final touch was None or lessened. He cleared his throat, the air was a tad too tainted for him, Stood firm and approached the Main Bar. A Patron of the Shamalocke Skittered towards Ryker. the bars name was as Filthy as it was ridden of any charm, but who needed one. "So what's the 411, Uh" He took a moment to look for a name tag. "Phil!" Ryker said in a Pleased Tone. Leaning back in Satisfactions, the man Replied "Phil, who's Phil?" He said with a stoic as stone expression "Ah then i wont ask how.. You.." He stopped And look to a room that was off behind the Bar and Could see to pairs of boots with a mysterious dark puddle next to them. "Ah, yes. Well See, i need Some help." He said with a slight Pain stained Grin. "And i can pay.." Terath Z.; the Shore of palsia.'m%20the%20Next%20to%20Go~.mp3 She Breathes Deeply, in takes fresh air. She didn't know rather the area she was in was safe or not, but the Beach that she was standing before was Gorgeous. The air amazing, She Took a bite out of some Dehydrated Meat before placing it back into her bag. She set her small luggage Down, then Dug a bit into the dirt. She walked up the pier and Traversed the long deck. Upon Sitting at the Fringe of the Dock, She grabbed a hook and held a worm in one hand. placing the Worm on the hook she said to herself "This is how the Food chain should work" As she glared at the worm squirming on the hook. then began to have a flash back of the fires and her people. She cringed and looked away only after did she say "The Fish Eats you, and i eat the fish, But who eats me you ask my dear little worm" She said looking back at the worm yet again "You Do, or atleast your children" stating as she shrugged and acted Smug. "But, for now" She Flicked the worm into the ocean. only using her finger and a glint of webbing. She was Calm and Serene. this is how life should have been. the chain of Command..of life.. but how war Changes that. the smell of burning Flesh started to Slither in. She jolted up, looking around, it was just her senses betraying her. She felt the Line in the Ocean Tug. She only looked down, Preliminary to Reeling the fish instantly to her hand. She stuck the Fish with her two fingers, Pointer and middle, while walking over to her Bag and her tiny Spit. She kicked Dirt into the fire and continued on her travel, She held up the fish Muttering "So did you like Meeting the Worm? Oh Don't be a hypocrite It's Only fair right?" She laughed A Broad. She got Further Till she faded into the brush and only then was it silent. Cornelius Kreed; Current at his Apt. Unit On Oathkeeper "Father.. Father!!!Please mommies not breathing Anymore Daddy! Ahh!!" He Ludged Forward, Abrasively getting to the light beside his bed. Breathing in a short panic and tries to collect himself and Shake off the frigid Sweat he awoke in. "Mila....dana...i'm sorry til this day.. Will i ever awake and you'd be at rest?" He grabbed a Locket out of the dresser Beside him. "why am i left like this..." he tucked his face into the palm of his hand. He was only in pajama pants, and the sweat was rolling Down his Chest and Back. He proceeded to the bathroom To Look himself in the mirror. He smirked, and Went into The Shower. He pressed a few buttons and set different mods. Soon after he had done so, Warm mist shot from the walls of the shower and then Followed by a light Drizzle from the very top of the Shower he was standing in. The water Drizzled into a Firm Rain, then to a pour as it Escalated. He Touched the wall and a seat came out, he sat down as he let the water rinse over him and his Slow dread. He dragged his emotion from a spiral and resumed a neutral mindset after some time has passed in the shower. He stepped out wiping his head with a towel also having one wrapped around his waist. He put all his Stuff in his Satchel and moved for the door. The door automatically opened up and He threw the Towel Of Before transforming into a dog that wore the satchel around it and Shimmied away. Sniffling Towards his needed Destination, he stopped For a bagel And Coffee. He made it up to the Cafeteria and the lady that was working there just smiled and gave him a Bagel in his mouth. "Good day Professor!" She said and he replied with a mumble and Stammer. indistinctive Mutter she Could not understand So she just just nodded and went back to work. He hurried to his little messy, yet Cozy Office. Where he set and placed the bagel on the table. Malikai Khaos; Lost.. *Sigh* "Where the hell do i go from here... i seem have gotten myself lost." He Said Aloud. He Dragged his feet as he walked and his Seven Blade Tapped Each other Behind Him. He has not Seen this Part, of even his time. It wasn't even this Bright. No matter how dark and Bleak this time is. It Compares not to the future. He stopped And Looked up at an ever growing cloud that Stretched Across the sky. He Couldn't tell What Time it was, because there was no Direct Sunlight. Which Aggravated him a Smidgen. His head Heavily fell Downward and to the Side as a guy ran out from the shrub baring an Ax to hack at him. He Didn't get to Get Four Feet near Malikai before Malikai Rose his hand up that held nothing, But Something had Appeared to impale the man. Dribbles of blood Nimbled its way out of his shirt. The Man Coughed in pain, then out of thin air, the Blade had Filled itself into space. It was invisible and the Bandit had ran Vector to the weapon. Not Knowing, he has impaled himself. None the less it was Directly in the heart. Accurate and acute, a shadow-less blade stroke. He Stepped Back and Another man From his side tried to take a swing at him with a scimitar. Malikai Avoided it and it swiped across it face, not even as so much a hair was cut. "Poison..laced.." Malikai Could smell it. Even the type "Neurotoxin..Clever." He said holding the same Expression. The man smiled and rushed Malikai With the venomous Blade Spinning and dancing like the wind curls. He struck and was Blocked. Malikai blocked with his blade reverse. "Yuh showin Off!" The Raider said. Malikai simply Replied "No. Just victorious..." When the Raider Tried to bend his arms, he felt pain and look at his Forearms. they were completely frozen. The Blades had made contact and had Frost bitten the raiders hand. When the Man looked back at Malikai he was gone. Duck to the side and underneath. Malikai had charged his momentum to Do a back flip, While Directly under the mans Extened Arms. using the Force to crush them upon impact. The Blade floated in mid air and Twirled and Malikai became air born and still near the man. He B-twisted, Kicking the Laced Blade into the mans Shoulder. The raider Fell Dead. The other one who had his Sword in his chest was Laying Slain, in the wake Of Malikai. Another more powerful Man, Emerged From behind a tree. "So you tuck Care of those Fools" Malikai just looked at him. he knew what type of person he was. just lurks to see how strong the man he was going to fight. Knowing that the men he had sent out could never have had defeated him. Malikai did not like him, it remind him of 'Himself'. Malikai yawned Before sheathing his blades "Don't turn your back on me. i want you to join me." The Rogue Mongol replied "No, i want nothing from you. but.." Malikai Opened up his shirt And his torso was Riddled with Scars. they look to be burns. He raised his hand and the man Jumped back. Malikai just held his hand out in front of him. His Finger lite up bright Orange, As if it was red hot. He Place his finger gently on his upper torso. it sizzled as he scarred in another two gashes. He then made another one. indicating the man was next. as he stared deeply into the Rogues eye, the rogue Only Saw Fear and death in his. "No.. no! Get away!" he was in vision and of walking distance of his worst fear. Malikai simply Closed his shirt and Vanished after grasping one of his blades. The rogue looked around with a paranoid and skittish gleam ,but certainly felt the presence of the taint air of burnt flesh behind him. All that was left was the sounds of his agony.
  8. Edit: Oh, from the last time i thought you said we can control NPC's but they couldn't do anything towards the plot. so i thought "Hey a One time use Doctor would be fine" Especially it wasn't clear what type of doctor you had (Medical or Psychiatric) And she's need like a Pediatric Doctor so i thought he cut the corners and Save you and me time on the whole Explanation .but yeah sorry..
  9. ( For Krys, Hm they both means a vorpal blade that is used in sacrifices but i like the "Y" variation. i always liked Y's.) (Silly Willy, Find me! you are naught but a worthless Child. And The Closer you Draw, the further you Drown. Silly Sinker, you can't swim. You are, but a rock in my world of aquarium. Of my Desires.. Heh heh heh heh... ) "Okay Usagi that will be all for today" Said a doctor wearing a wool Sweater holding a Metronome. Usagi was Sitting up with two Buckled wrist restraints on her arms in an office. A Doctor Shapiro, was Sitting in a nice Comfy King chair as Usagi would call it. Doctor Shapiro was a older Looking Hebrew gentle man, about in his 40's, Who had his Glasses Attached to A Necklace made of rope. Usagi had answered everything the Doctor asked, Usually she's Distracted or Reluctant to, but the Doctor never answered how Usagi got there. She guessed, The Resident workers must have carried her in there while she was sleeping because she only remembers waking in the room, That or the white rabbit Stole a day from her yet again. Dr.shapiro left the room and Lil' Usagi was Escorted back to her own room. when the resident workers opened the door there was a slight draft of the frigid cold, that pulled in from the other room. This gave her an idea, She had Pretended to drop her marbles and lodged one into the bolt places where the door usually locks while the asylum Workers were picking up the other spilled marbles. The marble was placed Sneakily, and they were none the wiser. The Marble jammed the Door that lead to the Corridors. this would allow her to roam freely in the Asylum. But for now she'd wait. "Usagi, i won't Be playing this game with you today. Stop or no jenga!" Said one of the worker with dark skin and Short hair. the other Just stared, Irritated About the little girls actions. "No, no ,no I will behave!" She said With a child like Whine. "But Don't take my jenga!" She scampered her feet in aggression and out of a temper tantrum Bolt towards her room, the Residents Followed Hastily after her. When they Found her in her room she was just Grinning, standing Directly In the Center. She was holding Something behind her back. "Ugh.. what yo-you G-Got there" The man with the blonde hair said with a slight nervous Stammer and chuckle. He peered into the Room, out of Fear. checking both sides of the door "So you said you'd behave usagi! " Usagi had her feet planted and her grin stretched. She only Twisted her upper torso from left to right very Gently. As she swayed, her dress Swept And the men felt nothing but a sinister and Preternatural Feeling from her. "It's Day Room time anyways." Him Saying Anyways Was Prolonged in pronunciation. "So yeah." "Can i have my jewels!" Usagi interrupted him Slightly. The man checked both Sides of the entrance into her room again, Placed the bag of Marbles on the Floor without breaking eye Contact, before leaving. "Dankyu!!" She said Loudly And Cutesy. Usagi was only wearing a Gown that was blue with pink pigs, but she has had a straight jacket fitted on top of her normal attire. It Kept her warm and she liked her Queens Ball room Dress a lot. Where she can hug her self for as long as she wanted, or so the doctor told her. She stood over her Roomate face and Slowly put her finger by her nose to check if she was breathing, then just smiled before leaving the room. She Ducked out of the room. To see if anyone had got to the Jenga before she had. if someone did she'd be forced to use the playing cards, yet again.. She just thought to herself how Bored she'd be in doing so.
  10. Sorry for adding in a separate post, i just wanted it to be Easier to Quote. Name: 
 Lt.Malikai Khaos (Mr.Khaos / Lt.Khaos) Gender:
 Male Age:
 29.5 Side: Whatever it takes to stop the Empire (His own means) Race:
 Akuma And Raijin. Appearance:
 Weapon (limit of two): The Seven Storms (Which are Seven, Individual Katanas that have been modified with Slots in the Hilts of them to Insert Tanzynite into them/ they are Also High Frequency blades that Portray the Ability of the Slotted Tanzynite. but they have a duration of use. and the blades only read his finger prints.) Uses varies Tanzynite bombs. 
Tanzynite tonics (limit of three):
 Blinding light, Sting of winter and Cyclonic Rush Tanzynite Instigators (limit of three--experimental Tanzynite has a limitation of one, and only with prior approval):
 Houdini, Chameleon, and scamper speed. Race abilities (nothing too great or powerful, please: basic enhancements preferable): Flame AND Lightening Resistance, Can eat fire to enhance Strength and or Stamina. Can Eat Lightening to Increase Speed and Or Senses. His Hair Stays Perfect, always. Demonic appetite, Can eat Flesh or blood (Has To be Alive) to Heal and Beef up his Abilities but is in Constant Need of Flesh or blood to stay sane. Magic (if any--I’m not providing any strict limitations, but please don’t have every possible magic available. If I feel your choices are too strong I may ask you to reduce them):
 Can Summon flames and Lightening But they Only revolve around his hands and he has to make Physical Contact in order to cause ailments, He can't Shot it out. Personality: Orderly, Mindful, Very intelligent, trapper, hunter, Go Getter, Strict, leader type, he doesn't take any form of Disrespect from anyone Evil or good. He's Earned his Position from Hard work. hard work, believes in Hand labor And man power. Diligent and loyal he trust very slow and so few people but when he does, he is a friend to keep. He Is Merciless, and will kill at a moments notice and still sleep like a baby. he can be very Paranoid but he calls it being Cautious. Dewy Eyed/ Very Innocent looking. Hard to please. Not into the Romantic Scene. 
Backstory: In the Distant Future, where the empire Ruled and won the meaningless war. Lt. Khaos was At the top of the active soldiers list. ranking in kills and Captives, But the empire promised once the war was Over the land would know true peace. That once the resistance had fallen, everything would be in Order. He believed this to be true. So he fell in line and did as told. Malakai had friends, though not common for him, he still had them. one of his friends were named Cornelius. He was the niceness that malakai lacked and was the only friend that brought a joy to him. Even though malakai would hate to admit this fact. Cornelius would just call him scared to be happy and leave it as so. Oh, how right he was about malakai. The other never gave his name to him, he was more of a business partner then a friend, But business partner or not that was more then most ever could be. So the war had ended and Malakai had brought in the final group and they were Slain on the spot. he didn't understand he thought there was a process that was suppose to be followed he never questioned it, but Cornelius Did, and was taken away. he went out of his way to find out what had happened to him and they just told him that he had resigned. But in reality they had killed his family and him. On the day that Malakai Found out the Information he never thought of empire the same. His Eyes were finally opened, he saw all the Suffering, pain and Despair the people were in Poverty and only the Rich made Decisions and the poor stepped in line. Any one who stepped or Spoke out were Punished by death or enslavement. The world was the Empires and no one could stop them.. Except Lt Malakai. He new Of a project that was underway, Project Latent. He immediately got to lab and activated the project Latent And as soon as it was activated the Superiors knew and Sent Soldier to malakai. He Fought them all off until the Machine was ready. Unknown if it would work he punched in the date and slashed the machine Counsel. slaying his Fear, HE ran straight into the Blue Irradiating Hole, leaving a Cluster of bombs behind to destroy the machine and all the Blue Prints and Schematics, even the time he went back to. without Doctor Cornelius and or his Research, they never be able to remake the Project again.. Flowing through time, the Flame of the Explosion Followed him. as soon as he landed in time He dashed Away. Immediately after an Explosion followed. he was in a farm area and people were staring at him. here he was much younger he must have aged backwards from the trip here. from Then on, he knew why that he had survived the travel. To change everything and let the world live, not allow it to be burnt to the ground. So, He set off in hope he can Stop it all alone or with friend mattered naught, it was his one true destiny to atone form everything.
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