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About ScepticalShadow

  • Birthday 03/01/1992

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  1. I suppose the similarity between KH2 and KH3 you could argue is how unpredictably information has been released for both games during their marketing. I remember waiting and waiting for KH2 news and at the time no one knew if it would turn up at the big events and more importantly what they would show! The other thing I remember as well about KH2's release is that the Japan release date was announced at TGS 2005 in September...... for December....that is a gap of 2-3 months! For that to happen now would be crazy of course but back then I remember it felt wow thinking we would finally see the game release in just a few months. That won't happen now but both games have had streaks of unpredictability with the way Square and Nomura have released information and when. Also just a note, the Kingdom Hearts event for the Japan D23 is the only KH related thing at that time we will be getting information. I don't believe there is anything else during D23 Japan where that will happen since it will be mostly Disney and Disneyland-focused stuffs.
  2. The thing you have to remember is the game is in the middle of active development. - "This trailer represents a game currently in development." Things are subject to change still at this point and I feel like the 'plastic' look that you mention is due to the look of the models and world not being final yet. Also in terms of your troubles with the vastness of the world, they are setting this Hercules world on Mount Olympus which is a pretty huge place with lots of verticality and height which is showcased well in the trailer. I got the plastic look feeling too as well from the in game cutscene at the beginning and the end of the trailer but this is still all work in progress and I wouldn't worry too much about how the game looks when it is more than a year out. We haven't even seen any decent chunk of the story yet too which is what I am more concerned about at this point.
  3. It's a bit difficult as we are in a different time to when KH2 was doing its marketing push. KH2 had a reveal trailer at TGS 03 and then we heard nothing about the game at all until a year later in 04 when a new trailer showed up and then subsequently at the big events in 2005 we started getting more semi-regular stuff. But KH2 didn't have engine problems and a director who has work spanning over multiple big projects so it's a little different this time. That said if we have a release year by the end of this year for 2016 then both games would have ended up having similar 3 year developing/marketing cycles. Just depends on what happens at both D23's, TGS and Jump Festa this year.
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