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Everything posted by soraspromise

  1. In Game Informer's review for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, it is stated that Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage- ends with a lengthy cutscene that presumably leads into the beginning of Kingdom Hearts III. Gameinformer describes the scene as characters "embarking on the next part of their journey" and that the scene overall moves the story forward. What do you think we'll see at the end of Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-? Let us know in the comments below! Click here to view the article
  2. In Game Informer's review for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, it is stated that Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage- ends with a lengthy cutscene that presumably leads into the beginning of Kingdom Hearts III. Gameinformer describes the scene as characters "embarking on the next part of their journey" and that the scene overall moves the story forward. What do you think we'll see at the end of Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-? Let us know in the comments below!
  3. In an extended version of Dengeki PlayStation's interview with Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura, the question was asked of whether or not Kingdom Hearts III would also have customization as a game feature. Tetsuya Nomura answered that it would be considered depending on the reaction towards the feature in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage- as well as the consideration of whether or not they have the time to implement it. You can find the direct quote from the interview below, with translations thanks to Catherine Mueller (nichiei.translations@gmail.com). Would you like to see customization in Kingdom Hearts III? Let us know in the comments! Click here to view the article
  4. In an extended version of Dengeki PlayStation's interview with Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura, the question was asked of whether or not Kingdom Hearts III would also have customization as a game feature. Tetsuya Nomura answered that it would be considered depending on the reaction towards the feature in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage- as well as the consideration of whether or not they have the time to implement it. You can find the direct quote from the interview below, with translations thanks to Catherine Mueller (nichiei.translations@gmail.com). Would you like to see customization in Kingdom Hearts III? Let us know in the comments!
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