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Seeker Of Nothingness

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Everything posted by Seeker Of Nothingness

  1. Guys, I'd like to give you my own opinion about Xehanort's baldness, but I just can't stop laughing, really I just can't ^^^^^^ this is waaaaaaaaay too funny... another question Nomura will have to answer by the end of KH3
  2. I just don't want Xehanort to die this is my humble request and then, given that in KH no one really dies, why should Xehanort?? I know he needs to be stopped, but that doesn't mean he has to be killed
  3. Well, congrats! I wanted to max out all of Sora's stats as well but... I went for Magic first, then Defense but it takes too long to max out even attack... I mean, beating Data Xemnas every time is a pain in the ass... that's true he's not that strong but hey... it's a bit boring
  4. I WOULD WATCH IT FOR SURE!! An entire movie about Xehanort and how he became the badass character he's now?!?! I'm damned right when I say I would watch it! Love it ^^ Awesome idea SorRik Anyway I also hope we're gonna discover all of the reasons behind Xehanort's evil ways in KH3, how he got to train with its 2 former friends at the LoD, when he started to get closer and closer to Darkness... I mean, I wanna know everything about him!
  5. Yes I would, as Master Xehanort's pupil Darkness, give me strength!
  6. Welcoooooooooome :) Enjoy your stay here!
  7. Wish there really was a game like this: a KH related Dissidia... or at least something like that! That battle really looks amazing!
  8. Wow, that's amazing!! Very well done!
  9. I agree, the more challenges KH3 offers, the merrier! But maybe just members from the True Organization XIII, the "fake ones" already had their moment of glory in KH2.5
  10. Well who knows... Even though I'm not that sure they will, cuz Aqua is trapped in the Realm Of Darkness (maybe even her hairstyle will be the same as it was when she fell into Darkness since in the RoD there is no passing of time, is there?), Ven's been asleep all time and Terra... who the hell knows where Terra is? So... I'm not that positive about this change, even though I hope there will be some!
  11. Ben Diskin's work as YX's VA is simply amazing; even without knowing that much about his character's true ways/plans, Diskin's always been able to convey through his (marvelous) voice that sense of mistery surrounding YX... not to mention Diskin sounds cunning as well while voicing YX and this is pretty good for such a sly character! Anyway, to put it briefly: awesome job, Diskin!
  12. KH1's gummiship customization was a pain in the ass, I absolutely agree with Tails... If I have to say it, I actually never liked all of the gummiship thing but I admit KH2 made it easier to understand and more enjoyable than KH1... but keep in mind this is just my own opinion! I prefered 3D's dives and BBS's Keyblade Gliding, so I hope something similar will show up in KH3 (even if we also need to keep in kind that Donald and Goofy will follow as well)
  13. Welcome! If you like KH, you'll surely enjoy your stay!
  14. Man, this is crazy lmao I really thought Xiggy had given up his evil ways but... that was just a joke. Xiggy, you clown!
  15. Lmao ^^ I believe maybe Ghost misunderstood KeybladeLordSora's description of his "perfect woman"... =D Anyway I agree with Ghost lol
  16. Thank you! I'm sure I will, here we all share the same love for KH so... yeah
  17. Riku found the true way not to succumb to Darkness... snickers.
  18. Hi guys, thank you so much! Don't worry Javelin, I'll leave Kairi alone, I promise! =D
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