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Diane Marie

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About Diane Marie

  • Birthday 08/30/1992

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  1. Sure, Diane! I’d LOVE for you to draw my Avatar!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Diane Marie

      Diane Marie


      Sorry for the late reply.


      Unmm. .are you alright if its a paid commission? You dont have too if you dont want.

    3. Diane Marie

      Diane Marie


      Sorry for the too many replies!

    4. Jingilator


      Um…sorry, I don’t have any money. Is it okay if it’s a free commission?

  2. Anybody interested in a me drawing a commission of your KHUX avatar? Send me a message :3

  3. A late Kh Anniversary Special doodle
  4. Diane Marie

    KH Orchestra Sora

    Sora is so adorable in his suit.
  5. Diane Marie

    Sea-salt Trio

    An old doodle I did last year.
  6. Diane Marie

    Happy New Year 2017!

    A blessed new year everyone!
  7. Merry Christmas Everyone!
  8. Diane Marie

    Light vs Darkness

    I wonder if Sora will get to fight against Vanitas in KH3? We'll just have to wait and see.
  9. Diane Marie

    A Ray of Hope.

    A quick doodle to celebrate the newest KH2.8 trailer! So hype for it! X3
  10. Diane Marie

    Aqua's Guardians.

    just a random doodle of Aqua with the trio.
  11. Diane Marie

    Group Huggies!

    My KHUX Avatar with her close friends. I got bored....Hehe....
  12. Diane Marie

    Roxas and Papyrus

    Here's an old crossover doodle I did with KH and Undertale. I love this two games!
  13. hey everyone! Anybody love artworks of KH here? I'll be doing some in my tumblr account. Im pretty new to tumblr and i could use a few friends too. Thankies! Heres the link :https://deidraizubaki1005.tumblr.com/

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