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Everything posted by WyvernHuntress

  1. Name: Katidara Finch Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Katidara is of moderate height, is decently tan, and has cat-like green eyes. Her dirty blonde hair borders strongly upon brown, falling to her shoulder blades in elegant ringlets. She possesses a few freckles, mainly sprinkled across her hawkish nose and broad forehead. With large square glasses, she mildly resembles an owl, and wears a June beetle preserved in glass on a black cord around her neck. Usually, she wears an open, red blazer jacket, revealing a casual shirt and jeans, deck always faithfully in her pocket. Bio: Kat was the daughter of a chancellor, went to an amazing dueling school, and thought she was one of the best up until recently. Reality slapped her in the face when she overheard some girls in the hall talking about her horrible skills and how they were taking it easy on her because of her father. With that shock, she began distancing herself from her "friends" and practiced alone and disguised in the streets of Domino City. Now, she feels she must redeem herself, improve, and find her true skills as a duelist. DN account: WyvernHuntress Signature Monster: Ryko lightsworn hunter Dimensions: Synchro Deck List: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Set_Card_Lists:Realm_of_Light_Structure_Deck_(TCG-EN) plus kuriboh and damage eater Duel Disk: She alternates: Kat possesses a crimson duel disk with a white edge, which has poems and inspirational quotes on the top written in golden, elegant calligraphy; also, a white duel runner rather like Crow's with red edges and golden roses painted along the rims. Duel Level: Kinda in the middle Deck: Realm of Light
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