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Derek Abraham

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Everything posted by Derek Abraham

  1. But I really like Kairi with longer hair, please don't do it square,
  2. But I just found him much more older than Eraqus, which leads me to think that Eraqus could have been his apprentice
  3. For the people who are on the boat of 'I don't have a PS3 anymore so I can't play the KH remix' I would seriously look into emulating the game. Mid range computers could easily pull off K2 (i5) and even lower can pull off BBS. The settings then can be changed to achieve PS3 graphics... And if your PC can handle it... even better. You don't even need a full blown gaming PC
  4. Hehe my topic title does sound real dumb, but I'm still going to say that Kairis Grandma has something much more to offer in the series.
  5. Yeah of course I was just putting down a possibility that occurred to me down somewhere. KH is a series of curve balls so who knows
  6. Upon a closer look its actually Vanitas' sign in KH3. Sorry I can't find a picture but if you look at it closely it is his sign. As stated by other users, it probably represents the Vanitas that died in KHBbs
  7. We have all been accustomed too a trio in every Kingdom Hearts game that features one female and two males. I do think this topic might have been discussed but what do you guys think about Kairi's grandma being Eraqus and Xehanorts missing link for their 'squad' Do you think we'll see more of her background in KH3? She seems to be their same age group and maybe even Yen Did could have been a mentor for them like Eraqus is for Ven, Aqua and Terra. Is this a possibility?
  8. That is a good call, but by rainstorm do you mean rainfell? Thanks for that extra angle that does kinda conclude it is indeed Aqua, but Lea's chess piece is still a mystery
  9. So truee (⊙_☉) I don't know whether to be sad or not
  10. EXACTLY... Its been bugging me that I can't pin point where that shape is from, it resembles something like a meteor
  11. I always loved the idea of playing as Eraqus, but I can't see him getting a main playable role. However Nomura has said that the chess scene in the trailer will be the first scene in KH3. So I was thinking the tutorial can be us playing as Young Eraqus or 'Baby' Xehanort.
  12. Fair nuff but I'm still finding it hard to conclude that number 6 is Stormfall's keychain however that is the most reasonable option
  13. That is true but notice the little flame monster, maybe the hole in the middle is just the face, Why they would cut out the face only,I'm not too sure
  14. I can't be the only person here who has barely ANYONE to talk about KH, I friggen hate it. That's why I joined KH13 today,

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Veemon


      You (hopefully) won't regret joining! Keep a positive filter in your conversations and stuff, and you'll have alot of interesting things to talk about KH-related! :D

      Enjoy joining KH13! :)

    3. Nick Sideris

      Nick Sideris

      Just post on the forums and you'll be alright .

    4. Javelin434


      Kingdom hearts? Never heard of it xD

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Hey guys, I'm new to this site, I'll introduce myself later but let me skip to the chase. After reading 9 pages of the KH3 Chess Piece analysis I might have picked up on something others may have skipped ( Please forgive me if this becomes your waste of time) Many people thought that this piece was Aquas Stormfall keychain... http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy230/ShardofTruth/Other%20KH%20stuff/Chess%20Pieces%20KHIII.png I'm talking about Number 6 But could it be Lea's logo on his KHBBS frisbee? http://www.khwiki.com/images/5/58/Lea_Frisbee.png This was just my Lil' (probably stupid) thought and I figured why not let it be my first post
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